Page 105 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 105

3 期           童升洪等: 长春花(Catharanthus roseus)对热带珊瑚岛生理生态适应性研究                                3 8 5

       Abstract: Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae) is a subshrub plant with important medicinal and ornamental values. In
       the previous experimental plantingꎬ we found that C. roseus had good adaptability to the environment on tropical coral
       islands. In order to explore the ecological and physiological adaptabilities of C. roseus to tropical coral island environ ̄
       mentꎬ we investigated the morphological and anatomical structuresꎬ physiological characteristicsꎬ and nutrient element
       contents of C. roseus were analyzed by taking samples from a nursery in Wenchang Cityꎬ Hainan Province and those
       transplanted to tropical coral island as study objects. The results were as follows: (1) C. roseus transplanted to tropical
       coral island had thicker leavesꎬ more developed palisade tissueꎬ and lower specific leaf area than that growing in nursery
       and other stress ̄tolerant plantsꎬ which were beneficial to its light energy absorptionꎬ water storage and resource utiliza ̄
       tion. (2) Compared with C. roseus grown in the nurseryꎬ C. roseus transplanted to tropical coral island had higher level of
       superoxide dismutase (SOD)ꎬ peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activitiesꎬ indicating a strong antioxidant enzyme
       activity and anti ̄stress ability of this species. (3) Howeverꎬ C. roseus transplanted to tropical coral island had low chlo ̄
       rophyll a and chlorophyll b contentsꎬ which could reduce excessive light energy into the chloroplast photosynthetic system
       and prevent excess light energy from harming the photosynthetic system. (4) Though the coral sand soil that C. roseus
       growing has a low nutrient contentꎬ the nutrient content in C. roseus leaves was highꎬ indicating a good capacity in ab ̄
       sorbing and utilizing nutrients of this species. Thereforeꎬ C. roseus had a good adaptability to arid and barren habitatsꎬ
       and could be used as a tool species for revegetation restoration on tropical coral islands.
       Key words: Catharanthus roseusꎬ ecological and physiological adaptabilitiesꎬ tropical coral islandꎬ revegetation restoration

       长 春 花 ( Catharanthus roseus) 为 夹 竹 桃 科        领域的热点和国际上研究和应用最多的抗癌植物
   (Apocynaceae)长春花属( Catharanthus) 亚灌木植             药源ꎬ并被确定为研究植物次生代谢的模式植物
   物ꎬ又名金盏草、四时春、日日新、雁头红、三万花                           之一(周忆堂ꎬ2008)ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内外对长春花的研
   等ꎮ 株高一般在 30 ~ 60 cm 之间ꎬ茎直立且近方                     究主要集中在体内代谢及次生代谢产物中具有抗
   形ꎬ有条纹ꎬ灰绿色ꎬ基部基常常木质化ꎬ节间长为                           癌作用的多种生物碱的药理研究( 周忆堂ꎬ2008)、
   1 ~ 3.5 cmꎮ 叶对生ꎬ倒卵状长圆形ꎬ膜质ꎬ长为 3 ~                  生物碱代谢(杨致荣等ꎬ2014)、生物碱合成和半合
   4 cmꎬ宽为 1.5 ~ 2.5 cmꎬ叶片全缘且两面光滑、无                  成(Mujib et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻOlivia et al.ꎬ 2012)、单一因

   毛ꎬ主叶脉明显(图 1:A)ꎮ 聚伞花序腋生或顶生ꎬ                        素的逆 境 胁 迫 ( Cartmill et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻ 刘 柿 良 等ꎬ
   花 2 ~ 3 朵ꎮ 花冠裂片 5 枚ꎬ有多种颜色ꎬ常见为红                    2013)、生活史型形成和生理代谢( 唐中华ꎬ2006)
   色、粉红、紫红或白色等( 图 1:B)ꎬ花冠筒无毛或                        等方面ꎮ
   稍有微柔毛ꎮ 雄蕊着生于花冠筒的上半部ꎬ但花                                热带珊瑚岛屿由于生境条件特殊且恶劣( 高
   药隐藏于花喉之内ꎬ与柱头离生ꎮ 蓇葖双生ꎬ直                            盐、强碱、高温、强光、干旱、贫瘠)ꎬ大陆及近大陆

   立ꎬ平行或略叉开ꎬ长约 2.5 cmꎬ直径 3 mm( 图 1:                  海岛的普通植物种类极难生长定居ꎮ 把珊瑚岛恢
   C)ꎮ 种子黑色ꎬ长圆状圆筒形ꎬ两端截形ꎬ具有颗                          复或建成可持续发展的绿色宜居生态岛ꎬ需要大
   粒状小 瘤ꎮ 花 期、 果 期 几 乎 全 年 ( 中 国 植 物 志ꎬ              量适生的工具种植物( 简曙光和任海ꎬ2017)ꎮ 长
   1977ꎻ常博文ꎬ2016)ꎮ 长春花原产于非洲东部ꎬ现                      春花有较好的观赏、药用价值ꎬ对干旱、贫瘠等环境
   广泛栽培于热带和亚热带地区ꎬ我国华南、华东、                            胁迫适生性好ꎬ是潜在的珊瑚岛礁植被构建工具种ꎮ
   西南等地有栽培ꎮ 长春花性喜高温高湿ꎬ喜光ꎬ耐                               目前ꎬ国内外对于长春花在热带珊瑚岛环境
   半阴ꎬ在温暖和阳光充足环境生长较好( 周忆堂ꎬ                           条件下的生理生态学特性研究未有涉及ꎬ从而限
   2008ꎻ简曙光和任海ꎬ2017)ꎮ                                制了该物种的进一步开发利用ꎮ 本文以生长在海
       长春花因其花形优美且花期长ꎬ是一种广受                           南省文昌市苗圃的长春花为对照ꎬ分析被移植到
   欢迎的观赏植物ꎮ 作为一种传统的民间药用植                             热带珊瑚岛环境的长春花叶片形态解剖学特征、
   物ꎬ长春花常被用来治疗疟疾、腹泻、糖尿病、高血                           叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶活性、营养元素含量等ꎬ探
   压、皮肤病及何杰金氏病( 祖元刚等ꎬ2006)ꎮ 此                        讨长春花如何通过调节其形态结构和生理属性适
   外ꎬ长春花含有的 100 多种生物碱是目前应用最                          应热带珊瑚岛的极端环境ꎬ旨在为该物种在严酷
   广的天然植物抗肿瘤药物ꎬ成为近年来生物制药                             生境下的引种、栽培及开发利用提供科学依据ꎮ
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