Page 37 - 《广西植物》2020年第6期
P. 37

6 期               李红等: 干热河谷石漠化区顶坛花椒叶片功能性状的海拔分异规律                                           7 8 3

       Abstract: In order to expound the law of altitude differentiation of leaf traits of Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dintanen ̄
       sis plantationꎬ to explore the adaptation strategies in different altitude habitats. This study measured nine leaf traits such
       as leaf thicknessꎬ specific leaf area and leaf total nitrogenꎬ and eight soil chemical indexes such as organic carbonꎬ total
       nitrogen and total potassium that aim to analyze the correlation of leaf functional traits of Z. planispinum var. dintanensis
       and its differentiation with altitude. The results were as follows: (1) With the increase of altitudeꎬ the specific leaf areaꎬ
       leaf total phosphorus and leaf total potassium of Z. planispinum var. dintanensis increased first and then decreased while
       leaf dry matter contentꎬ leaf total nitrogen and leaf organic carbon decreased first and then increased graduallyꎻ and leaf
       thicknessꎬ leaf area and leaf water content increased gradually. (2) There was a significant correlation between the leaf
       functional traits of Z. planispinum var. dintanensis. Leaf total nitrogen had a significantly negative with total phosphorus
       in leavesꎬ significant positively with leaf thickness. Leaf dry matter content has a significant inhibitory effect on specific
       leaf area and leaf water content. (3) The effect of soil factors on the leaves of Z. planispinum var. dintanensis was availa ̄
       ble nitrogen > available potassium > organic carbonꎬ while other soil factors had less effect on it. This study indicates
       that Z . planispinum var. dintanensis mainly enhances the ability to acquire resources and resist external environmental
       stress by enhancing defense function traits and coordinating leaf nutrient content survival strategies. It has a strong de ̄
       pendence on soil nutrientsꎬ and its drought adaptation is drought avoidance. This study provides a scientific basis for the
       rejuvenationꎬ high yield and stability of Z. planispinum var. dintanensis plantation and ecological restoration in karst
       rocky desertification area.
       Key words: dry ̄hot valleyꎬ rocky desertificationꎬ Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dintanensis plantationꎬ leaf functional
       traitsꎬ altitude differentiation

       植物功能性状是植物在长期进化过程中ꎬ为降                          示植物利用资源环境的生存策略ꎮ 故通过探究植
   低外界环境干扰ꎬ适应并利用周围环境中各种资源                            物叶片功能性状特征及其变化规律ꎬ阐明植物对环

   所形成 的 形 态、 生 理 和 物 候 等 属 性 ( 孟 婷 婷 等ꎬ             境的适应机制ꎬ揭示物种分布格局的形成机理ꎬ对
   2007)ꎬ能够揭示植物适应环境的能力与策略ꎮ 叶                         生态修复的物种筛选、培育奠定科学基础ꎮ
   片是捕获转换光能、生产有机物最重要的器官ꎬ与                                顶坛 花 椒 ( Zanthoxylum planispinum var. din ̄
   植物生存发展(Wohlfahart et al.ꎬ 2010)、生态系统              tanensis)具喜钙、耐旱、适应性强等特点ꎬ是重要的
   服务功能(Lundholm et al.ꎬ 2015) 等密切相关ꎮ 近              水土 保 持 经 济 树 种 ( 李 安 定 等ꎬ 2008ꎻ 鲍 乾 等ꎬ
   年来ꎬ诸多学者开展了植物功能性状随海拔变异的                            2017)ꎬ对黔中喀斯特区石漠化治理和生态经济功
   研究ꎮ 何桂萍等(2018) 研究表明摩天岭木本植物                        能提升具有重要作用( 李苇洁等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 贵州关
   叶片功能性状在物种和群落水平上沿海拔梯度变                             岭花江喀斯特峡谷的顶坛花椒种植年限已达 30

   化的规律一致ꎻ李宗杰等(2018) 发现植物叶片全                         余年ꎬ且其种植规模超过 46 km ꎬ建植了相对稳定
   氮、全磷含量在高海拔地区随海拔降低ꎬ而在低海                            的人工群落ꎬ与环境之间形成了协同耦合的互作
   拔地区则相反ꎬ揭示了叶片功能性状对不同环境的                            关系ꎬ开展基于植物功能性状的人工林适应机理
   响应规律ꎻ李曼等(2017) 分析了不同海拔黄山松                         研究尤为必要ꎮ 目前ꎬ顶坛花椒林存在林龄降低、
   枝-叶大小的权衡关系ꎬ验证了植物的资源利用策                            产量减少和地力贫瘠等生长衰退现象( 黄伟等ꎬ
   略和权衡与协同机制ꎻ王元元等(2016)和刘玉平等                         2018)ꎬ对顶坛花椒人工林进行复壮ꎬ能够巩固来

   (2017)阐明随着海拔上升ꎬ土壤水分含量减少ꎬ叶                         之不易的石漠化治理成果ꎬ促进当地生态、经济、
   片厚度和叶干物质量逐渐增加ꎬ揭示了叶片通过功                            社会协调发展ꎮ 基于此ꎬ本研究以顶坛花椒人工
   能性状变化来降低植物蒸腾、提高储水能力和光合                            林为对象ꎬ主要回答如下 3 个科学问题:(1) 探讨
   效率ꎮ 上述结果均表明植物功能性状沿海拔梯度                            顶坛花椒叶片功能性状之间的内在关联ꎻ(2) 阐明
   变化会发生变异ꎬ其特征、权衡与协同关系能够揭                            叶片功能性状随海拔变化的分异规律ꎻ(3) 揭示顶
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