Page 28 - 《广西植物》2023年第2期
P. 28
2 2 2 广 西 植 物 43 卷
metabolites of Alliumꎬ which giving Allium spicy flavor and medicinal valueꎬ are the precursors of various volatile sulfur
compounds. Thereforeꎬ it is of great significance to study the metabolic pathway of S ̄alk(en) ylcysteine sulfoxides in
Allium. Seven S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides have been found in Allium plants. These S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides
are mainly synthesized in leaves through glutathione pathwayꎬ and then transported to the cytoplasm of storage organs
such as bulbs for accumulation. At presentꎬ there are many studies on the catabolism of S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides
in Alliumꎬ while few studies on the biosynthesis of S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides. Only two biosynthetic enzymesꎬ γ ̄
glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and flavin ̄containing monooxygenase (FMO)ꎬ have been confirmed at the molecular
level. In additionꎬ S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides are the downstream products of plant sulfur metabolism. The upstream
of S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide metabolism involves the absorption and transport of sulfur ̄containing compoundsꎬ the
metabolism of cysteine and glutathioneꎬ and the changes of these metabolic processes may also affect the biosynthesis of
S ̄alk( en) ylcysteine sulfoxides. With the rapid development of omics technologyꎬ genomicsꎬ transcriptomics and
metabolomics have been applied in the study of Allium plantsꎬ especially the completion of garlic genome sequence
assemblyꎬ which provides great convenience for the study of S ̄alk(en) ylcysteine sulfoxides metabolism pathway in
Allium plants. Two aspects of research should be strengthened in the future: one is to continue to clone and identify the
key enzyme genes in the biosynthesis pathway of S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides and study their functionsꎻ another is to
strengthen the study of sulfur metabolism in Allium plantsꎬ so as to lay a foundation for the study of the regulation of S ̄
alk(en) ylcysteine sulfoxides biosynthesis. These studies will provide a reference for further analyzing the metabolic
pathway of S ̄alk ( en) ylcysteine sulfoxides in Allium and regulating the flavor of Allium by molecular breeding
Key words: Alliumꎬ S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxideꎬ alliinaseꎬ flavor compoundꎬ metabolic pathway
葱属( Allium L.) 是被子 植 物 中 最 大 的 属 之 (alliinase)存在于液泡中ꎮ 当细胞受到破坏时ꎬ贮存
一ꎬ约 有 920 个 种 ( Herden et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 最 新 在液泡中的蒜氨酸酶与细胞质中的 S ̄烷(烯) 基半
APG IV 分 类 系 统 将 葱 属 分 在 天 门 冬 目 胱氨酸亚砜相遇ꎬ快速发生反应ꎬ形成多种挥发性
(Asparagales ) 石 蒜 科 ( Amaryllidaceae ) 葱 亚 科 含硫化合物ꎬ从而使葱属植物具有独特的风味和药
( Allioideae ) 葱 族 ( Allieae ) 中 ( The angiosperm 用 价 值 ( Lancaster & Collinꎬ 1981ꎻ Rose et al.ꎬ
phylogeny groupꎬ 2016)ꎮ 大蒜( A. sativum)、洋葱 2005)ꎮ S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜是葱属植物风味
( A. cepa )、 大 葱 ( A. fistulosum )、 韭 菜 ( A. 物质的前体ꎬ研究其代谢途径具有重要意义ꎮ 因
tuberosum)等大多葱属植物都具有独特的辛辣风 此ꎬ本研究从葱属植物中 S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜
味ꎬ常被作为蔬菜、调味料、药用和观赏植物利用ꎮ 的种类、代谢途径及参与代谢的酶等方面进行概
葱属植物具有预防心血管疾病、抗氧化、抗癌护 述ꎬ以期为今后葱属植物 S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜
肝、抗菌消炎、提高机体免疫能力、预防糖尿病和 的代谢途径研究提供参考ꎮ
肠胃疾病等作用( 黄晴等ꎬ2018ꎻ李莎莉等ꎬ2018ꎻ
Yoshimoto & Saitoꎬ 2019ꎻ Yamaguchi & Kumagaiꎬ 1 葱属植物中 S ̄烷( 烯) 基半胱氨
S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜(S ̄alk(en)ylcysteine
sulfoxides)是葱属植物特有的次生代谢产物ꎮ S ̄烷 1.1 S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜
(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜分解生成的各种挥发性含硫 目前ꎬ已从葱属植物中分离鉴定出 7 种 S ̄烷
化合物使葱属植物具有独特辛辣风味和生物活性ꎮ (烯) 基 半 胱 氨 酸 亚 砜 ( 图 1)ꎮ Stoll 和 Seebeck
S ̄烷(烯)基半胱氨酸亚砜是一种非蛋白氨基酸ꎬ本 (1948)最先从大蒜中分离出了 S ̄烯丙基半胱氨酸
身无挥发性、无刺激性气味ꎬ一般存在于细胞质中ꎬ 亚砜(S ̄allylcysteine sulfoxideꎬ俗称蒜氨酸ꎬalliin)ꎻ
而裂 解 S ̄烷 ( 烯) 基 半 胱 氨 酸 亚 砜 的 蒜 氨 酸 酶 随后ꎬVirtanen 和 Matikkala(1959)在洋葱中鉴定出