Page 69 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 69

3 期                   黄依依等: 真红树植物和半红树植物叶片性状的比较研究                                           3 4 9

    A. 卤蕨叶片上表皮ꎬ示 Cu 和 Ewꎻ B. 卤蕨叶片纵切面ꎬ示 Cu、Hy、Pt 和 Stꎻ C. 卤蕨叶片下表皮ꎬ示 Ew 和 Sꎻ D. 桐花树叶片上表
    皮ꎬ示 Cu、Ew 和 Sgꎻ E. 桐花树叶片纵切面ꎬ示 Cu、Hy、Pt 和 Stꎻ F. 桐花树叶片下表皮ꎬ示 Ew、S 和 Sgꎻ G. 老鼠簕叶片上表皮ꎬ示
    Cu、Ew 和 Sgꎻ H. 老鼠簕叶片纵切面ꎬ示 Cu、Hy、Pt 和 Stꎻ I. 老鼠簕叶片下表皮ꎬ示 Ew、S 和 Sgꎻ J. 木榄叶片上表皮ꎬ示 Cu 和 Ewꎻ
    K. 木榄叶片纵切面ꎬ示 Cu、Hy、Pt 和 Stꎻ L. 木榄叶片下表皮ꎬ示 Ew 和 Sꎻ M. 秋茄叶片上表皮ꎬ示 Cu 和 Ewꎻ N. 秋茄叶片纵切面ꎬ
    示 Cu、Hy、Pt 和 Stꎻ O. 秋茄叶片下表皮ꎬ示 Ew 和 S ꎮ Cu. 角质层ꎻ Ew. 蜡质层ꎻ Hy. 内皮层ꎻ Pt. 栅栏组织ꎻ S. 气孔ꎻ Sg. 盐腺ꎻ
    St. 海绵组织ꎮ 标尺:A-Fꎬ H-O = 100 μmꎻ G = 200 μmꎮ
    A. Leaf upper epidermis of Acrostichum aureumꎬ showing Cu and Ewꎻ B. Leaf transverse section of A. aureumꎬ showing Cuꎬ Hyꎬ Pt and Stꎻ
    C. Leaf lower epidermis of A. aureumꎬ showing Ew and Sꎻ D. Leaf upper epidermis of Aegiceras corniculatumꎬ showing Cuꎬ Ew and Sgꎻ E. Leaf
    transverse section of A. corniculatumꎬ showing Cuꎬ Hyꎬ Pt and Stꎻ F. Leaf lower epidermis of A. corniculatumꎬ showing Ewꎬ S and Sgꎻ G. Leaf
    upper epidermis of Acanthus ilicifoliusꎬ showing Cuꎬ Ew and Sgꎻ H. Leaf transverse section of A. ilicifoliusꎬ showing Cuꎬ Hyꎬ Pt and Stꎻ I. Leaf
    lower epidermis of A. ilicifoliusꎬ showing Ewꎬ S and Sgꎻ J. Leaf upper epidermis of Bruguiera gymnorrhizaꎬ showing Cu and Ewꎻ K. Leaf trans ̄
    verse section of B. gymnorrhizaꎬ showing Cuꎬ Hyꎬ Pt and Stꎻ L. Leaf lower epidermis of B. gymnorrhizaꎬ showing Ew and Sꎻ M. Leaf upper
    epidermis of Kandelia candelꎬ showing Cu and Ewꎻ N. Leaf transverse section of K. candelꎬ showing  Cuꎬ Hyꎬ Pt and Stꎻ O. Leaf lower epi ̄
    dermis of K. candelꎬ showing Ew and S. Cu. Cuticleꎻ Ew. Epicuticular waxꎻ Hy. Hypodermisꎻ Pt. Palisade tissueꎻ S. Stomataꎻ Sg. Salt
    glandsꎻ St. Spongy tissue. Scale bars: A-Fꎬ H-O= 100 μmꎻ G= 200 μm.
                            图版 1  5 种真红树植物植物叶片解剖结构扫描电镜图
           Plate 1  Leaf anatomical structure of five true mangrove species under a scanning electron microscope
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