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罂粟体内蒂巴因变化规律及水氮耦合对蒂巴因的影响 |
常 瑛1,3, 李彦荣1,2*, 陈 芳1,3, 张兆萍1,2, 魏玉杰1,2,3, 王军强1,3
1. 甘肃省农业工程技术研究院,甘肃 武威 733006;2. 国家中药材产业体系河西综合试验站, 甘肃 武威 733006;3. 甘肃省特种药源植物种质创新与安全利用重点实验室, 甘肃 武威 733006
摘要: |
该文采用HPLC法,分析测定一年生罂粟植株体开花后不同生育期根、茎、叶、果壳中的蒂巴因含量,研究了罂粟体内蒂巴因的变化规律和水氮耦合对蒂巴因的影响。结果表明:一年生罂粟植株体的蒂巴因含量的变化范围在果壳中为1.81%~4.54%,成熟期达到最高; 叶片中为0.30%~0.68%,膨大后期最高,采收期最低; 根中为0.03%~0.28%,膨大前期最高,采收期最低; 茎秆中为0.23%~0.60%,呈递减趋势,采收期最低,茎上、中、下部的蒂巴因含量的变化范围分别为0.42%~0.97%、0.15%~0.60%、0.13%~0.37%。滴灌量和施氮量对一年生罂粟果壳中蒂巴因含量的影响差异显著。罂粟壳质量最佳的水氮偶合条件为I130N14,即滴灌量为130 m3·667 m-2,施氮量为14 kg·667 m-2时,蒂巴因含量达最高。 |
关键词: 罂粟, 蒂巴因, 变化规律, 水氮耦合, 影响 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201809031 |
分类号:Q945, S365 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)07-0896-06 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31160303)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31160303)]。 |
Changes of thebaine in poppy(Papaver somniferum)and water-nitrogen coupling patterns effects |
CHANG Ying1,3, LI Yanrong1,2*, CHEN Fang1,3, ZHANG Zhaoping1,2,
WEI Yujie1,2,3, WANG Junqiang1,3
1. Gansu Academy of Agri-engineering Technology, Wuwei 733006, Gansu, China;2. Hexi Comprehensive Experimental Station of
Industrial System for National Chinese Herbal Medicine, Wuwei 733006, Gansu, China;3. Gansu Key Laboratory of Plant
Germplasm Innovation and Safety Utilization of Special Drug Sources, Wuwei 733006, Gansu, China
Abstract: |
The HPLC was used to determine the contents of thebaine in roots, stems, leaves and shells of different growth stages after annual poppy flowering, to study the changes of thebaine in poppy and water-nitrogen coupling patterns effects under drip irrigation. The results showed that the content of thebaine in annual poppy shell was 1.81%-4.54%, and the highest in maturity. The leaf was 0.30%-0.68%, the highest in the late period of expansion and the lowest in the harvesting period. The root was 0.03%-0.28%, the highest in the early period of expansion and the lowest in the harvesting period. The stem was 0.23%-0.60%, showing a decreasing trend and the lowest in harvesting period. The content of thebaine in the upper, middle and lower parts of the stem was 0.42%-0.97%, 0.15%-0.60% and 0.13%-0.37%, respectively. The quantity of drip irrigation and nitrogen fertilization significantly effected the thebaine content in annual poppy. The best water-nitrogen coupling conditions for thebaine content in annual poppy shells was I130N14. The thebaine content was the highest when the nitrogen application were 14 kg· 667 m-2 and the drip irrigation amount was 130 m3· 667 m-2. |
Key words: poppy, thebaine, law of change, water-nitrogen coupling, effect |