Page 112 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 112
9 0 0 广 西 植 物 44 卷
折线走势代表该指标随土壤氮磷钾养分梯度变化趋势ꎬ柱状图中 T 代表氮磷钾极差值ꎬ数值越大代表该因素影响越大ꎮ 1、2、3
分别表示低、中、高氮磷钾养分水平ꎮ 下同ꎮ
Folded line represents the trend of the indicator with the soil Nꎬ P and K gradientꎬ T value in the histogram represents the extreme difference of
Nꎬ P and Kꎬ the larger the value means the greater the influence of the factor. 1ꎬ 2ꎬ 3 indicate lowꎬ mediumꎬ high Nꎬ P and K nutrient levelꎬ
respectively. The same below.
图 3 土壤养分水平对土壤微生物量影响极差图
Fig. 3 Polar difference of soil nutrient levels on soil microbial load