Page 17 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 17
1 期 何柳等: 稀有稻种长毛谷的民族植物学及营养成分研究 1 3
unique colored rice landrace planted by Lama peopleꎬ a branch of Baiꎬ in Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous Countyꎬ
Yunnan Province. Changmaogu is a typical representative landrace in China. Due to its lower yieldꎬ the cultivation of
Changmaogu was controlled in a very limited area in the past few yearsꎬ which was a very dangerous signal for a major
crop. Despite its rare and endangered statusꎬ there has been a lack of research on Changmaogu. In order to promote the
conservation and sustainable development of this landraceꎬ we investigated and analyzed the quality traitsꎬ traditional
knowledge and cultureꎬ development and utilization status and existing problems of Changmaogu in Lanpingꎬ and
determined the nutritional components of Changmaogu comparing with those of common rice varieties to explore the
nutritional value of Changmaoguꎬ using the methods of ethnobotany and nutrition. The results are as follows: (1) The
Lama peopleꎬ have developed rich traditional knowledge about Changmaoguꎬ including traditional farming knowledgeꎬ
relevant historical allusionsꎬ traditional eating knowledgeꎬ seed exchange and conservation culture. They never use
chemicals but collect green manures as fertilizer for this landrace. Under the backgrownd of understanding the good
characteristics of Changmaoguꎬ the local people continue to grow Changmaogu in the original habitat in a larger scale
according to their traditional knowledge and culture. (2) Changmaogu has a high content of available carbohydratesꎬ
waterꎬ ashꎬ total dietary fiber and anthocyaninꎬ and contains a certain content of procyanidinsꎬ indicating that it has
excellent nutritional and health care values. This study indicates that the mode of in ̄situ or on ̄farm conservation of
Changmaogu provides a great reference for the conservation of other landracesꎬ and reveals the fact that the outstanding
properties like high nutritional value of Changmaogu will contribute to the sustainable uses of Changmaogu and other
Key words: Changmaogu (Oryza sativa)ꎬ landraceꎬ ethnobotanyꎬ nutrient compositionꎬ anthocyaninꎬ sustainable use
农家品种(landrace)是指由生活在一定区域内 现出了多种不同的颜色( Ahmed et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 根
的人群驯化的ꎬ在当地环境中选育或演化形成的ꎬ 据种皮的颜色ꎬ稻谷可被分为白米和有色稻米ꎮ
能够适应当地独特的自然、文化环境的、具有区别 在高产的水稻品种( 主要是白米) 出现之前ꎬ绝大
于一般意义上的品种(cultivar) 或者正规审定品种 多数亚洲水稻种植国家保存有多种有色稻米品
(standardized breed or cultivar)的明显地域性的动植 种ꎬ如斯里兰卡、菲律宾、韩国、中国、日本、印 度
物传统 遗 传 资 源ꎬ 或 可 称 为 传 统 品 种 ( traditional 等ꎮ 这些有色稻米多数是农家品种ꎬ其种质的保
variety)、 地 方 品 种 ( local variety ) ( 杨 云 卉 等ꎬ 存得益于当地的文化或仪式习俗 等 ( Sweeney et
2019)ꎮ 农家品种能够适应边缘化的、特定的、异质 al.ꎬ 2006ꎻ Kong et al.ꎬ 2008)ꎮ 但是ꎬ随着世界各
的农业生态系统以及复杂多样的环境或生产条件ꎮ 国开始种植和消费高产的白米品种ꎬ有色农家稻
对于一些生态环境复杂且特殊的偏远地区而言ꎬ农 米通常 由 于 产 量 较 低 而 被 较 少 种 植 ( Colombari
家品种仍是当地农业生产和农民生计的重要种源ꎬ Filho et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Kushwaha et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎬ并且种
其对于政府的精准扶贫、乡村振兴工作具有重要意 植面积日益减少ꎬ种植现状不容乐观ꎬ有些已经或
义(何柳等ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 它们的一些特性(包括其营养 者濒临消失ꎮ
价值、保健和药用价值、芳香、糯性、色泽等)可以满 长毛谷( Oryza sativa) 是云南省兰坪白族普米
足社会、文化、宗教、习俗和经济的需要ꎮ 农家品种 族自治县拉玛人(白族支系) 传统栽培的一个农家
同时也能为现代育种工作提供重要的优良基因材 有色稻种ꎬ是我国数以万计农家品种的一个典型
料ꎬ扩大亲本材料的遗传基础ꎬ在全球变暖和不断 代表ꎮ 在过去几年里ꎬ长毛谷的种植面积一直不
变化的生产条件下ꎬ满足适应和演变的需要( Lopes 到 13.33 hm ꎬ这对于一个农作物品种而言是一个
et al.ꎬ 2015ꎻ Jarvis et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 非常危险的信号ꎬ因此对该种质资源的保护工作
稻谷含 有 多 种 营 养 成 分ꎬ如 膳 食 纤 维、氨 基 迫在眉睫ꎮ 一方面ꎬ农家有色稻种也是当今水稻
酸、矿物质、蛋白质等(Das et al.ꎬ 2008)ꎬ当前世界 育种工作的重要材料来源ꎬ如果在未完全认清长
上大约有一半人口以水稻为主食(Kushwaha et al.ꎬ 毛谷品种的优越性前便将其淘汰ꎬ将是水稻遗传
2020)ꎮ 由于花青素(色素)的作用ꎬ稻谷的种皮呈 资源的一个损失ꎻ在文化层面上ꎬ长毛谷与当地拉