引用本文: | 蔡梦颖, 金晓玲, 柴弋霞, 胡曼筠, 罗 峰.不同砧木阔瓣含笑嫁接苗生长生理及亲和性评价[J].广西植物,2018,38(4):536-544.[点击复制] |
CAI Mengying, JIN Xiaoling, CHAI Yixia, HU Manjun, LUO Feng.Evaluation on compatibility, growth trait and physiology indicators of Michelia platypetala grafted on different rootstocks[J].Guihaia,2018,38(4):536-544.[点击复制] |
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不同砧木阔瓣含笑嫁接苗生长生理及亲和性评价 |
蔡梦颖, 金晓玲*, 柴弋霞, 胡曼筠, 罗 峰
中南林业科技大学 风景园林学院, 长沙 410004
摘要: |
以白玉兰、紫玉兰、乐昌含笑、深山含笑作砧木的阔瓣含笑嫁接苗为材料,通过对嫁接苗生长特性的观测和生理生化指标的动态测定,运用主成分分析和隶属函数法计算亲和性综合指数,评价阔瓣含笑与4种砧木的苗期亲和性。结果表明:以深山含笑和紫玉兰作砧木的嫁接成活率较高(分别为88.33%、83.33%),白玉兰次之(为75%),乐昌含笑较低(为63.3%); 砧木对嫁接苗的苗高有较大影响,以深山含笑和紫玉兰的苗高最高,白玉兰次之,乐昌含笑最矮; 砧木对嫁接苗叶片数的影响表现为初期存在一定差异,生长后期差异逐渐缩小。在嫁接苗生长过程中,4种砧木嫁接苗的叶绿素含量均呈双峰型变化,类胡萝卜素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、POD活性表现出先上升后下降的趋势,可溶性糖含量总体表现为先下降后上升的趋势。在4种砧木的嫁接苗中,深山含笑、紫玉兰和白玉兰的各项生理指标都相近,而乐昌含笑整个生长期都低于其它3种嫁接苗。从亲和性综合指数来看,深山含笑的亲和性指数最高(为0.518),乐昌含笑的最低(为0.470)。综合分析,认为4种砧木与阔瓣含笑都具有一定的亲和性,其中以深山含笑最好,乐昌含笑最差。 |
关键词: 阔瓣含笑, 砧木, 嫁接亲和性, 可溶性糖, 隶属函数法 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201705011 |
分类号:Q945.4 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)04-0536-09 |
基金项目:国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201404710); 湖南省科技计划项目(2016NK2162)[Supported by Special Fund for Forest Scientific Research in the Public Welfare(201404710); Sci-Tech Plan Program of Hunan Province(2016NK2162)]。 |
Evaluation on compatibility, growth trait and physiology indicators of Michelia platypetala grafted on different rootstocks |
CAI Mengying, JIN Xiaoling*, CHAI Yixia, HU Manjun, LUO Feng
College of Landscape Architecture, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
College of Landscape Architecture, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
Abstract: |
Mchelia platypetala was taken as scion, seedlings of Magnolia denudate, M. liliflora, Michelia chapensis and M. maudiae were taken as rootstock, those four kinds of grafted seedlings were used as experimental materials in this study. Based on the measurement of growth and physiological indexes, we initially evaluated the compatibility between M. platypetala and four rootstocks by principal component analysis and subordinate function(SF)method. The results showed that, M. maudiae enjoyed the highest survival rate of 88.33%, while the second one was Magnolia liliflora with 83.33% survival rate and the third one was M. denudata with a survival rate of 75%, and Michelia chapensis was the lowest one which was only 63.33%. Rootstock had a great influence on seedling height of grafted seedlings, M. maudiae and Magnolia liliflora were the highest, M. denudata came to the second, Michelia chapensis was the shortest one. The effects on the number of leaf showed some differences in the early stage, while the differences narrowed later. During the growth period, the chlorophyll contents of the four grafted seedlings showed the change of two peak types, carotenoid content, soluble protein content, POD and SOD activities were increased at the beginning but decreased later; While the soluble sugar content decreased first and then increased. Among four kinds of rootstocks, all physiological indexes of Magnolia denudata, M. liliflora and Michelia maudiae were similar,while that of M. chapensis was at a lower level in whole growth period. From the compatibility index, M. maudiae was the highest with 0.518, the lowest one was M. chapensis with 0.470. According to the comprehensive analysis, each of four rootstocks had a certain compatibility, among which M. maudiae were the best, and M. chapensis were the worst. |
Key words: Michelia platypetala, rootstock, graft compatibility, soluble sugar, subordinate function(SF)method |