Page 69 - 《广西植物》2022年第3期
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Guihaia Mar. 2022ꎬ 42(3): 413-421
DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202101059
赵国胜ꎬ 李伏生ꎬ 农梦玲. 等氮滴灌对宿根蔗产量及土壤氧化亚氮排放的影响 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 2022ꎬ 42(3): 413-421.
ZHAO GSꎬ LI FSꎬ NONG ML. Effects of fertigation under equal nitrogen on ratoon yield and nitrous oxide emissions in soil [J].
Guihaiaꎬ 2022ꎬ 42(3): 413-421.
赵国胜ꎬ 李伏生ꎬ 农梦玲 ∗
( 广西大学 农学院ꎬ 南宁 530004 )
摘 要: 为得到合理的水肥管理措施ꎬ研究等氮量下不同滴灌施肥比例对宿根蔗产量以及不同生育期蔗田土
壤氧化亚氮(N O)通量和无机氮含量的影响ꎬ并分析蔗田土壤 N O 通量与无机氮含量之间的关系ꎮ 该文以自
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然降雨 W 为对照ꎬ设置 2 种滴灌灌水量水平 W (田间持水量的 75%)和 W (田间持水量的 85%)ꎬ等量氮肥
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(N 300 kghm )下设 4 种滴灌施肥比例 F (100%基肥)、F (50%基肥ꎬ50%滴灌追肥)、F (30%基肥ꎬ70%
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滴灌追肥)、F (10%基肥ꎬ90%滴灌追肥)ꎬ测定不同处理宿根蔗产量、农艺性状(单茎重、株高、蔗茎直径、公顷
有效茎数)、3 个生育期蔗田土壤 N O 通量以及土壤硝态氮、亚硝态氮和铵态氮的含量ꎮ 结果表明:(1)W F
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和 W F 处理甘蔗产量较高ꎬ分别为 102.4 thm 和 97.8 thm ꎻ相同灌水量下 F 处理土壤 N O 排放通量较
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低ꎮ (2)蔗田土壤 N O 通量与土壤铵态氮含量之间呈显著负相关ꎬ相关系数为-0.497(P<0.05ꎬn = 24)ꎻ合理
的滴灌施肥比例能有效提高甘蔗产量并减少土壤 N O 的排放ꎮ 因此认为ꎬ等氮条件下滴灌施肥比例为 5 ∶ 5
的处理ꎬ不仅宿根蔗相对高产ꎬ而且能减少蔗田土壤 N O 的排放ꎮ
关键词: 氧化亚氮ꎬ 甘蔗生产ꎬ 无机氮ꎬ 灌溉施肥ꎬ N O 排放
中图分类号: Q948.113 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2022)03 ̄0413 ̄09
Effects of fertigation under equal nitrogen on ratoon
yield and nitrous oxide emissions in soil
ZHAO Guoshengꎬ LI Fushengꎬ NONG Mengling
( College of Agricultureꎬ Guangxi Universityꎬ Nanning 530004ꎬ China )
Abstract: In order to get reasonable water and fertilizer management measuresꎬ the effects of different fertigation
proportions under the same nitrogen (N) rate on the yield of ratoon and nitrous oxide (N O) flux and inorganic N
content in soil at the different growth stages were studiedꎬ the relationships between soil N O flux and inorganic N
content were analyzed. Taking natural rainfall (W ) as the controlꎬ two drip irrigation levelsꎬ W (75% of field water
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capacity) and W (85% of field water capacity) and four fertigation proportions at the same N rate (N 300 kghm )ꎬ
F (100% basal fertilizer)ꎬ F (50% basal fertilizerꎬ 50% fertigation topdressing)ꎬ F (30% basal fertilizerꎬ 70%
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fertigation topdressing) and F (10% basal fertilizerꎬ 90% fertigation topdressing) were designed. Agronomic traits
(stalk weightꎬ plant heightꎬ stalk diameter and effective stalks per hectare) and yield of sugarcaneꎬ the N O flux and
the contents of nitrateꎬ nitrite and ammonium nitrogen in soils at the three growth stages were determined. The results
收稿日期: 2021-07-20
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31760603)ꎻ广西科技计划-基地和人才专项(AD17195060) [Supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (31760603)ꎻ Guangxi Science and Technology Plan ̄Base and Talent Special Project(AD17195060)]ꎮ
第一作者: 赵国胜(1995-)ꎬ硕士ꎬ主要从事水肥资源利用与环境方面的研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)1966446028 @ qq.comꎮ
通信作者: 农梦玲ꎬ博士ꎬ高级实验师ꎬ主要从事水肥资源利用方面的研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)mengling189@ 126.comꎮ