Page 58 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 58

8 4 6                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                                                                表 3  不同进水下 Cr (Ⅵ)处理残根铬的释放量
                                                                Table 3  Release amount of residual chromium from
                                                                   Cr (Ⅵ) treated roots under different influents

                                                                      铬浓度                  释放量
                                                                处理      Cr            Release amount (mg)
                                                                      concen ̄
                                                                     (mgL )    30 d     45 d       60 d
                                                                DWS     0     0.64±0.12e  1.36±0.04e  1.18±0.14e
                                                                        20    26.98±4.45d 32.46±2.92d  39.57±2.57d
                                                                        40    42.50±1.52b 55.76±1.39b  65.21±2.29b
              每个条形图上方的不同字母表示在 0.05 水平上存在显著差异ꎮ
                                                                HNS     0     1.60±0.09e  2.86±0.06e  2.50±0.10e
              Different letters above each bar graph indicate significant
              differences at 0.05 level.
                                                                        20    33.49±2.04c 37.76±1.15c  48.26±2.56c
            图 2  不同进水下 Cr (Ⅵ)处理残根总铬含量的变化动态
                                                                        40    55.25±4.50a 65.33±2.61a  80.14±4.36a
           Fig. 2  Dynamic changes in total chromium contents in residual
                roots treated with Cr (Ⅵ) under different influents

             F1 为乙醇提取态ꎬ F2 为去离子水结合态ꎬ F3 为氯化钠提取态ꎬ F4 为醋酸结合态ꎬ F5 为盐酸提取态ꎬ F6 为残渣态ꎮ
             F1 is ethanol extracted stateꎬ F2 is deionized water bound stateꎬ F3 is sodium chloride extracted stateꎬ F4 is acetic acid bound stateꎬ F5 is
             hydrochloric acid extracted stateꎬ and F6 is residue state.
                                  图 3  不同进水下 Cr (Ⅵ)处理残根内铬形态含量的变化动态
                Fig. 3  Dynamic changes in chromium form content in residual roots treated with Cr (Ⅵ) under different influents
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63