引用本文: | 周文才, 田仟仟, 李 田, 黄 彬, 温 强.浙江红花油茶 × 广宁红花油茶杂交子代的表型性状及其SSR分子鉴定[J].广西植物,2024,44(7):1269-1277.[点击复制] |
ZHOU Wencai, TIAN Qianqian, LI Tian, HUANG Bin, WEN Qiang.Phenotypic traits and SSR molecular identification of hybrid progenies of Camellia chekiangoleosa × C. semiserrata[J].Guihaia,2024,44(7):1269-1277.[点击复制] |
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浙江红花油茶 × 广宁红花油茶杂交子代的表型性状及其SSR分子鉴定 |
周文才1, 田仟仟1,2, 李 田1, 黄 彬1, 温 强1*
1. 江西省林业科学院 油茶资源培育与利用江西省重点实验室, 南昌 330013;2. 江西农业大学, 南昌 330045
摘要: |
浙江红花油茶(Camellia chekiangoleosa)种仁含油率和油酸含量高,广宁红花油茶(C. semiserrata)具有较强的生长势和抗性。为了利用浙江红花油茶和广宁红花油茶的优点,培育优良种质材料,该研究对浙江红花油茶与广宁红花油茶的45个F1杂交子代进行表型性状分析,以掌握杂交子代的表型性状情况,同时利用SSR标记对其进行杂种真伪鉴定,并筛选可用于油茶杂交子代鉴定的SSR标记。结果表明:(1)浙江红花油茶 × 广宁红花油茶的F1子代表现为树形高大、生长迅速且其叶脉、萼片、柱头均倾向于父本广宁红花油茶的性状,而花和叶片形态等性状与母本浙江红花油茶接近,叶片颜色与大小等特征介于双亲特征之间。(2)从32个SSR标记中筛选出了8个可区分双亲且能明确杂交子代来源的完全互补型标记,用于开展杂交子代鉴定,其中7个标记杂种鉴定效率高达100%,1个标记杂种鉴定效率为55.56%; 8个标记相互补充鉴定出45个杂交子代全是真杂种。(3)8个SSR标记对杂交子代进行的鉴定能力验证表明,利用这些SSR标记鉴定油茶杂交子代是可行的。该研究结果为油茶物种间的杂交育种提供了参考,同时也为后续油茶物种间的杂交子代SSR标记鉴定提供了依据。 |
关键词: 红花油茶, 杂交子代鉴定, SSR标记, 表型性状, 杂交育种 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202305015 |
分类号:Q943 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)07-1269-09 |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1000402); 国家自然科学基金(32201592,31860179); 江西省重点研发计划项目(20201BBF61003, 20224BBF61027); 江西省林业厅林业创新项目(YCYJZX[2023]131,YCYJZX[2023]111,202221); 江西省林业科学院基础研究与人才科研专项(2022511001); 江西省林业科学院博士启动项目(2021521001)。 |
Phenotypic traits and SSR molecular identification of hybrid progenies of Camellia chekiangoleosa × C. semiserrata |
ZHOU Wencai1, TIAN Qianqian1,2, LI Tian1, HUANG Bin1, WEN Qiang1*
1. Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Oil Tea Resources of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Academy of
Forestry, Nanchang 330013, China;2. Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
1. Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Oil Tea Resources of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Academy of
Forestry, Nanchang 330013, China; 2. Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
Abstract: |
Camellia chekiangoleosa has high oil concentration and oleic acid content, while C. semiserrata has strong growth vigor and resistance. In order to make the utmost of the advantages of C. chekiangoleosa and C. semiserrata and cultivate excellent germplasm materials, the phenotypic traits of 45 F1 hybrid progenies of C. chekiangoleosa and C. semiserrata were analyzed to grasp the phenotypic traits of the hybrid progenies. In addition, SSR markers were used to identify hybrids, and SSR markers that could be used to identify the hybrid progenies of oil tea were screened. The results were as follows:(1)The F1 hybrids of C. chekiangoleosa × C. semiserrata showed tall tree and rapid growth, and their leaf veins, sepals and stigmas were all tended to the traits of the male parent C. semiserrata, while flower and leaf morphologies and other traits were similar to the female parent C. chekiangoleosa, and the characteristics of leaf color and size were between those of the parents.(2)From the 32 SSR markers, eight fully complementary markers that could distinguish parents and determine the origin of offspring were screened out for identification of hybrid progenies, among which the hybrid identification rates of seven markers were as high as 100%, and the hybrid identification rate of one marker was 55.56%. And 45 hybrid progenies were all true hybrids identified by the complementarity of eight markers.(3)The eight SSR markers were used to verify the ability to identify the hybrid progenies, indicating that it is feasible to use these SSR markers to identify the authenticity of the hybrid progenies of oil tea. This study results provide a reference for interspecies cross breeding of oil tea, and also provide a reference for the SSR marker identification of hybrids of oil tea. |
Key words: Camellia chekiangoleosa, hybrid progeny identification, SSR markers, phenotypic traits, cross breeding |