Page 24 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 24

10 期                     蔡磊等: 苦苣苔科植物 Lysionotus bijantiae 的名实订正                           1 4 0 7

   Districtꎬ Potinꎬ 1 Nov. 2017ꎬ D. Borah 121990     Sect. Didymocarpoides W. T. Wangꎬ Sect. Lysionotus
   ( CALI )ꎻ Lower Subansiri Districtꎬ Potinꎬ 21     and Sect.  Cyathjocalyx W.  T.  Wang ( Wangꎬ
   Jan.  2020ꎬ  D.  Borah  5067   ( HAU   2029 ).    1983). The vast majority of Lysionotus species share a
   MYANMAR.       Kachin   State:  Ndum ̄Zup     to   special character: leaves usually manyꎬ along stemꎬ

   Hpuginhkuꎬ 6 000-6 500 ft. (ca. 1 830-1 980 m)ꎬ   whorled by three ones. Although the description of
   30 December 1961ꎬ J. Keenanꎬ U Tun Aung & Tha     three species in Sect. Didymocarpoides [ Lysionotus

   Hla 3092 ( E )ꎻ Namnca to Nammucaꎬ 1 000 ft.      longipedunculatus ( W. T. Wang ) W. T. Wangꎬ
   ( ca. 305 m )ꎬ 1910ꎬ J. H. Lace 5187 ( E )ꎻ       L. oblongifolius W. T. Wang and L. denticulosus
   Sorrounds of Hpuginhku 5 000 ft. ( ca. 1 524 m)ꎬ  W. T. Wang)] show their leaves are oppositeꎬ but
   February 1962ꎬ J. Keenanꎬ U Tun Aung & Tha Hla    their leaves are usually whorled after carefully
   3691 (E)ꎻ Upper Burma: Nwai Valleyꎬ 9 September   observation for specimens and living plants in the field
   1914ꎬ F.    Kingdon ̄Ward  1931  ( E )ꎻ   Upper    ( Li & Wangꎬ 2005 ). There are a few speciesꎬ

   Chinawin: Kodan Channg near Yeson Campꎬ 800       L. wilsonii Rehd.ꎬ L. sulphureus Hand. ̄Mazz.ꎬ L.
   ft. ( ca. 244 m )ꎬ 26 November 1917ꎬ C. Gilbert   kwangsiensis W. T. Wang in Sect. Lysionotus and only

   Rongers 1023 ( E )ꎻ Valley of the Nam Tamaiꎬ      one speciesꎬ L. chingii Chun ex W. T. Wangꎬ in
   3 September  1937ꎬ   F.   Kingdon ̄Ward   13122    Sect. Cyathjocalyx having opposite leaves ( Wangꎬ
   (E). Country of origin: not specified: P03884206  1975aꎬ b ). Furthermoreꎬ the key characters to
   ( P )ꎻ P03884207 ( P )ꎻ P03884209 ( P )ꎻ          distinguish Sect. Didymocarpoides from other two
   P03884210 ( P )ꎻ P03884213 ( P )ꎻ P038842134      sections are as below: erect subshrubꎬ no phellem on
   (P).                                              stemꎬ chartaceous leaf bladesꎬ smaller flowersꎬ calyx

                                                     5 ̄sect from baseꎬ shorter subulate appendages (0.1-
   3  Notes                                          0. 25 mm long ) on the apexes of the seed. Soꎬ

                                                     although Lysionotus bijantiae looks like a member of
       In the   traditional  classification  of  Chinese  Sect. Didymocarpoides in appearanceꎬ it is entirely
   Gesneriaceaeꎬ the genus Lysionotus was deposited into  different from Lysionotus because of the lack of
   Trib. Trichosporeae Fritschꎬ Subfam. Cyrtandroideae
                                                     appendages at each end of the seed.
   Burnettꎬ based on the understanding that seeds of all
                                                         Acknowledgements     We are grateful to Mr.
   species of Lysionotus have appendages at each end of
                                                     Lianyi Li for scanning the seeds of this speciesꎬ and
   the spindly seed.  In Henckeliaꎬ there are no
                                                     we thank Momang Taram and Rubu Rinyo for their
   appendages on the apexes of the seed ( Wang et al.ꎬ
                                                     help in the field. Sincere thanks are given to Michael
   1990ꎬ 1998ꎻ Li & Wangꎬ 2005). The scanned seed
                                                     Möllerꎬ the  Royal Botanic  Garden  Edinburghꎬ
   morphology of this species shows that it should not
                                                     Stephen Maciejewskiꎬ the Gesneriad Society and
   belong to Lysionotus because it lacks appendages at
                                                     Michael Lo ̄Furnoꎬ   Temple  University  for their
   each end of the seed. The speciesꎬ Lysionotus
                                                     assistance on species identificationꎬ editing and
   bijantiaeꎬ cannot be distinguished from other many
                                                     providing valuable suggestions.
   collected specimens of Henckelia oblongifolia from
   Bangladeshꎬ Bhutanꎬ Chinaꎬ India and Myanmarꎬ
   which are stored in BMꎬ CALIꎬ HAUꎬ KUNꎬ PEꎬ E     References:
   and P.
                                                     BORAH Dꎬ JOE Aꎬ 2018. A new species of Lysionotus
       Lysionotus was once divided into three sectionsꎬ  (Gesneriaceae) from Notheastern India [ J]. Taiwaniaꎬ
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