










BA GELLA S, CARIA MC, MOLINS A, et al. , 2011. Different spore structures in sympatric Isoetes histrix populations and their relationship with gross morphology, chromosome number, and ribosomal nuclear ITS sequences [J]. Flora, 206(5): 451-457.
BOLIN JF, HARTWIG CL, SCHAFRAN P, et al. , 2017. Application of DNA flow cytometry to aid species delimitation in Isoetes [J]. Cast, 83(1): 38-47.
BRUNTON DF, TROIA A, 2018. Global review of recent taxonomic research into Isoetes (Isoetaceae), with implications for biogeography and conservation [J]. Fern Gaz, 20(8): 309-333.
CHOI HK, JUNG J, KIM C, 2008. Two new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from Jeju Island, South Korea [J]. J Plant Biol, 51(5): 354-358.
CUI J, ZHU Y, DU H, et al. , 2022. Chromosome-level reference genome of tetraploid Isoetes sinensis provides insights into evolution and adaption of lycophytes [J]. GigaScience, 12(1): 1-15.
DE VOL CE, 1972. Isoetes found on Taiwan [J]. Taiwania, 17: 1-7.
FREUND FD, FREYMAN WA, ROTHFELS CJ, 2018. Inferring the evolutionary reduction of corm lobation in Isoëtes using Bayesian model-averaged ancestral state reconstruction [J]. Am J Bot, 105(2): 275-286.
GU YF, SHU JP, LU YJ, et al. , 2023a. Insights into cryptic speciation of quillworts in China [J]. Plant Divers, 45(3): 284-301.
GU YF, XIANG JY, SHEN H, et al. , 2023b. Isoëtes fengii Y. F. Gu & Y. H. Yan, sp. nov. , a new hexaploid species of quillwort from China [J]. Plant Sci J, 41(2): 166-171. [顾钰峰, 向建英, 沈慧, 等, 2023. 青锋水韭, 中国水韭属一六倍体新物种 [J]. 植物科学学报, 41(2): 166-171. ]
HANDEL-MAZZETTI H, 1923. Isoetes hypsophila Hand. -Mazz [J]. Akad Wiss Wien, 13: 95.
HICKEY RJ, 1986. The early evolutionary and morphological diversity of Isoetes, with descriptions of two new neotropical species [J]. Syst Bot, 11(2): 309-321.
HOLMES WC, RUSHING AE, SINGHURST JR, 2005. Taxo-nomy and identification of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) in Texas based on megaspore features [J]. Lundellia, (8): 1-6.
IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee, 2022. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 16 [EB/OL]. [2022-11-06]. https: //www. iucnredlist. org/documents/RedListGuidelines. pdf.
KOTT L, BRITTON DM, 1983. Spore morphology and taxonomy of Isoetes in northeastern North America [J]. J Can Bot, 61(12): 3140-3163.
LI X, HUANG Y, DAI X, et al. , 2019. Isoetes shangrilaensis, a new species of Isoetes from Hengduan mountain region of Shangri-la, Yunnan [J]. Phytotaxa, 397(1): 65-73.
LIU H, WANG QF, TAYLOR WC, 2005. Isoetes orientalis (Isoetaceae), a new hexaploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 15(1): 164-167.
LIU X, LIU H, WANG QF, 2008. Spore morphology of Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae) from China [J]. J Syst Evol, 46(4): 479-489. [刘星, 刘虹, 王青锋, 2008. 中国水韭属植物的孢子形态特征 [J]. 植物分类学报, 46(4): 479-489. ]
LU YJ, GU YF, YAN YH, 2021. Isoetes baodongii (Isoeta-ceae), a new basic diploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 29(1): 206-210.
PALMER TC, 1927. A Chinese Isoetes [J]. Am Fern J, 17: 111-113.
PEREIRA JBDS, SALINO A, ARRUDA A, et al. , 2016. Two new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from northern Brazil [J]. Phytotaxa, 272(2): 141-148.
PEREIRA JBDS, LABIAK PH, STÜTZEL T, et al. , 2017. Origin and biogeography of the ancient genus Isoëtes with focus on the Neotropics [J]. Bot J Linn Soc, 185(2): 253-271.
WANG QF, LIU X, TAYLOR WC, et al. , 2002. Isoetes yunguiensis (Isoetaceae), a new basic diploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 12(4): 587-591.
SHU JP, GU YF, OU ZG, et al. , 2022. Two new tetraploid quillwort species, Isoëtes longpingii and I. xiangfei from China (Isoëtaceae) [J]. Guihaia, 42(10): 1623-1631. [舒江平, 顾钰峰, 欧治国, 等, 2022. 中国水韭属两个四倍体新种(英文) [J]. 广西植物, 42(10): 1623-1631. ]
TAYLOR WC, HICKEY RJ, 1992. Habitat, evolution, and speciation in Isoetes [J]. Ann Miss Bot Gard, 79(3): 613-622.
TAYLOR WC, LUEBKE NT, BRITTON DM, et al. , 1993. Isoetaceae in: flora of North American editorial committee [M]. New York: Oxford University Press: 64-75.
TROIA A, PEREIRA J, KIM C, et al. , 2016. The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa [J]. Phytotaxa, 277(2): 101-145.
YANG J, HUANG Y, JIANG X, et al. , 2022. Potential geographical distribution of the endangered plant Isoetes under human activities using MaxEnt and GARP [J]. Glob Ecol Conserv, 38: e02186.


    水韭属是一类具有异形孢子的古老石松类植物,全属物种均被列入国家重点保护野生植物。该文报道了在浙江省长兴县新发现的一个四倍体水韭属居群。基于形态学、孢粉学和细胞学证据,将该物种命名为长兴水韭(Isoëtes changxingensis),并详细描述了其形态特征。长兴水韭与保东水韭(I. baodongii)在植株形态及孢子纹饰方面都较为相似,不同之处在于其染色体为44条,大孢子极面直径为317~411 μm(平均为360 μm)(vs. 染色体22条,大孢子极面直径为390~510 μm,平均为450 μm)。与同为四倍体的隆平水韭(I. longpingii)在孢子大小方面极为接近,不同之处在于其根状茎3裂,叶片中间宽为2~3 mm,大孢子表面具棘刺-脊条状纹饰(vs. 根状茎2裂,叶片中间宽度为1 mm,大孢子表面具瘤状-脊条状纹饰)。该种与中华水韭(I. sinensis)的区别在于其大孢子较小,表面纹饰不同,叶片长为20~60 cm(vs. 大孢子极面直径为340~450 μm,平均为409 μm,具脊条状突起纹饰,叶片长为15~30 cm)。长兴水韭目前仅分布于其模式产地的一处沟渠,由于其分布区狭窄,野生居群数量较少,栖息地环境受到人为干扰,因此根据IUCN红色名录评估标准可将长兴水韭暂定为濒危(EN)等级。由于该种面临生境破坏和野外人为刈割的风险,因此很有必要开展迁地保护及野外回归等相关工作。该文编制了中国已报道的水韭属物种的分种检索表,为该属物种的鉴定和保护工作提供了参考。


    Isoëtes changxingensis, a new species from Zhejiang Province, China, is illustrated and described here. The new species morphologically resembles I. baodongii, but it differs from the latter by 44 chromosomes, megaspore 317-411 μm (mean=360 μm) [vs. 22, 390-510 μm (mean=450 μm)]. It is also extremely similar to I. longpingii in terms of megaspore size, with the difference that I. changxingensis rhizome corms 3-lobed, leaves 2-3 mm wide at middle, megaspore echinate-cristate (vs. 2-lobed, 1 mm, tuberculate-cristate). This species is distinguished from I. sinensis by its smaller megaspore, different surface ornamentation, and leaf blade 20-60 cm [vs. 340-450 μm (mean=409 μm), cristate, 15-30 cm]. According to Guidlines for Using the IUCN Red List Criteria, the conservation status of I. changxingensis should be regarded as endangered (EN).

  • Isoëtes L. (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiopsida) is an ancient heterosporous genus of lycophytes. It originated between the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous (Yang et al., 2022) , occupying a key position in the evolution of terrestrial plants (Cui et al., 2022) . The genus contains about 250 species which are widely distributed from the tropics to the sub-arctic and South America is considered a center of both morphological and taxonomical diversity with more than 60 cataloged species (Pereira et al., 2016; Troia et al., 2016) . They thrive in diverse aquatic or wet soils habitats, including oligotrophic lakes, higher-altitude wetlands, seasonal pools, and intermittent streams (Pereira et al., 2016, 2017) . The uncertainty in the assessment of species diversity of Isoëtes mainly comes from the difficulty in classification, which is related to a series of habitat adaptation, simple and conservative morphology, convergence and reticular evolution (Taylor &Hickey, 1992; Choi et al., 2008; Bagella et al., 2011; Freund et al., 2018; Gu et al., 2023a) . The identification characteristics of Isoëtes mainly include habitat, leaf vein, ligule, megaspore size and texture, chromosome count and DNA sequence (Kott &Britton, 1983; Hickey, 1986, Taylor et al., 1993; Troia et al., 2016; Bolin et al., 2017; Brunton &Troia, 2018) . The most reliable feature is megaspore morphology, but this is often difficult to achieve under field conditions (Hickey, 1986; Holmes et al., 2005; Brunton &Troia, 2018) .

  • At present, ten species of Isoëtes have been described from China, including I. hypsophila Hand.-Mazz. (Handel-Mazzetti, 1923) , I. sinensis T. C. Palmer (Palmer, 1927) , I. taiwanensis De Vol (De Vol, 1972) , I. yunguiensis Q. F. Wang &W. C. Taylor (Wang et al., 2002) , I. orientalis H. Liu &Q. F. Wang (Liu et al., 2005) , I. shangrilaensis X. Li, Y. Huang, X. Dai, &X. Liu (Li et al., 2019) , I. baodongii Y. F. Gu, Y. H. Yan, &Yi J. Lu (Lu et al., 2021) , I. longpingii Y. H. Yan, Y. F. Gu, &J. P. Shu, and I. xiangfei Y. H. Yan, Y. F. Gu, &J. P. Shu (Shu et al., 2022) , and newly reported species I. fengii Y. F. Gu &Y. H. Yan (Gu et al., 2023b) . According to the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants released in September 2021, all species of Isoëtes are list as first-level protection (http://www.forestry.gov.cn/main/5461/20210908/162515850572900.html) . The distribu-tion scopes of Isoëtes species are wide and the altitude spans are very large. Isoëtes hypsophila is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) while I. sinensis grows in the middle and low reaches of the Yangtze River (Li et al., 2019) . In contrast to the United States, which is geographically at about the same latitude as China and has similar climatic conditions, there are more than 50 Isoëtes species in the United States, while only ten accepted Isoëtes species in China (Troia et al., 2016) . The relatively sparse number of Isoëtes species reported from China may be due to increased water pollution and urbanization, similar appearance between species, less taxonomic research and insufficient field exploration (Troia et al., 2016; Lu et al., 2021) .

  • During field investigation in Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, we discovered one population of Isoëtes similar to some populations found in eastern China, such as I. baodongii and I. sinensis. However, determination of different morphological traits, cytology and spore ornamentation provided convincing evidence that the Changxing population constituted a new species, as proposed below.

  • 1 Materials and Methods

  • The megaspores and microspores of the samples were observed via scanning electron microscopy. Spores were mounted on doublesided adhesive tape attached to metal stubs, sputter-coated with platinum, and viewed under a scanning electron microscope FlexSEM 1000 Ⅱ (Hitachi, Japan) at 5-7 kV. In our study, a total of 20 megaspores and 30 microspores from three to five individuals were measured using ImageJ2 (National Institutes of Health, USA) . Terms for describing the ornamentation of megaspores and microspores were taken from Hickey (1986) .

  • Root tips of 1 cm in length were taken from the sporophytes and pretreated in a mixture of 0.1% colchicine and 0.002 mol·L-1 8-hydroxyquinoline (1∶1) for 3.5 h at room temperature, rinsed with water for three times, and then fixed in Carnot’s fixative of ethanol and glacial acetic acid (3∶1) for 6 h at 4℃. The samples were rinsed with water for three times, then dissociated with a mixture of 1 mol·L-1 HCl and 45% glacial acetic acid (1∶1) for 45 min in a thermostatic bath at 37℃. Finally, the samples were rinsed with water for three times, and then stained with modified carbonic acid magenta for 4 h, and then pressed into slices by the conventional tablet pressing method. The chromosomes of the samples were counted by Nikon ECLIPSE Ci-S Biomicroscope (Nikon, Japan) and photographed using a Digital Sight Ds-Fi2 Camera System (Nikon, Japan) .

  • 2 Taxonomic Treatment

  • Isoëtes changxingensis Y. F. Gu &J. H. Shen,sp. nov.(长兴水韭,新拟,Fig.1-Fig.3)

  • Type: CHINA,Zhejiang Province,Changxing(长兴)County,Xiaopu(小浦)Town,in an artificial ditch,31.014349° N,119.779106° E,alt.50 m,27 August 2023. Jiahao Shen &Ling Tong2515(holotype: NAS!; isotype: NOCC!).

  • Diagnosis: Isoëtes changxingensis is a tetraploid that morphologically resembles I. baodongii, but differs in its 44 chromosomes [vs.22 in I. baodongii]. It is also similar to I. longpingii in megaspore size, but differs in its trilobed rhizome corms, megaspore echinate-cristate [vs. bilobed, tuberculate-cristate in I. longpingii]. This species is distinguished from I. sinensis by its smaller megaspore (317-411 μm, mean=360 μm) , different surface ornamentation, and leaf blade20-60 cm [vs. megaspore340-450 μm, mean=409 μm, cristate, 15-30 cm in I. sinensis]. (Fig.1-Fig.3, Table1)

  • Description: Plants aquatic. Rhizome corms 3-lobed. Sporophylls white basally, green above, spirally arranged, widely spreading, 20-60 cm long, 2-3 mm wide at mid-length, in tufts of 50 to 90, flattened on the adaxial side, rounded on the abaxial side, base flat and alate, peripheral fibrous bundles present, central intrastelar canal4. Ligule ovate-subtriangular, (3.0-3.5) mm × (2.0-2.5) mm. Sporangia basal, oblong, triangular ovate, (7.5-10.5) mm × (3.5-4.5) mm, sporangium wall clear. Megaspores rugulate, gray when wet, white when dry, ca.317-411 μm (mean = 360 μm) , proximal hemisphere echinate-cristate, distal hemisphere cristate. Microspores gray in mass, elliptic, vertical axis length 24-31 μm (mean = 27 μm) , echinate. Megaspores and microspores in different sporangia.

  • Distribution: Isoëtes changxingensis is known only from Changxing County, Huzhou City of Zhejiang Province, China.

  • Table1 Critical character differences between Isoëtes changxingensis and the other ten reported Isoëtes species in China

  • Note: * indicates cite from Liu et al. (2008) and Shu et al. (2022) . Data of I. shangrilaensis, I. baodongii and I. fengii are cited from Li et al. (2019) , Lu et al. (2021) and Gu et al. (2023a, b) , respectively.

  • Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from its type locality, Changxing County.

  • Cytology: Isoëtes changxingensis is a tetraploid species with a chromosome number of 2n=4x=44. (Fig.3)

  • Ecology: Ditches beside farmland at an altitude of 50 m, it has been submerged in the upstream ditch at a higher water level while standing up in the ditch at a lower water level. It often blends in with associated species such as Pteris multifida Poir., Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC., Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn., Commelina benghalensis L. and Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino at the distribution site.

  • IUCN Red List category: Isoëtes changxingensis is only found in Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. There are about 300 individuals, but the ditches in which they are distributed are close to villagers’ farmlands, which poses a risk of pesticide contamination, vine shading, and farmers’ cutting. Based on currently available information, we proposed that I. changxingensis should be considered as ‘Endangered (EN) ’ [A2a; B2ab (iii) ; C2a (i) ] according to the Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 2022) . This species is confronted with habitat destruction and wild human mowing, therefore, it is necessary to carry out the related conservation work such as ex situ conservation and field return, etc.

  • Additional specimen examined (Paratype) : CHINA, Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen, cultivated plant, collected from type locality, 12 January 2024, Jiahao Shen 2707 (NAS!) .

  • 3 Updated Key to Isoëtes Species in China

  • Key to Isoëtes species from China

  • 1. Small ferns, mostly found at high altitudes (H > 2 000 m) ······ 2

  • 1. Taller plants, mostly found at low to medium altitudes (H < 2 000 m) ······ 3

  • 2. Megaspore laevigate, microspore rugulate ······I. hypsophila

  • 2. Megaspore tuberculate-rugulate, microspore echinate to cristate ······I. shangrilaensis

  • 3 . Leaves 1-2 mm wide at middle······4

  • 3 . Leaves 2-10 mm wide at middle······7

  • 4. Megaspore cristate-reticulate, microspore echinate-tuberculate ······I. orientalis

  • 4. Megaspore cristate or tuberculate-cristate, microspore echinate······5

  • 5. Megaspore cristate, 340-450 μm (mean=409 μm) in diameter on the proximal face······ I. sinensis

  • 5. Megaspore tuberculate-cristate, 280-410 μm in diameter on the proximal face······6

  • 6. Individual diploid (2n=22) , just distributing in Taiwan ······I. taiwanensis

  • 6. Individual tetraploid (2n=44) , just distributing in Hunan ······I. longpingii

  • 7 . Microspore tuberculate or levigate-granulate······8

  • 7 . Microspore echinate······9

  • 8. Individual tetraploid (2n=44) , just distributing in Hunan ······I. xiangfei

  • 8. Individual diploid (2n=22) , distributing in Yunnan and Guizhou ······I. yunguiensis

  • 9 . Megaspore echinate-cristate······10

  • 9 . Megaspore reticulate ······I. fengii

  • 1 0. Individual diploid (2n=22) , megaspore390-510 μm (mean=450 μm) in diameter on the proximal face ······I. baodongii

  • 1 0. Individual tetraploid (2n=44) , megaspore317-411 μm (mean=360 μm) in diameter on the proximal face ······I. changxingensis

  • Fig.1 Morphological characteristics of Isoëtes changxingensis Y. F. Gu &J. H. Shen

  • Fig.2 Palynological characteristics of Isoëtes changxingensis Y. F. Gu &J. H. Shen

  • 中国水属检索表

  • 1 . 植株较矮小,多分布于高海拔地区(H > 2 000 m)······ 2

  • 1 . 植株较高大,多分布于中低海拔地区(H < 2 000 m)······ 3

  • 2 . 大孢子表面光滑,小孢子表面具突起纹饰······高寒水韭I. hypsophila

  • 2. 大孢子表面具瘤状-突起纹饰,小孢子表面具棘刺至脊条状突起纹饰······香格里拉水韭I. shangrilaensis

  • 3 . 叶片中部较窄,宽度1~2 mm ······4

  • 3 . 叶片中部较宽,宽度2~10 mm ······7

  • 4. 大孢子表面具网络状纹饰; 小孢子表面具棘刺状瘤状突起纹饰······东方水韭I. orientalis

  • 4 . 大孢子表面具脊条状或瘤状突起纹饰;小孢子表面具棘刺状突起纹饰······ 5

  • 5 . 大孢子表面具脊条状突起纹饰,平均极面直径409 μm ······中华水韭I. sinensis

  • 5 . 大孢子表面具瘤状-脊条状突起纹饰,平均极面直径小于400 μm ······6

  • 6 . 染色体数目为22,分布于台湾······台湾水韭I. taiwanensis

  • 6 . 染色体数目为44,分布于湖南······隆平水韭I. longpingii

  • 7 . 小孢子表面具瘤状突起纹饰或具疣状颗粒至近乎光滑······ 8

  • 7 . 小孢子表面具棘刺状突起纹饰 ······9

  • 8 . 染色体数目为44,分布于湖南······湘妃水韭I. xiangfei

  • 8 . 染色体数目为22,分布于云南和贵州······云贵水韭I. yunguiensis

  • 9 . 大孢子表面具棘刺-脊条状突起纹饰 ······10

  • 9 . 大孢子表面具网络状纹饰······青锋水韭I. fengii

  • 1 0. 染色体数目为22,大孢子平均极面直径为450 μm ······保东水韭I. baodongii

  • 1 0. 染色体数目为44,大孢子平均极面直径为360 μm ······长兴水韭I. changxingensis

  • Fig.3 Chromosomes of Isoëtes changxingensis Y. F. Gu &J. H. Shen (2n = 4x = 44)

  • Acknowledgments The authors thank Prof. WANG Yuhua from Nanjing Agricultural University for scanning the spores.

  • 参考文献

    • BA GELLA S, CARIA MC, MOLINS A, et al. , 2011. Different spore structures in sympatric Isoetes histrix populations and their relationship with gross morphology, chromosome number, and ribosomal nuclear ITS sequences [J]. Flora, 206(5): 451-457.

    • BOLIN JF, HARTWIG CL, SCHAFRAN P, et al. , 2017. Application of DNA flow cytometry to aid species delimitation in Isoetes [J]. Cast, 83(1): 38-47.

    • BRUNTON DF, TROIA A, 2018. Global review of recent taxonomic research into Isoetes (Isoetaceae), with implications for biogeography and conservation [J]. Fern Gaz, 20(8): 309-333.

    • CHOI HK, JUNG J, KIM C, 2008. Two new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from Jeju Island, South Korea [J]. J Plant Biol, 51(5): 354-358.

    • CUI J, ZHU Y, DU H, et al. , 2022. Chromosome-level reference genome of tetraploid Isoetes sinensis provides insights into evolution and adaption of lycophytes [J]. GigaScience, 12(1): 1-15.

    • DE VOL CE, 1972. Isoetes found on Taiwan [J]. Taiwania, 17: 1-7.

    • FREUND FD, FREYMAN WA, ROTHFELS CJ, 2018. Inferring the evolutionary reduction of corm lobation in Isoëtes using Bayesian model-averaged ancestral state reconstruction [J]. Am J Bot, 105(2): 275-286.

    • GU YF, SHU JP, LU YJ, et al. , 2023a. Insights into cryptic speciation of quillworts in China [J]. Plant Divers, 45(3): 284-301.

    • GU YF, XIANG JY, SHEN H, et al. , 2023b. Isoëtes fengii Y. F. Gu & Y. H. Yan, sp. nov. , a new hexaploid species of quillwort from China [J]. Plant Sci J, 41(2): 166-171. [顾钰峰, 向建英, 沈慧, 等, 2023. 青锋水韭, 中国水韭属一六倍体新物种 [J]. 植物科学学报, 41(2): 166-171. ]

    • HANDEL-MAZZETTI H, 1923. Isoetes hypsophila Hand. -Mazz [J]. Akad Wiss Wien, 13: 95.

    • HICKEY RJ, 1986. The early evolutionary and morphological diversity of Isoetes, with descriptions of two new neotropical species [J]. Syst Bot, 11(2): 309-321.

    • HOLMES WC, RUSHING AE, SINGHURST JR, 2005. Taxo-nomy and identification of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) in Texas based on megaspore features [J]. Lundellia, (8): 1-6.

    • IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee, 2022. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 16 [EB/OL]. [2022-11-06]. https: //www. iucnredlist. org/documents/RedListGuidelines. pdf.

    • KOTT L, BRITTON DM, 1983. Spore morphology and taxonomy of Isoetes in northeastern North America [J]. J Can Bot, 61(12): 3140-3163.

    • LI X, HUANG Y, DAI X, et al. , 2019. Isoetes shangrilaensis, a new species of Isoetes from Hengduan mountain region of Shangri-la, Yunnan [J]. Phytotaxa, 397(1): 65-73.

    • LIU H, WANG QF, TAYLOR WC, 2005. Isoetes orientalis (Isoetaceae), a new hexaploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 15(1): 164-167.

    • LIU X, LIU H, WANG QF, 2008. Spore morphology of Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae) from China [J]. J Syst Evol, 46(4): 479-489. [刘星, 刘虹, 王青锋, 2008. 中国水韭属植物的孢子形态特征 [J]. 植物分类学报, 46(4): 479-489. ]

    • LU YJ, GU YF, YAN YH, 2021. Isoetes baodongii (Isoeta-ceae), a new basic diploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 29(1): 206-210.

    • PALMER TC, 1927. A Chinese Isoetes [J]. Am Fern J, 17: 111-113.

    • PEREIRA JBDS, SALINO A, ARRUDA A, et al. , 2016. Two new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from northern Brazil [J]. Phytotaxa, 272(2): 141-148.

    • PEREIRA JBDS, LABIAK PH, STÜTZEL T, et al. , 2017. Origin and biogeography of the ancient genus Isoëtes with focus on the Neotropics [J]. Bot J Linn Soc, 185(2): 253-271.

    • WANG QF, LIU X, TAYLOR WC, et al. , 2002. Isoetes yunguiensis (Isoetaceae), a new basic diploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 12(4): 587-591.

    • SHU JP, GU YF, OU ZG, et al. , 2022. Two new tetraploid quillwort species, Isoëtes longpingii and I. xiangfei from China (Isoëtaceae) [J]. Guihaia, 42(10): 1623-1631. [舒江平, 顾钰峰, 欧治国, 等, 2022. 中国水韭属两个四倍体新种(英文) [J]. 广西植物, 42(10): 1623-1631. ]

    • TAYLOR WC, HICKEY RJ, 1992. Habitat, evolution, and speciation in Isoetes [J]. Ann Miss Bot Gard, 79(3): 613-622.

    • TAYLOR WC, LUEBKE NT, BRITTON DM, et al. , 1993. Isoetaceae in: flora of North American editorial committee [M]. New York: Oxford University Press: 64-75.

    • TROIA A, PEREIRA J, KIM C, et al. , 2016. The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa [J]. Phytotaxa, 277(2): 101-145.

    • YANG J, HUANG Y, JIANG X, et al. , 2022. Potential geographical distribution of the endangered plant Isoetes under human activities using MaxEnt and GARP [J]. Glob Ecol Conserv, 38: e02186.

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    • PEREIRA JBDS, SALINO A, ARRUDA A, et al. , 2016. Two new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from northern Brazil [J]. Phytotaxa, 272(2): 141-148.

    • PEREIRA JBDS, LABIAK PH, STÜTZEL T, et al. , 2017. Origin and biogeography of the ancient genus Isoëtes with focus on the Neotropics [J]. Bot J Linn Soc, 185(2): 253-271.

    • WANG QF, LIU X, TAYLOR WC, et al. , 2002. Isoetes yunguiensis (Isoetaceae), a new basic diploid quillwort from China [J]. Novon, 12(4): 587-591.

    • SHU JP, GU YF, OU ZG, et al. , 2022. Two new tetraploid quillwort species, Isoëtes longpingii and I. xiangfei from China (Isoëtaceae) [J]. Guihaia, 42(10): 1623-1631. [舒江平, 顾钰峰, 欧治国, 等, 2022. 中国水韭属两个四倍体新种(英文) [J]. 广西植物, 42(10): 1623-1631. ]

    • TAYLOR WC, HICKEY RJ, 1992. Habitat, evolution, and speciation in Isoetes [J]. Ann Miss Bot Gard, 79(3): 613-622.

    • TAYLOR WC, LUEBKE NT, BRITTON DM, et al. , 1993. Isoetaceae in: flora of North American editorial committee [M]. New York: Oxford University Press: 64-75.

    • TROIA A, PEREIRA J, KIM C, et al. , 2016. The genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae): a provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa [J]. Phytotaxa, 277(2): 101-145.

    • YANG J, HUANG Y, JIANG X, et al. , 2022. Potential geographical distribution of the endangered plant Isoetes under human activities using MaxEnt and GARP [J]. Glob Ecol Conserv, 38: e02186.