Page 177 - 《广西植物》2022年第10期
P. 177
10 期 龙继艳等: 硅藻中国新记录种———帕瓦拉桥弯藻 1 7 9 5
A. 一个完整的壳面ꎻ B. A 的中部细节ꎬ腹侧 2 个孤点的内侧开口被齿状硅质物环绕(两箭所示)ꎬ壳缝两内侧近缝端的中断不可
见(箭头所示)ꎻ C-D. 另一个完整壳面及其中部细节ꎬ展示以上提到的特征ꎻ E-F. 示两个末端细节ꎬ注意顶端小圆孔内部开口
上方有一个袋盖状突出物存在(箭所示)ꎬ但是狭缝隙状孔纹内部开口无覆盖物ꎬ以及发达的螺旋舌(弯箭所示)ꎮ A 和 C 标尺为
3 μmꎻ 图 B 和图 D 标尺为 1 μmꎻ E 和 F 标尺为 400 nmꎮ
A. A complete valveꎻ B. Middle part details from A with internal openings of two stigmata convoluted by tooth ̄like projections (two arrows) and
two proximal raphe ends are invisible (one arrow head)ꎻ C-D. Another complete valve and its detailed middle partꎬ showing the above ̄
mentioned featuresꎻ E-F. Two apical detailsꎬ with the flap ̄like projections covering the inner openings of small round porelli (two arrows) but
the lineolate internal openings without occlusionsꎬ and robust helictoglossae (two curved arrows). Scale bars = 3 μm (Aꎬ C)ꎬ 1 μm (Bꎬ D)ꎬ
400 nm (Eꎬ F).
图版 Ⅲ 帕瓦拉桥弯藻扫描电子显微镜图 (内壳面观)
Plate Ⅲ Cymbella pavanaensis (valve internal view) (SEM)
纹等形态特征ꎬ虽然在光学显微镜下能辨别ꎬ但壳 Galway. Available from: http:/ / www. algaebase. org
面上的孔纹、壳缝末梢、螺旋舌和顶孔区等超微结 (accessed 23 November 2021).
构ꎬ都需要通过扫描电子显微镜观察来获得清晰 HAMILTON PBꎬ SAVOIE AMꎬ SAYRE CMꎬ et al.ꎬ
2019a. Novel Neidium Pfitzer species from western Canada
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内侧构造来最终确认ꎮ 本文增加了对帕瓦拉桥弯
Phytotaxaꎬ 419(1): 39-62.
帕瓦拉桥弯藻的报道ꎬ并且把它的分布区域从印 et al.ꎬ 2019b. Typification of the puzzling diatom species
度扩展到了中国的湘江ꎮ Neidium iridis ( Neidiaceae) [ J]. Plant Ecol and Evolꎬ
152(2): 392-401.
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参考文献: Cymbella (Bacillariophyta) from high altitude lakesꎬ China
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Cymbella and Placoneis ( Bacillariophyta ) from late 逸ꎬ 朱梓锋ꎬ 孙希ꎬ 等ꎬ 2021. 入侵物种福寿螺对不同生
Pleistocene fossilꎬ China [J]. Phytotaxaꎬ 150(1): 29-40. 态系统的破坏性影响 [J]. 热带医学杂志ꎬ 21(10):
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electronic publicationꎬ National University of Irelandꎬ KAPUSTIN DAꎬ KULIKOVSKIY Mꎬ KOCIOLEK JPꎬ