Page 200 - 《广西植物》2023年第9期
P. 200

1 7 4 8                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 set up in Jinzi Mountains National Forest Farmꎬ Mulinzi National Nature Reserve and Qizimei Mountains National Nature
                 Reserve in Southwest Hubei. The age structureꎬ dynamic quantitative analysis and static life table of five Viburnum
                 species were used to explore the population structureꎬ dynamic characteristics and future development potential of
                 Viburnum plants. The results were as follows: (1) The distribution area and population size of Viburnum plants in
                 Southwest Hubei were significantly different. (2) The age structure of the five Viburnum species displayed as the
                 pyramidal type summarized from population structure and dynamic analysis. The number of individuals of each population
                 was large at the young stage (89.48% of V. erosum in Jinzi Mountainsꎬ 76.38% of V. betulifoliumꎬ 67.24% of V. erosum
                 in Mulinziꎬ 62.11% of V. dilatatumꎬ 56.53% of V. sympodialeꎬ 58.44% of V. setigerum)ꎬ and only a small proportion of
                 individuals (0.18% of V. erosum in Jinzi Mountainsꎬ 0.85% of V. betulifoliumꎬ 3.29% of V. erosum in Mulinziꎬ 3.97% of
                 V. dilatatumꎬ 8.37% of V. sympodialeꎬ 2.79% of V. setigerum) at the old stage. The young stage plants of five Viburnum
                 species all had strong growth potentials but were sensitive to external disturbances. (3) The survival quantity of the five
                 Viburnum species was decreasing monotonically with increasing age class presented by static life tables. Except for
                 V. setigerumꎬ the life expectancy reached peak at the young ageꎬ all the other Viburnum species populations reached the
                 peak at the middle age. The change trend of mortality rate and vanish rate were similarꎬ but the fluctuation of vanish rate
                 and mortality rate curves were different among different species. The survival curves were tended to be Deevey ̄Ⅱ
                 type. (4) The four survival function curves showed that all five Viburnum species populations exhibited a substantial
                 decrease at the early stageꎬ stabilization at the middle stageꎬ and decline at the late stage. To sum upꎬ plant resources of
                 Viburnum species are abundant in Southwest Hubei. Thereforeꎬ it is scientific and feasible to exploit Viburnum plants
                 rationally. At the young stageꎬ artificial thinning can be carried out appropriately to improve the preserving rate. During
                 the stable middle stageꎬ the dominant species which have good ornamental characters can be selected for appropriate
                 development and utilization. Howeverꎬ some species need to be protected to maintain biodiversity in this area.
                 Key words: Viburnumꎬ population structureꎬ dynamic quantitative analysisꎬ static life tableꎬ survival function

                种群是物种和植物群落的基本单位ꎬ对种群                            件下生存、繁衍及变化的可能性具有重要意义( 罗
            的重要属性即种群结构与动态进行研究也一直是                              西等ꎬ2021ꎻ拓锋等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 因此ꎬ综合利用各种
            种群生态学研究的主要内容( Condit et al.ꎬ 2000ꎻ                 群结构与动态的研究方法ꎬ更有助于人们深入了
            Manabe et al.ꎬ 2000ꎻ牛翠娟等ꎬ2015ꎻ刘 浩 栋 等ꎬ             解种群的现状、动态特征及演替规律ꎬ预测种群未
            2020)ꎮ 种群结构与动态既能反映种群在特定阶                           来发展趋势ꎬ对种群的保护与利用具有重要指导
            段的数量分布和配置情况ꎬ又能揭示种群与环境                              意义(解婷婷等ꎬ2014)ꎮ
            之间的关系、种群动态变化及预测未来发展趋势ꎬ                                 荚蒾 属 ( Viburnum) 植 物 隶 属 于 五 福 花 科
            对植物资源的保护和利用具有重要价值( 金慧等ꎬ                            (Adoxaceae)ꎬ全球约 200 种ꎬ是亚热带森林生态系
            2017ꎻ何斌等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 种群统计是研究种群结构                        统重要的组成部分ꎬ也是极具开发价值的观赏灌
            与动态的基本方法ꎬ主要包括种群年龄结构、动态                             木属ꎬ在国际上被誉为“ 万能绿化灌木”ꎮ 湖北省
            量化分析、静态生命表、存活曲线、生存函数分析                             分布有荚蒾属植物 43 种ꎬ仅鄂西南恩施州就有 28
            等核心内容(王卓等ꎬ2009)ꎮ 其中ꎬ种群年龄结构                         种(含 22 种 6 变种)(艾训儒等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 因为该区
            及动态量化分析不仅可以揭示种群在各龄级阶段                              域最具代表性的植被类型为亚热带常绿落叶阔叶
            的现存数量、种群的更新繁殖能力及种群未来发                              混交林ꎬ所以目前有关群落中植物种群结构与动
            展的稳定性ꎬ还能在一定程度上反映种群在所处                              态的研究主要集中在优势种( 姚兰等ꎬ2017ꎻ朱强
            环境中的适应能力及种群在该群落中的地位和作                              等ꎬ2019ꎻ王 进 等ꎬ2020)、 濒 危 植 物 ( 杨 心 兵 等ꎬ
            用(刘普幸ꎬ2011ꎻ拓锋等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 种群动态量化                       2000ꎻ林勇等ꎬ2017ꎻ罗西等ꎬ2021) 等相关研究ꎬ而
            分析是对种群结构动态分析中等级归类划分粗放                              极少涉及在群落中较为劣势却具有较高观赏价值
            等缺点进行弥补( 陈晓德ꎬ1998)ꎮ 静态生命表可                         的荚蒾属植物ꎮ 据报道ꎬ国内约 90% 的荚蒾属植
            以直观地展现种群的存活率、死亡率及生命期望                              物资源仍处于野生状态(吕文君等ꎬ2019)ꎬ并且对
            等重要种群特征ꎬ是研究种群结构与动态变化的                              该属的研究主要集中在常见种的种子休眠与萌发
            主要手段ꎬ其与生存函数结合对种群进行分析ꎬ对                             特性(肖月娥等ꎬ2007ꎻ杨轶华等ꎬ2015)、扦插繁殖
            揭示种群的生命过程、生存现状及种群在一定条                              (黄增艳和宋蕾ꎬ2007)、化学成分及元素含量测定
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