引用本文: | 拦继酒, 费文群, 罗 建, 兰小中.西藏色季拉山药用种子植物区系研究[J].广西植物,2018,38(4):411-419.[点击复制] |
LAN Jijiu, FEI Wenqun, LUO Jian, LAN Xiaozhong.Medicinal seed plants flora in Shergyla Mountains, Tibet[J].Guihaia,2018,38(4):411-419.[点击复制] |
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西藏色季拉山药用种子植物区系研究 |
拦继酒1, 费文群1, 罗 建1*, 兰小中1,2
1. 西藏农牧学院 西藏农牧特色资源研发协同创新中心, 西藏 林芝 860000;2. 西藏农牧学院 西南大学 药用植物联合研发中心, 西藏 林芝 860000
摘要: |
该研究根据国家中医药管理局全国第四次中药资源普查的标准,在色季拉山设置样方63套,每套样方中设1个10 m × 10 m的乔木样方,1个5 m × 5 m的灌木藤本样方和4个2 m × 2 m的草本样方,调查记录海拔、经纬度、坡度、坡向等地理信息以及样地内每个物种的高度、盖度、株数等生物学信息,分析该区药用种子植物区系的基本组成、地理成分以及相对应的药用植物功效。结果表明:色季拉山有药用种子植物91科335属625种(含变种),分别占西藏种子植物科、属、种的55.49%,29.26%和11.80%。分布区类型多样,科的分布区分为7个分布区及5个亚型,热带科25个(占非世界分布科数的49.02%),温带科26个(占非世界分布科数的50.98%)。属的分布区分为13个分布区及13个亚型,热带属52个(占总属数的15.52%),温带属236个(占总属数的70.45%)。种的分布区类型,以温带成分为主,在625种药用种子植物中,温带种429个,占总种数的68.64%,在该区占优势。此外,该区药用植物的古老成分缺乏。特有成分很低,无中国特有科分布,中国特有属1个,中国特有种176个(其中西藏特有种21个)。色季拉山药用种子植物资源丰富,区系分布类型多样,起源于热带—亚热带成分,现以温带性质为主,说明该区处于热带向温带的过渡地带。从各药用植物的区系分布类型来看,所含药用植物具有较多样的药用功效。 |
关键词: |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201703030 |
分类号:Q948.5 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)04-0411-09 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30860026); 全国第四次中药资源普查西藏自治区中(藏)药资源普查项目(20120716-540000)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30860026); the Fourth National Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources(20120716-540000)]。 |
Medicinal seed plants flora in Shergyla Mountains, Tibet |
LAN Jijiu1, FEI Wenqun1, LUO Jian1*, LAN Xiaozhong1,2
1. Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet, Collaborative Innovation Center for Construction of Research and Development
on Tibetan Characteristics, Nyingchi 860000, Tibet, China;2. Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet-Southwest
University, Medicinal Plants Joint Research and Development Centre, Nyingchi 860000, Tibet, China
1. Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet, Collaborative Innovation Center for Construction of Research and Development
on Tibetan Characteristics, Nyingchi 860000, Tibet, China; 2. Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet-Southwest
University, Medicinal Plants Joint Research and Development Centre, Nyingchi 860000, Tibet, China
Abstract: |
In order to verifiy the distribution of medicinal seed plant resources of Shergyla Mountains in Tibet of China, we investigated medicinal seed plants resources in Shergyla Mountains and analyzed its flora characteristics to provide scientific basis for protection and sustainable utilization of the resources in the district. According to State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine the Fourth Census for resource of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)standards, sixty-three sample groups were established and each group consisted of one sample plot for trees(10 m × 10 m), one sample plot for shrubs(5 m × 5 m)and four sample plots for grass(2 m × 2 m). The detailed information included altitude, longitude, latitude, slope and exposure were recorded of each plot. In each plot, the height, number and coverage of each species were investigated. We analyzed flora characteristic and corresponding medicinal efficacy of medicinal seed plants in Shergyla Mountains by using basic principles of geography and floristics. There were abundant medicinal seed plant resources in Shergyla Mountains, including 91 families, 335 genera and 625 species(including variations), which accounted for 11.8%,28.96% and 55.49% of respective species, genera and families of seed plants of Tibet. There were seven areal-types and five subtypes of families, with 25 families belonging to tropical and 26 families belonging to temperate, accounting for 49.02% and 50.98% of no word distribution. There were thirteen areal-types and thirteen subtypes of genera, with 52 genera belonging to tropical,236 genera belonging to temperate, accounting for 15.52% and 70.45% of total genera in Sheryla Mountains. The tropical components were dominant in the areal-types of medicinal seed plants species, including 429 species and accounting for 68.64% of total medicinal seed plants in Shergyla Mountains. There was no Chinese endemic family, one Chinese endemic genus and 176 Chinese endemic species, including 21 Tibet endemic species. The medicinal seed plants in Shergyla Moutains were abundant resources and with various distribution patterns. The analysis showed that the tropical components were dominant in medicinal seed plants flora of Shergyla Mountains. This flora originated in tropical-subtropical components and was in the transition of tropical to temperate zone. Further more, the flora medicinal seed plants were lack of old components and less endemic elements. In terms of the areal type of each medicinal plant, the medicinal plants contained in them have more medicinal effects |
Key words: Shergyla Mountains, medicinal seed plants, flora, Tibet |