Page 75 - 《广西植物》2022年第12期
P. 75
12 期 马筱等: 不同入侵程度紫茎泽兰碳氮磷生态化学计量特征研究 2 0 6 5
( 1. Key Laboratory of Subtropical Medicinal Edible Resources Development and Utilization in Yunnan Provinceꎬ College of
Biology and Chemistryꎬ Puer Universityꎬ Puer 665000ꎬ Yunnanꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. School of Life Sciences and
Food Engineeringꎬ Hanshan Normal Universityꎬ Chaozhou 521041ꎬ Guangdongꎬ China )
Abstract: Ageratina adenophora is an invasive plant with great ecological harm. In order to explore the stoichiometric
characteristicsꎬ nutritional strategy and successful invasion mechanism of A. adenophora with different degrees of mild
invasionꎬ moderate invasion and severe invasionꎬ we measured carbon(C)ꎬ nitrogen(N)ꎬ phosphorus(P)contents and
their stoichiometric characteristics of soilsꎬ plant nutritive organs and comparing these with a coexisting native speciesꎬ
Crotalaria linifolia. The results were as follows : (1) The contents of N and P in the leaves of A. adenophora were
significantly greater than those in the roots and stems in the three invasive degreesꎬ indicating that N and P elements
were more allocated to the leaves to increase resource acquisition and rapid growth. (2) Stem N ∶ P<root N ∶ P<leaf
N ∶ P of A. adenophora in the three invasive degreesꎬ and the stem N ∶ P of moderate invasion was significantly higher
than that of mild invasionꎬ suggesting that the greatest relative growth could occur in stem during invasion to absorb more
resources and increase competitiveness. (3) P contents in stems and rootsꎬ C ∶ N in nutritive organs of A. adenophora
were significantly higher than that of C. linifolia. C ∶ Pꎬ N ∶ P in both stems and roots of A. adenophora were
significantly lower than that of C. linifoliaꎬ implying that A. adenophora had strong utilization but low requirements of
resources. (4) Significant positive correlations were found between stem C and leaf Cꎬ and between stem N and leaf N of
A. adenophoraꎬ while there was a significant negative correlation between stem C ∶ P and root C ∶ Pꎬ indicating a trade ̄
off between growth and storage of energy and resource allocation. The study suggests that A. adenophora may increase the
allocation and utilization of the aboveground resources during invasionꎬ which is conducive to rapid growthꎬ and at the
same timeꎬ it has higter utilization but lower requirements of resource demandꎬ which all contribute to increase
competitiveness and successful invasion of A. adenophora.
Key words: Ageratina adenophoraꎬ ecological stoichiometric characteristicsꎬ invasion degreeꎬ nutrient utilization
strategyꎬ abandoned farmland
紫 茎 泽 兰 ( Ageratina adenophora ) 为 菊 科 生态化学计量学的研究在于阐释生物化学元
(Asteraceae) 多年生草本ꎬ原产于美洲 ( 中国植物 素组成及其生长繁殖之间的关系ꎬ通过分析生态
志ꎬ 1985)ꎮ 紫茎泽兰作为一种在热带、亚热带地区 相互作用过程能量和元素的平衡来实现( González
均有分布的入侵植物ꎬ在 30 多个国家和地区造成不 et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 植物的生长与生理代谢活动离不
良后果(强胜ꎬ 1998ꎻ 李霞霞等ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 在我国ꎬ因 开蛋白质、核酸、磷脂、三磷酸腺苷( triphosadenineꎬ
紫茎泽兰的入侵而造成的林业、农业、畜牧业等产 ATP)等物质ꎬ而碳( carbonꎬC)、氮( nitrogenꎬN)、
业损失巨大ꎬ成为侵染性最强的外来植物(Wang & 磷(phosphorusꎬP)作为这些重要物质的主要元素ꎬ
Wangꎬ 2006ꎻ 陈军等ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 紫茎泽兰在中国最 与植 物 的 生 存 息 息 相 关 ( 贺 金 生 与 韩 兴 国ꎬ
早报道于 20 世纪 40 年代ꎬ来源于云南省中缅边境 2010)ꎮ 植物在生境中的养分吸收和利用情况可
地区(强胜ꎬ 1998)ꎬ我国原环保总局在 2003 年将其 以由生态化学计量特征反映出来( Elserꎬ 2006)ꎮ
列入最重要的 16 种外来入侵生物名单(肖正清等ꎬ 对入侵植物而言ꎬC、N、P 化学计量特征可以表征
2009)ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内外针对紫茎泽兰开展的研究主 其 生 长 速 率 和 入 侵 扩 张 能 力 ( Elserꎬ 2006ꎻ
要集中在生物生态学特征(Sang et al.ꎬ 2010ꎻ Wang Demars & Edwardsꎬ 2007ꎻ González et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ
et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻ 张红香与周道玮ꎬ 2016)、基因与遗传 在叶片 N、P 含量及其化学计量特征方面开展研
(周凌娟ꎬ 2006ꎻ 宫伟娜ꎬ 2009ꎻ 杨林秀等ꎬ 2017)、 究ꎬ对明确生态系统中入侵植物及本土植物的养
化感作用(成思轩等ꎬ 2020ꎻ 刘朦等ꎬ 2020)、入侵的 分分配机制( 王满莲和冯玉龙ꎬ 2005)ꎬ探究入侵
生态效应(Xin et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻ 江聪等ꎬ 2019ꎻ 柳旭等ꎬ 物种与生境中土壤 N、P 有效性关系等方面具有重
2019)、防治与利用( 朱文达等ꎬ 2013ꎻ 李余钊等ꎬ 要价值(陆建忠等ꎬ 2005ꎻ 于兴军等ꎬ 2005)ꎮ 入
2020)等方面ꎮ 侵物种的成功入侵与其较快的生长速率和较强的