Page 17 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 17

增刊                               王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二)                                          1 3

   1. Inflorescences corymbousꎬ or flowers solitary and terminal.

     51. Sepals longer than spurꎻ seeds subtetrahedralꎬ along longitudinal edges winged or wingless.
       52. Carpels 4-5.
         53. Leaf blade bases abruptly cuneateꎻ stems pubescent and yellow ̄glandular ̄pubescentꎻ sepal spur
             at base 6-9 mm across      41. D. brunonianum

         53. Leaf blade bases not abruptly cuneateꎻ stems not yellow ̄glanduoar ̄pubescent.
           54. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted.
             55. Corymb rachis and pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairsꎻ carpels 4    42. D. lacostei

             55. Corymb rachis and pedicels densely pubescent and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ carpels 5
                         43. D. yechengense

           54. Leaf blades 3 ̄sect.
             56. Leaf segments sessileꎻ sepals blue or purple.

               57. Flowers 2-3 in orymbꎻ pedicels pubescent and sparsely yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals
                     17-25 mm longꎬ spur 8 mm long    44. D. dingjieense

               57. Flowers solitary and terminalꎻ pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairsꎻ sepals 16-18 mm

                    longꎬ spur 13 mm long      47. D. chumulangmaense
             56. Leaf segments stipitate.
               58. Segment stipes 1-6 mm longꎻ corymbs (1-) 2-3 ̄floweredꎻ sepals blue ̄purpleꎬ upper
                    sepal 30 mm longꎬ spur 7-10 mm longꎬ at base 5 mm acrossꎻ staminode limbs white ̄bar ̄
                    bateꎬ lobes broad ̄triangularꎻ ovaties glabrous   45. D. shenzhaense

               58. Segment stipes 10-17 mm longꎻ corymbs 1-2 ̄floweredꎻ sepals whiteꎬ upper sepal 22
                    mm longꎬ spur 19 mm longꎬ at base 4 mm acrossꎻ staminode limbs yellow ̄barbateꎬ lobes
                    narrow ̄triangular    46. D. pseudoglaciale

       52. Carpels 3.
         59. Leaf blades 3 ̄partedꎬ rarely 3 ̄cleft.
           60. Stems puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous   29b. D. viscosum var. chrysotrichum

           60. Stems lacking yellow glandular hairs.
             61. Leaf blades 3 ̄cleftꎻ carpels only on ventral sutures hairy   48. D. wardii

             61. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted exceeding the middle of bladeꎻ ovaries densely hairy.

               62. Stems and petioles appressed puberulousꎻ pedicels also appressed ̄puberulousꎬ lacking
                    yellow glandular hairsꎻ sepals spur shorter than sepals.
                  63. Leaf blades at base cordateꎻ bracteoles remote from flowerꎬ foliaceous or broad ̄ ellip ̄
                      ticꎻ upper sepal cymbiformꎻ staminode limbs subovateꎬ 2 ̄lobed 
                              50. D. tsarongense

                  63. Leaf blades at base subtruncateꎻ bracteoles contiguous with flowerꎬ linear ̄lanceolateꎻ
                      upper sepal openedꎻ staminode linbs depressed ̄orbicularꎬ undivided 
                              49. D. tanguticum
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