Page 33 - 《广西植物》2020年第5期
P. 33
5 期 王冰清等: 湘西地区亚麻酸资源植物调查与筛选 6 2 9
development of Xiangxi regionꎬ the linolenic acid plant in Xiangxi region was systematically investigated by consulting
literature field investigation and determination of seed oilꎬ based on 10 evaluation indicators of three aspects of plant spe ̄
cies growth characteristicsꎬ oil characteristicsꎬ development and utilization potentials through checking literatures and
field investigation. Comprehensive evaluation and screening of linolenic acid resource plants were carried out by using
AHP in Xiangxi. The results showed that there were 171 species of 128 genera and 64 families belonging to linolenic acid
resource plants in Xiangxi region. Among themꎬ Rutaceaeꎬ Euphorbiaceaeꎬ Leguminosaeꎬ Labiataeꎬ Rosaceaeꎬ Brassi ̄
caceaeꎬ Lauraceaeꎬ Celastraceae were the dominant families in quantityꎬ Zanthoxylumꎬ Celastrusꎬand Actinidia were the
dominant genera in quantity. Among the life formsꎬ there were 122 species of woody plants and 49 species of herbaceous
plantsꎬ woody plants were dominant. There were 90 kinds of middle and high content linolenic acid plantsꎬ accounting
for 52.63% of the total number of linolenic acid plants. This group of linolenic acid was rich in content and had great uti ̄
lization value. The linolenic acid plants rich in Xiangxi region mainly distributed in the middle and low mountains and
hills in the north ̄central part of Xiangxi regionꎬ with an altitude of 300 -1 100 mꎬ and the most abundant were in the
range of 700-800 m. Through analytic hierarchy processꎬ 11 kinds of linolenic acid plants Actinidia chinensis var. delicio ̄
saꎬ A. chinensisꎬ Elsholtzia ciliateꎬ Agastache rugosaꎬ Zanthoxylum echinocarpumꎬ Eucommia ulmoidesꎬ Celosia argent ̄
eaꎬ Perilla frutescensꎬ Geum aleppicum and Perilla frutescens var. crispaꎬ Lepidium apetalum were selected as Level I
plants for the development and utilization of Xiangxi region.
Key words: linolenic acidꎬ resource plantsꎬ investigation and analysisꎬ analytic hierarchy processꎬ comprehensive
evaluationꎬ Xiangxi region
亚麻酸( linolenic acid) 是指含三个双键的十 物多样性最为丰富的地区之一ꎬ同时也是我国亚
八碳不饱和脂肪酸ꎬ其中绝大多数为 α ̄亚麻酸和 麻酸资源植物的重要产区ꎬ亚麻酸资源植物开发
γ ̄亚麻酸ꎬ同时也包括少量其他异构体( 由于其所 利用空间较大ꎮ 目前ꎬ对湘西地区亚麻酸资源植
涉及类群较少ꎬ且含量低不易检测和分离ꎬ为便于 物的研究还很少ꎬ仅出于开发应用实际需要对猕
统计分析本文也将其纳入亚麻酸的范畴)ꎬ其性状 猴桃、杜仲、花椒、枳椇等少数物种中的亚麻酸资
为淡黄色油状液体ꎬ是构成人体组织细胞的主要 源进行了研究以外( 麻成金等ꎬ2005ꎻ李加兴等ꎬ
成分ꎬ在人体内能代谢转化为机体所必需的生命 2010ꎻ赵虹桥和卢成瑛ꎬ2011ꎻ吴丽雅等ꎬ2013)ꎬ针
活性因子 DHA 和 EPAꎬ对维持人体的正常生命活 对湘西地区亚麻酸资源植物的系统调查研究还尚
动具 有 至 关 重 要 的 作 用 ( Christon et al.ꎬ 1995ꎻ 未开展ꎮ 并且由于湘西地区各地植物的分布不均
Lloyd ̄jones et al.ꎬ 2005ꎻ高大文ꎬ2009)ꎮ 亚麻酸作 衡ꎬ不同植物中亚麻酸含量存在差异ꎬ大量亚麻酸
为人体必需营养素之一ꎬ常以甘油酯的形式存在 资源植物甚至尚未被充分认识到ꎬ更谈不上利用
于绿色植物的果实、种子内ꎬ日常膳食中的食用 和发展产业了ꎮ 所以ꎬ进一步弄清楚亚麻酸资源
油ꎬ如菜籽油、豆油、葵花子油、玉米油等食用油ꎬ 植物在湘西的分布特点以及含量情况ꎬ综合评价
是不饱和脂肪酸(如油酸、亚油酸) 的主要来源ꎬ但 筛选出优质高效并适合在该地区开发利用的亚麻
亚麻酸的含量很少ꎬ只有亚麻籽、紫苏籽、火麻仁、 酸资源植物种类ꎬ为大力发展亚麻酸资源健康产
核桃等极少数的食物中含有丰富的亚麻酸及其衍 业、促进地方脱贫致富提供科学依据服务ꎬ就显得
生物(尤丽菊和刘国玲ꎬ2011)ꎬ显然目前可供开发 十分必要和迫切ꎮ
利用的亚麻酸原料植物资源严重不足ꎮ 随着社会
的进步ꎬ人们对品质生活的需求越来越浓烈ꎬ对亚 1 材料与方法
多含有亚麻酸的原料植物资源ꎮ 1.1 湘西地区自然环境概况
湘西地区地处武陵山区核心区域ꎬ是我国植 本文中的湘西地区仅指湘西自治州ꎬ州内辖