引用本文: | 颜 超, 肖 旭, 冉朝辉, 李 志.山茶属瘤果茶组10种植物的花粉和叶表皮微形态研究[J].广西植物,2024,44(9):1795-1806.[点击复制] |
YAN Chao, XIAO Xu, RAN Zhaohui, LI Zhi.Pollen morphology and leaf epidermal micromorphology of 10 species of sect. Tuberculata(Camellia L.)[J].Guihaia,2024,44(9):1795-1806.[点击复制] |
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山茶属瘤果茶组10种植物的花粉和叶表皮微形态研究 |
颜 超1, 肖 旭1, 冉朝辉1, 李 志1,2*
1. 贵州大学 林学院, 贵阳 550025;2. 贵州大学生物多样性与自然保护研究中心, 贵阳 550025
摘要: |
为探究瘤果茶组10种植物叶表皮微形态和花粉形态,该研究利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对花粉和叶表皮微形态进行观测,并分别依据花粉特征和叶表皮特征进行聚类分析,为该组植物的系统演化、分类鉴定等提供依据,其中10种植物的花粉形态为首次报道。结果表明:(1)10种植物的花粉形态和大小差异不大,为近球形、长球形或扁球形; 极面观为三裂近圆形或三裂近三角形; 赤道面观为椭圆形或梭形,极赤比(P/E)为0.85~1.16,萌发沟类型为三孔沟; 外壁纹饰特征差异较显著,为颗粒状、皱沟状或皱波状至颗粒状形态,有较为重要的分类价值。(2)通过对测量指标提取主成分聚类分析,当欧氏距离为4.5时,得到4个分类群,部分分类结果和宏观形态学分类一致。(3)10种植物的叶表皮细胞为无规则形和多边形,种间形态差异较大; 曾氏瘤果茶和荔波红瘤果茶的上下表皮均有腺体; 气孔器仅分布在下表皮,均为环列型; 垂周壁样式呈现出浅波状、波状、直曲形和深波状。(4)叶表皮微形态的细胞大小和气孔器特征(大小、密度)在种间有显著差异。该研究结果表明花粉形态和叶表皮微形态在瘤果茶组中类型多样,可作为区分部分近缘种类群的依据。 |
关键词: 山茶属, 瘤果茶组, 花粉形态, 叶表皮微形态, 系统学意义 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202306048 |
分类号:Q944 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)09-1795-12 |
基金项目:贵州省科学基金一般项目(黔科合基础-ZK [2022]一般072); 贵州省林业局特色林业研究项目(特林研2020-06); 国家自然科学基金(32400179)。 |
Pollen morphology and leaf epidermal micromorphology of 10 species of sect. Tuberculata(Camellia L.) |
YAN Chao1, XIAO Xu1, RAN Zhaohui1, LI Zhi1,2*
1. College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;2. Research Center for
Bio-Diversity and Nature Conservation, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
1. College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2. Research Center for
Bio-Diversity and Nature Conservation, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
Abstract: |
To provide research data for the phylogenetic evolution, classification and identification of plants in sect. Tuberculata of Camellia genus, 10 species of the section, leaf epidermal micromorphology and pollen morphology were observed by light microscope and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and based on pollen features and leaf epidermal features to clustered separately. The results were as follows:(1)10 species had no significant difference in pollen morphology and size, the pollen shape was subspheroidal, prolate or oblatesphere; the outline in polar view was trilete rounded or trilete regular teiangular; the outline in equatorial view was oblong or fusiform, P/E ranged from 0.85 to 1.16; the aperature type was tricolporate aperature. The exine sculpture was significantly different, the feature had coarsely warty, foveolate reticulate or rugulate with beadedmun, and had important classification value for sect. Tuberculata.(2)The cluster analysis of the measurement index showed that when the Euclidean distance was 4.5, the 10 species were divided into four groups, and some of the classification results were the same as the macroscopic morphological classification.(3)The leaf epidermal cells of 10 species were irregular or polygon, with great morphological differences among species. There were glands in the upper and lower epidermis of C. zengii, C. rhytidophylla and C. rubimuricata; cyclic type stomatal apparatuses were only distributed in the lower epidermis; anticlinal wall pattern were sinuolate, sinuous, repand and sinuate.(4)The cell size and stomatal features(size and density)of leaf epidermis micromorphology were significantly different between species. This study shows that pollen morphology and leaf epidermal micromorphology are diverse in sect. Tuberculata, which can be used as the basis for distinguishing some closely related species in sect. Tuberculata. |
Key words: Camellia, sect. Tuberculata, pollen morphology, leaf epidermal micromorphology, phylogenetic significance |