Page 4 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 4

GUIHAIA                      Aug. 2023                                    Vol 43 No 8



            Biodiversity conservation needs more research    MA Kepingꎬ REN Haiꎬ LONG Chunlin(1347)
            Kunming ̄Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

            Core targets of Kunming ̄Montreal Global Framework and recommendations for conservation action in China 
                 LUO Maofangꎬ YANG Mingꎬ MA Keping(1350)
            Implementation path of biodiversity mainstreaming in China under the guidance of Kunming ̄Montreal Global Biodiversity
               ZHANG Lirongꎬ LUO Mingꎬ ZHU Zhenxiaoꎬ SUN Yuqinꎬ JIN Shichaoꎬ YANG Chongyaoꎬ MENG Ruiꎬ ZHANG Lijia(1356)
            Utilizing Nature ̄based Solutions to promote biodiversity conservation   LUO Mingꎬ
              ZHANG Lirongꎬ YANG Chongyaoꎬ ZHU Zhenxiaoꎬ SUN Yuqinꎬ MENG Ruiꎬ ZHANG Lijiaꎬ WANG Junꎬ LIU Yanshu(1366)
            Discussion on digital sequence information on genetic resources   SUN Minghaoꎬ LI Yingshuoꎬ ZHAO Fuwei(1375)
            Plant Diversity Conservation

            Plant culture construction and plant diversity protection and management in the China national botanical garden 
                LI Feifeiꎬ LUO Binshengꎬ CUI Xiaꎬ LONG Chunlin(1383)
            Plant introduction and ex ̄situ conservation in South China National Botanical Garden 
                XIE Danꎬ ZHANG Yiqiꎬ REN Haiꎬ NING Zulinꎬ LIAO Jingping(1392)
            Conservation status and prediction analysis of potential distribution of National Key Protected Wild Plants  
                YU Jianghongꎬ QIN Feiꎬ XUE Tiantianꎬ ZHANG Wendiꎬ LIU Qinꎬ AN Mingtaiꎬ YU Shengxiang(1404)
            RAD ̄seq revealed the endangered mechanism of Hydrocera triflora (Balsaminaceae) 
                 WU Xinyiꎬ WANG Mengꎬ ZHENG Xilongꎬ ZHANG Ruiꎬ HE Songꎬ YAN Yuehong(1414)
            A new attempt for biodiversity conservation in China: A community ̄based management model for Qu’nan mini reserve 
                 HU Renchuanꎬ ZHOU Yingꎬ DONG Yifeiꎬ LUO Binsheng(1428)
            Village Fengshui forests contribute to the biodiversity conservation in mountainous villages: a case study of Pseudolarix
              amabilis    JIN Chengꎬ YANG Yongchuanꎬ ZHOU Lihuaꎬ LONG Yuxiaoꎬ CHEN Yuan(1437)
            Exploring the sustainable development of wild edible fungus industry in Yunnan Province under the background of biodiversity
            conservation    LI Caihuiꎬ XU Shuang(1446)
            Biocultural profiles of Qinghai Regong Thangka    LIN Chenꎬ CHENG Zhuoꎬ LONG Chunlin(1457)
            Microbial Diversity
            Microbial diversity in rhizosphere soil of Anemone altaica    WANG Jingꎬ
              ZHANG Huipingꎬ SU Xiaoꎬ FU Qianjinꎬ LI Xuebangꎬ LIU Fengqinꎬ SHAO Yizhenꎬ CHEN Yunꎬ YUAN Zhiliang(1467)
            Ecosystem Diversity

            A global perspective on the influence of COVID ̄19 pandemic on forest areas in biodiversity hotspots  
                ZHOU Shuai(1478)
            Species composition and diversity characteristics of invaded community of Solidago canadensis in Nanjing  
                LI Weijieꎬ ZHU Xunzhiꎬ LUO Huitingꎬ HUANG Xiꎬ TANG Shijie(1488)
            Biodiversity informatics

            Effectiveness analysis of the National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII) in supporting scientific research on
              biodiversity   JIN Dongmeiꎬ YANG Lingꎬ XU Zhepingꎬ XIAO Cuiꎬ LUO Maofangꎬ MA Keping(1501)
            Succession theory and vegetation restoration    REN Hai(1516)
            Research progress of Biodiversity ̄Ecosystem Functioning Experiment China Platform (BEF ̄China) 
                 LI Shanꎬ LIU Xiaojuanꎬ MA Keping(1524)
            Research progress on diversity of androecium development of Orchidaceae    LI Lu (1537)

              Cover images: 1. Flowers of Cylindrolobus marginatusꎻ 2- 8. Vanda coerulea: 3- 5. Front(3)ꎬside (4)ꎬ and
                                                                                                     1    2
              back (5) views of a column. 6. Top view of a column with anther cap removedꎬ indicating a pair of hard pollinia.
              7-8. Back (7) and front (8) views of a pollinariaꎬ showing a pair of pollinia attached with a square stipe and  3 4 5 6 7 8
              viscidium. Cover images are provided by LI Lu. For detailsꎬ please see the text by LI Lu on pages 1537-1552.
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