Page 21 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 21

1 4 0 4                                广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
   than 60 species mainly distributed in Southꎬ Southeast  (Map Worldꎬ 2020)ꎬ the site was located in Cuona
   Asia and adjacent areas after the remodeling and  Countyꎬ Xizang Autonomous Regionꎬ China. Thereforeꎬ
   summary ( Weber et al.ꎬ 2011ꎻ Ranasinghe et al.ꎬ  we dispute the type locality information in the initial
   2016). Thirty ̄three species are known to occur in India  description. Hereꎬ we just focus on solving the scientific

   (Janeeha & Nampyꎬ 2015ꎻ Möller et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ Borah  problem and treat Lysionotus bijantiae as a new synonym
   et al.ꎬ 2019) and 26 species in China (Möller et al.ꎬ  of Henckelia oblongifolia.
   2016ꎻ Xu et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ Cai et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ Wen et al.ꎬ  Lectotype: BANGLADESH. Chittagongꎬ October
   2019ꎻ Yang et al.ꎬ 2019). A comparison of relevant  1810ꎬ Roxburgh 238 (BM!). (Lectotypified by Wood
   images ( Fig. 1)ꎬ specimens ( Fig. 2) and literature/  in Notes. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 33: 174. 1974).
   monographs/ local  floras  confirms  that  Lysionotus  Phenology: Flowering from August to Octoberꎻ
   bijantiae is conspecific with Henckelia oblongifolia.  fruiting from September to December.
                                                         Distribution: Bangladeshꎬ Bhutanꎬ China (Xizang
   2  Taxonomic treatment                            and Yunnan)ꎬ Northeast India and North Myanmar.

                                                         Specimens examined: CHINA. Xizang: Motuo
       Henckelia oblongifolia (Roxb.) D. J. Middleton &  Countyꎬ  Bangxinꎬ  Lanlong ̄Yajiangꎬ  1  100  mꎬ
   Mich. Möllerꎬ Taxon. 60: 776. 2011. Chirita oblongifolia  28 December 1982ꎬ B. Li S. & S. Z. Cheng 02324
   ( Roxb.) J. Sinclairꎬ in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal. 9:  (PE)ꎻ Beibengꎬ 750 mꎬ 17 August 1974ꎬ Qingzangdui
   102. 1957ꎻ Chirita oblongifolia (Roxb.) B. L.Burttꎬ in  4307 ( KUN)ꎻ Beibengꎬ Xigong Lakeꎬ 1 500 mꎬ 10
   Notes. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 22: 307. 1958ꎬ comb.  March 1983ꎬ B. S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 02900 ( PE)ꎻ
   superflꎻ Woodꎬ 1. c. 33 (1): 174. 1974ꎻ Wangꎬ in  Beibeng ̄Motuoꎬ 960 mꎬ 4 August 1974ꎬ Qingzangdui
   Bull. Bot. Res. 5(3): 70. 1985. Incarvillea oblongifolia  1550 (PE)ꎻ Damu ̄103kꎬ 1 400 mꎬ 29 October 1982ꎬ
   Roxb. Fl. Ind. ed.ꎬ 2ꎬ 3: 113. 1832. Chirita acuminata  B.S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 01560 (PE)ꎻ East of Dexing

   Wall. ex R.Br.ꎬ in Cyrtandreae: 117. 1839ꎬ nom. nud.ꎻ  Bridgeꎬ 870 mꎬ 8 February 1983ꎬ B. S. Li & S. Z.
   Chirita acuminata Steud.ꎬ in Nomencl. Bot.ꎬ ed. 2ꎬ 1:  Cheng 03554 (PE)ꎻ Miri ̄Motuoꎬ 750 mꎬ 5 September
   351. 1840ꎬ nom. nud.                              1974ꎬ Qingzangdui 5055 ( KUN )ꎻ Motuo ̄Dexing
       Lysionotus bijantiae D.Borah & A.Joeꎬ Taiwania  Bridgeꎬ 736 mꎬ 9 October 2017ꎬ L. Cai & Z. L. Dao
   63 ( 3 ): 232ꎬ 2018ꎬ syn. nov. “ Type: INDIA.     CL009 (KUN)ꎻ Xianaba ̄Damuꎬ1 900 mꎬ 26 October
   Arunachal Pradesh. Lower Subansiri Districtꎬ Potinꎬ  1982ꎬ B. S. Li & S. Z. Cheng 01364 ( PE)ꎻ Ximeng
   27°33′ 88. 75″ Nꎬ 93° 79′ 79. 64″ Eꎬ 22 Oct. 2017ꎬ  Riverꎬ 900 mꎬ 22 August 1980ꎬ W. L. Chen 14459
   Dipankar Borah 121989 ( holotype CALIꎻ isotypes   (PE)ꎻ Yarang Riverꎬ 900 mꎬ 10 Septemberꎬ W. L.

   CALIꎬ ARUN)”.                                     Chen 15047 (PE). Yunnan: Gongshan Countyꎬ Dulong
       The type information was cited from the paper  Riverꎬ Dadieshuiꎬ 1 300 mꎬ 18 December 1990ꎬ
   (Borah & Joeꎬ 2018)ꎬ the initial longitude in the  Dulongjiangkaochadui  1173  ( KUN )ꎻ  Gongshan
   coordinates  obviously  inaccurate  because  of  the  Countyꎬ Dulong Riverꎬ Qinlangdangꎬ 1 300 mꎬ 10
   emergence of 79′ꎬ and the coordinates should be revised  March 1991ꎬ Dulongjiangkaochadui 4464 ( KUN )ꎻ
   to “ 27° 20′ 13. 03″ Nꎬ 93° 47′ 24. 51″ E ” after the  Kiukiang Valleyꎬ South Kongpongꎬ 1 200 mꎬ 26
   confirmation. The original record showed that the type  September 1938ꎬ T. T.  Yu 20458 ( PEꎬ E ).
   specimen was collected from India. Howeverꎬ when the  BANGLADESH. East Bengalꎬ April 1863ꎬ Herbarium
   revised coordinates (“27°20′13.03″ Nꎬ 93°47′24.51″  of the late East India Company 3829 (P)ꎻ Kelaciiliꎬ 8
   E”) were marked on the online database of the map  December 1944ꎬ J. Sinclair 3853 (E)ꎻ Punduaꎬ F. De
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