Page 99 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 99
4 期 张林甦等: 阴地蕨全转录组分析及植物激素信号转导相关基因筛选 5 3 7
ZHAND Linsu ꎬ HAN Zhongyaoꎬ WANG Chuanmingꎬ DENG Xiankuo
( Department of Pharmacyꎬ Qiannan Medical College for Nationalitiesꎬ Duyun 558000ꎬ Guizhouꎬ China )
Abstract: Botrychium ternatum is a commonly used folk medicinal plantꎬ its growth and development have some typical
representative characteristics of some fern plants. But researches on it mainly focus on chemical constituentsꎬ clinical and
pharmacological effectsꎬ classification and distribution investigationꎬ few about its molecular biology.Plant hormone is a
sort of small signal molecular and has very important function to plant growth and developmentꎬ and plant hormone signal
transduction plays a key role in hormonal equilibrium. To obtain related informationꎬ Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform was
used to perform transcriptome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were carried out afterwards. Results showed 6.67
Gb clean reads was obtained and 58 646 Unigenes were assembled with an average length of 1 023 bp. Unigenes were an ̄
notated in nonredundant protein database (NR)ꎬ nucleotide sequence database (NT)ꎬ gene ontology (GO)ꎬ clusters of
eukaryotic orthologous groups (COG)ꎬ Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG)ꎬSwissprot and Interpro data ̄
bases with an overall annotation rate of 69.25%.Through GO annotationꎬ 20 762 genes were annotated to three terms and
52 functional groups. A total of 20 633 genes were divided into 25 functional cluster by COG annotation. Through KEGG
analysisꎬ 29 377 genes were mapped to five groups and nineteen sub ̄groups pathways. In additionꎬ 41 gene families re ̄
lated to eight plant hormone signal transduction pathways were screened. Through BLAST and ESTScanꎬ 43 102 coding
sequences (CDS) were foundꎬ with average length 749 bpꎬ N50 1 137. 60 transcript factor gene families with total 1 520
genes were screened outꎬ including C3Hꎬ MYBꎬMYB ̄relatedꎬ bHLHꎬAP2 ̄EREBPꎬWRKY and GRAS. 17 195 single ̄
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were foundꎬ including 11 122 transitions and 6 073 transversion. And 8 245 simple se ̄
quence repeats were foundꎬ among them di ̄nucleotide repeats and tri ̄nucleotide repeats rank the top two
abundance. These data sets provide functional and structural information of global transcriptome and putative genes invol ̄
ving plant hormone signal transductionꎬ and basic data for further research on the growthꎬ development and variety iden ̄
tification of B. ternatum.
Key words: Botrychium ternatumꎬ transcriptomeꎬ plant hormoneꎬ signal transductionꎬ gene screening
植物激素是一类信号小分子ꎬ对于植物的生 物激素还可通过表观遗传调控促进开花ꎬ如赤霉
长发育起着重要作用ꎬ其通过植物激素信号转导 素、茉莉酸、脱落酸和生长素对 DNA 甲基化、组蛋
系统发挥作用ꎬ即内因或外因可促使一系列植物 白翻译后修饰介导的染色质压缩起重要作用从而
激素基因诱导和表达ꎬ作用于相应的激素受体或 影响开花( Campos ̄Rivero et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 另外ꎬ在
组件ꎬ最终显现出不同的性状( 苏谦等ꎬ2008)ꎮ 常 植物应对土壤病原菌侵害时也进化出复杂的激素
见的植物激素有生长素、细胞分裂素、赤霉素、脱 信号网络来保护自身( Berens et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 可见
落酸、乙烯、油菜内酯素、茉莉酸和水杨酸等ꎬ在这 植物的激素信号转导系统对植物的生长发育、防
些激素信号转导系统中有的受体或关键组分因互 御、环境适应等具有重要意义ꎮ
作(interact) 或串话( crosstalk) 会产生协同或拮抗 阴地蕨(Botrychium ternatum)ꎬ又名一朵云、小
的作用而使信号途径网络化( Ohri et al.ꎬ 2015)ꎮ 春花、蛇不见、郎萁细辛、独脚蒿、冬草等ꎬ属于阴
比如光信号可以通过与生长素信号途径发生串话 地蕨科阴地蕨属ꎬ一年生草本药用植物ꎬ多以孢子
从而调控根的发育( Kumari & Panigrahiꎬ 2019)ꎬ 进行繁殖ꎬ其生长发育具有一定的代表性ꎮ 在我
光敏色素作用因子( PIFs) 可以响应赤霉素、油菜 国民间ꎬ尤其是贵州、福建等地常用的一种中草
内酯素、茉莉酸、生长素吲哚乙酸( IAA)、脱落酸、 药ꎬ因其具有清热解毒、止咳、止血等功效ꎬ主要用
乙烯等信号途径ꎬ通过这个“ 枢纽” 分子将激素信 于小儿高热惊搐、肺热咳嗽、咳血、百日咳、毒蛇咬
号途径联成了复杂的网络( 任小芸等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 植 伤、目赤火眼、目生翳障等( 齐建红ꎬ2012ꎻ赵俊华