Page 48 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 48
3 2 8 广 西 植 物 40 卷
rootsꎬ stemsꎬ leavesꎬ flowers and hypocotyl of 14 species of true mangrove plants from the west coast of Hainan were se ̄
lected as research objects. Twenty ̄four strains of actinobacteria were obtainedꎬ from 46 plant tissues of ture mangrove
plantsꎬ by using improved Gause’ s medium (AGG)ꎬ trehalose ̄asparagine medium (M4)ꎬ trehalose ̄proline medium
(M5)ꎬ improved ISP5 medium (M7)ꎬ arginine ̄asparagine medium (M9)ꎬ improved starch ̄hydrolyzed casein medium
(M10)ꎬ tyrosine ̄asparagine medium (P7)ꎬ oat medium (P3)ꎬ cottonseed sugar ̄histidine medium (M11) of nine kinds
of different mediaꎬ through dilution coating method and the third line marking method. The diversity of marine actinobac ̄
teria was analyzed by molecular biological identification methods such as 16S rRNA gene sequence information. The anti ̄
aging activities of endophtic actinobacteria were analyzed by using Caenorhabditis elegans screening models. The results
were as follows: (1) A total of 24 strains of actinobacteria were isolated from 46 plant tissues of true mangrove plants
and distributed in eleven generaꎬ seven families. Nine strains belonged to Streptomyces. Moreoverꎬ IMDGX 6270ꎬ IM ̄
DGX 6137 and IMDGX 6173 were three suspected potential new strains. The number of strains isolated from each sample
varied greatly. Among themꎬ the leaves had the largest number of strains and the richest diversity (18 strains). Nextꎬ
eight strains were obtained from the stem. The number of roots was fourꎬ which may be related to the large number of
stem and leaf tissue samplesꎬ and the number and diversity of strains isolated from M5 medium were the highestꎬ while
the number and diversity of strains isolated from M11 medium were the lowest. The results showed that the isolation me ̄
dium with different nutrients had a great influence on the growth of microorganisms. (2) In additionꎬ four strains of acti ̄
nobacteria were screened by Caenorhabditis elegans model and showed anti ̄aging activityꎬ and the survival time was in ̄
creased by 17.16%ꎬ 28.11%ꎬ 29.05% and 27.10%ꎬ respectivelyꎬ compared with the blank group. This indicates that
there may be abundant actinobacteria resources in the mangrove plants in the west coast of Hainanꎬ which can provide a
new source for the research and development of anti ̄aging drugs.
Key words: species diversityꎬ endophytic actinobacteriaꎬ true mangrove plantsꎬ anti ̄aging activity
红树林是海岸潮间带特有的两栖植物群落 海南西海岸位于北部湾东侧ꎬ拥有东方市四
(陈振明等ꎬ2006)ꎮ 真红树是一种木本植物ꎬ只能 必湾、儋州市儋州湾、儋州市峨蔓镇盐丁、临高县
在潮间带生长ꎬ不能在陆地环境中正常繁殖和生 新盈湾、临高县马袅湾和澄迈县花场湾 6 个红树
存(Linꎬ1995)ꎮ 为适应特殊的生长环境ꎬ红树植 林主要分布区ꎬ是北部湾的重要组成部分ꎮ 海南
物内部可能存在着特殊的化学物质参与其自身防 西海岸拥有 9.423×10 m 的红树林ꎬ约占海南岛
御(Bandaranayakeꎬ1982ꎻ刘颖和刘峰ꎬ2008)ꎬ这些 红树林面积的 20%( 范作卿等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 现阶段对
特殊的化学物质可能是由植物组织内生微生物产 海南岛红树林内生菌研究多集中在东海岸区域
生或 合 成 的 次 级 代 谢 产 物 ( 黄 宝 康 和 秦 路 平ꎬ (如东寨港、清澜港等)ꎬ对西海岸红树林的研究较
2006)ꎮ 红树林放线菌具有代谢途径独特、多样性 少ꎬ这可能与西海岸红树林种类组成较为简单有
强、种类繁多等优势( Azman et al.ꎬ2018)ꎬ现已从 关(范作卿等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 因此ꎬ对西海岸红树林内生
红树 中 分 离 得 到 多 样 性 丰 富 的 放 线 菌 菌 株 放线菌的研究会使北部湾红树林内生菌研究更加
(Suksaard et al.ꎬ2015)ꎮ 李飞娜等(2017) 从澳门 完善ꎬ也有利于海南西海岸红树植物的保护ꎮ
路氹城生态保护区采集的 12 份红树植物样品中 秀丽隐杆线虫( Caenorhabditis elegans) 是在放
分离得到 192 株内生放线菌ꎬ基因序列相似性低 线菌活性筛选方面应用普遍的模式生物( Brenner
于 98.6%的菌株共有 22 株ꎬ抗菌活性筛选结果显 et al.ꎬ 1974ꎻ 齐 丽 娟ꎬ 2015ꎻ 鞠 守 勇 和 陈 其 国ꎬ
示 5 株具有抗菌活性ꎮ 李静等(2016) 从海南东寨 2018)ꎮ 现阶段对红树植物样品中分离得到的内
港 14 种真红树样品中得到放线菌 146 株ꎬ其中 40 生放线菌活性研究主要集中在抑菌活性、杀虫活
株具有抗菌活性ꎮ Jiang et al. (2018) 从北仑河口 性和抗肿瘤细胞活性等( Kubota et al.ꎬ2004ꎻWang
国家级自然保护区采集的红树林植物样品中分离 et al.ꎬ2010ꎻAzman et al.ꎬ2018)ꎬ有关微生物次级
到 101 株放线菌ꎬ隶属于 28 个属ꎮ 可见红树林由 代谢产物抗衰老活性的研究则相对较少( 许敏等ꎬ
于特殊的生长环境ꎬ使得其内生放线菌呈现丰富 2016)ꎮ 本实验利用秀丽隐杆线虫模型研究海南
的多样性ꎬ并具有较强的物种新颖性和生物活性ꎮ 西海岸区域真红树内生放线菌对线虫寿命的影