Page 13 - 《广西植物》2023年第3期
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3 期 谭小明等: 广西喀斯特地区毛唇芋兰根内与根际土壤真菌群落组成分析 4 1 3
(Lin et al.ꎬ 2020)等对兰科植物真菌群落组成的影 HUANG MQꎬ XIE YLꎬ LAI XPꎬ et al.ꎬ 2012. Protection of
响有关ꎮ total flavonoid fraction from Nervilia fordii on
总之ꎬ高通量测序等现代分子生物学技术为 lipopolysaccharide ̄induced acute lung injury in rats [ J].
Chin Med Matꎬ 4(4): 287-293.
JACQUEMYN Hꎬ BRYS Rꎬ WAUD Mꎬ et al.ꎬ 2015.
Mycorrhizal networks and coexistence in species ̄rich orchid
离培养可培养的菌根真菌ꎬ用于研究兰科种子共 communities [J]. New Phytoltꎬ 206(3): 1127-1134.
生萌发和菌根共生作用机制等提供了科学参考ꎬ JACQUEMYN Hꎬ MERCKX Vꎬ BRYS Rꎬ et al.ꎬ 2011.
这对采用菌根技术解决毛唇芋兰濒危植物资源保 Analysis of network architecture reveals phylogenetic
护和可持续利用具有非常重要的实践意义ꎮ 然 constraints on mycorrhizal specificity in the genus Orchis
而ꎬ本研究虽然从毛唇芋兰根系和根际土壤中获 (Orchidaceae) [J]. New Phytolꎬ 192: 518-528.
JIANG YLꎬ CHEN XHꎬ MIAO Qꎬ et al.ꎬ 2019. Difference in
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fungal communities between in roots and in root ̄associated
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作还有待进一步完善ꎮ 2019. 辽宁省 9 种兰科植物根内与根际土壤中真菌群落
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