Page 53 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 53

5 期             王倩云等: 不同含铬废水对薏苡人工湿地残根分解及铬化学形态的影响                                            8 4 1

                 Abstract: To investigate the effects of two different water sourcesꎬ domestic sewage and nutrient solutionꎬ on residue
                 decomposition and the transformation of chromium chemical forms in Cr (Ⅵ) contaminated constructed wetlandsꎬ a
                 micro Coix lacryma ̄jobi constructed wetland was constructed to treat chromium containing wastewater [using domestic
                 sewage (DWS) and 1/ 2 Hoagland nutrient solution (HNS) as simulated solutions containing 0ꎬ 20ꎬ 40 mg L Cr
                 (Ⅵ)ꎬ respectively]. By using the buried root decomposition methodꎬ the decomposition dynamics of residual roots and
                 the transformation pattern of chromium chemical forms were studied. The results were as follows : (1) Under 20 and 40
                 mg L Cr (Ⅵ) stressꎬ the growth of C. lacryma ̄jobi was inhibited. The plant height and stem diameter of HNS
                 treatment were greater than those of DWS treatmentꎬ but the plant height and stem diameter of HNS treatment were more
                 inhibited by Cr (Ⅵ) than those of DWS treatment. (2) The decomposition rate of C. lacryma ̄jobi residual roots
                 decreased with the increase of Cr (Ⅵ) concentrationꎬ and the decomposition rate of HNS treatment was higher than that
                 of DWS treatment. After 60 d of decompositionꎬ under DWS treatmentꎬ the residual root chromium content of 20 and 40
                 mg L Cr (Ⅵ) treatment decreased by 11.70% and 8.09% respectively compared with that at the initial stage of root
                 burialꎬ while under HNS treatmentꎬ the residual root chromium content decreased by 15. 80% and 18. 42%
                 respectively. The percentage of residual chromium in C. lacryma ̄jobi root residues at 20 and 40 mg L treatments
                 decreased with the extension of root burial timeꎬ while the percentage of ethanol ̄extracted chromium and deionized water
                 extracted chromium increasedꎬ and the percentage of acetic acid bound chromium increased significantly. (3) In the
                 early stage of residue decompositionꎬ the CODꎬ TNꎬ NH  ̄Nꎬ and total chromium content in the effluents treated with
                 HNS and DWS increasedꎬ and then decreased. The trend of change was consistent with the residue decomposition
                 process. HNS treated constructed wetlands were more efficient in removing chromium from wastewater. The research
                 results indicate that after harvesting plants in constructed wetlandsꎬ root decomposition can quickly increase the
                 chromium content in the effluentꎬ and appropriately improve the nutritional status in wastewaterꎬ which can promote
                 residue decomposition and removal of chromium by wetlands.
                 Key words: chromiumꎬ constructed wetlandꎬ chemical form of chromiumꎬ residue decompositionꎬ water quality

                铬在地壳中极其丰富ꎬ在染料、石油精炼、皮                           等条件下ꎬ人工湿地对废水中铬的去除效果显著提
            革、木材、纺织、纸浆等行业被广泛应用 (Norouzi et                     高ꎻ李志刚等(2018)研究发现添加生活污水可以提
            al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 工业活动造成大量铬释放到环境中ꎬ                       高薏苡人工湿地对含铬废水的处理效果ꎻ李恺等
            导致铬在土壤、水体中积累ꎮ 铬具有很多种氧化                             (2014)的研究发现ꎬ在重金属污染废水中添加生活
            态ꎬ六价铬 [Cr(Ⅵ)] 和三价铬 [ Cr( Ⅲ)] 是自然                   污水可提高人工湿地对重金属的处理能力ꎬ生活污
            环境中最常见和最稳定的( Ashraf et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎬ                 水浓度越高ꎬ处理能力越强ꎻ李帅(2016) 在含铬废
            其中六价铬被认为是高毒性、高可携带性的自然                              水中分别添加生活污水和 1 / 2 Hoagland 营养液ꎬ发

            污染物 ( Chen et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ                          现添加生活污水可缓解 Cr 对薏米的抑制ꎬ但随着
                 对含铬废水进行处理是减少铬污染传播的重                           铬处理时间的延长ꎬ基质中有机质与微生物随之积
            要途径ꎮ 与传统的物理修复、化学修复相比ꎬ人工                            累ꎬ1 / 2 Hoagland 营养液人工湿地植物受抑制程度
            湿地 处 理 有 高 效、 低 耗、 简 单、 低 成 本 等 优 势                减轻ꎬ植物生长及处理效果均提高ꎬ并优于纯生活

            ( Bhaduri & Fulekarꎬ 2012ꎻ Ren et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻ       污水的处理ꎮ 因此ꎬ我们认为ꎬ较好的营养条件更
            Ojuederie & Babalolaꎬ 2017)ꎬ在重金属污染废水的              利于人工湿地的长期可持续高效运行ꎮ
            处理中得到了广泛应用ꎮ 人工湿地对鞣革、电镀等                                人工湿地植物的根部是重金属积累的重要部

            工业废水中的铬均有较好的去除效果( Shanker et                       位ꎬ在人工湿地处理含铬废水过程中ꎬ根系积累的
            al.ꎬ 2005)ꎬ如人工湿地对制革废水中铬的去除效率                       铬占植物吸收量的 80%以上( 李志刚等ꎬ2010ꎻ Li

            高达 98%以上(Zapana et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Githuku et al.ꎬ      et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎬ植物生长到一定阶段ꎬ部分细根会
            2021)ꎮ 有机质与微生物对于人工湿地处理含铬废                          发生脱落、分解ꎬ导致根系吸收的铬释放到环境中
            水非 常 重 要 ( Fang et al.ꎬ 2022 )ꎮ 例 如ꎬ Lin 等         (Cao et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 周期性收割地上部分是人工
            (2019)的研究发现ꎬ在污水中富含有机质、微生物                          湿地处理铬污染废水的重要措施ꎬ当地上部分收
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