Page 6 - 《广西植物》2024年第11期
P. 6

1 9 9 0                                广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 Abstract: Based on the references of natural reserves in Shaanxi Provinceꎬ field surveyꎬ and digitized herbarium
                 specimens provided by China Virtual Herbarium (CVH)ꎬ and List of National Key Protected wild Peauts (NKPWPs)
                 (2021 Version)ꎬ and List of National Key Protected Wild Plants distributed in Shaanxi Province. The resource and
                 conservation status of species NKPWPs distributed in Shaanxi Province was investigated and analyzed in present
                 study. The results were as follows: (1) A total of 104 species ( including subspecies and variety) belonged to 38
                 familiesꎬ 67 genera were distributed in Shaanxi Provinceꎬ including 3 species in 1 genus of 1 family of lycophytesꎬ 6
                 species and 2 varieties in 6 genera of 2 families of gymnospermsꎬ and 85 speciesꎬ 1 subspecies and 10 varieties in 60
                 genera of 35 families of angiospermsꎬ representing 2.88%ꎬ 6.73% and 90.38% of the total NKPWPsꎬ respectively. (2)
                 The number of the NKPWPs represented about 18.18%ꎬ 5.09%ꎬ and 2% of familiesꎬ genera and species of the total
                 vascular plant in Shaanxi Provinceꎬ respectively. (3) Among 104 species of NKPWPsꎬ 26 species listed in the last
                 version (1999) had been protectedꎬ and 78 species were added newlyꎬ in which 24 species were ever listed and
                 protected as local protected wild plantsꎬ and a total of 54 additional species were not protected at all beforeꎬ accounting
                 for 52% of the total NKPWPsꎬ e. g. Phalaenopsis zhejiangensisꎬ Dendrobium flexicaule and Paeonia rockii. The
                 endangered status analysis showed that 5 species were critically endangered (CR)ꎬ representing 4.81%ꎬ 22 species were
                 endangered (EN) and 22 species were vulnerable (VU)ꎬ representing 24.04% of the total NKPWPsꎬ respectively. (4)
                 Qinling ̄Bashan region was a concentrated distribution area of NKPWPsꎬ about 60 species were distributed in Zhenping
                 Countyꎬ accounting for 57.69% of the totalꎬ and 47 species were distributed in both Pingli County and Foping Countyꎻ
                 contrast to itꎬ few species found in the north area of Shaanxi Province. (5) There were 249 reserves in Shaanxi
                 Provinceꎬ including the natural reserve (national and provincial)ꎬ wetland parks and forest parksꎬ and about 70 species
                 representing 67.31% of NKPWPs had been effectively protected in these areas. We suggest: investigate the resourcesꎬ
                 distribution and status of the additional species of NKPWPs in Shaanxi Provinceꎬ especially focus on the 54 species
                 which are not protected previouslyꎻ facilitate the regional botanical gardens in the Loess Plateau area of Shaanxi
                 Provinceꎻ dynamic monitor and update data of NKPWPs in natural reservesꎬ so as to provide a scientific and valuable
                 reference for in situ and ex situ conservation in the future.
                 Key words: national key protected wild plantsꎬ distribution characteristicsꎬ conservation statusꎬ Loess Plateauꎬ
                 Qinling ̄Bashan districtꎬ Shaanxi Province

                一种植物的灭绝不仅意味着其基因、文化和                            大流域ꎬ秦岭山脉横贯东西ꎬ地理位置特殊ꎬ在过
            科学价值的丧失ꎬ而且还会引发其他生物的灭绝ꎬ                             渡性气候分布特征上ꎬ从北至南依次为中温带、暖
            从而打破生态系统的稳定( 楚雅南等ꎬ2023)ꎮ 生                         温带和北亚热带ꎻ在地形上ꎬ有陕北风沙高原、黄
            物多样性丧失是全球三大环境危机之一ꎬ2022 年                           土高原、关中盆地、秦巴山地等地貌类型ꎮ 秦岭太
            12 月 19 日联合国« 生物多样性公约» 第十五次缔                       白山主峰拔仙台海拔高达 3 771.2 mꎬ白河县汉江
            约方大会(COP15)第二阶段会议通过了« 昆明-蒙                         南岸海拔最低为 168.6 mꎮ 陕西省是南北不同植
            特利尔全球生物多样性框架»ꎬ并提出“ 采取紧急                            物区系成分的交汇地带ꎬ孕育了丰富的野生植物
            行动停止和扭转生物多样性的丧失” 的行动总目                             资源ꎬ共有野生、归化、栽培维管植物 5 161 种及种
            标(至 2030 年)ꎬ为全球生物多样性保护明确了方                         下分类群ꎬ包含 209 科 1 316 属 4 701 种ꎬ种下分
            向和重点( 马克平ꎬ2023)ꎮ 植物多样性是关系到                         类群 有 112 亚 种 488 变 种 17 变 型 ( 刘 培 亮 等ꎬ
            国家生态安全和生物安全的战略资源ꎬ保护植物                              2022)ꎮ 陕西省内秦巴山区拥有复杂多变的地势ꎬ
            多样性对深入推进我国生态文明建设和高质量发                              秦岭、巴山是国家重点保护植物物种丰富度较高
            展具有重要意义( 任海等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 开展国家重点                         的 13 个热点地区之一ꎬ东南部濒危植物较为集
            保护野生植物的分布特征、保护现状以及潜在分                              中ꎬ是中国特有植物科、属保护的优先区域( 狄维
            布区的研究ꎬ对于制定与支持生物多样性保护策                              忠和于兆英ꎬ1989ꎻHuang et al.ꎬ2016)ꎮ 目前ꎬ由
            略具有重要意义(余江洪等ꎬ2023)ꎮ                                于陕西省分布国家重点保护野生植物的资源本
                 陕西省地处我国内陆腹地ꎬ横跨长江、黄河两                          底、地理分布格局、受威胁因子等数据缺乏ꎬ因此
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