Page 18 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 18
1 4 广 西 植 物 40 卷
62. Stems and petioles spreading ̄puberulousꎻ pedicels densely spreading ̄puberulousꎬ
sparsely yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepal spur shorter than or as long as sepals
51. D. chrysotrichum
59. Leaf blades 3 ̄sect.
64. Flowers 3 in corymb.
65. Herbs 15 cm tallꎻ sepals yellowꎬ upper sepal 19 mm longꎬ spur 12 mm longꎬ at base 2.5
mm acrossꎻ stamen filaments sparsely pilose 52. D. pseudocandelabrum
65. Herbs 5-10 cm tallꎻ sepals purpleꎬ upper sepal 18-25 mm longꎬ spur 10-15 mm long at
base 2.5-5 mm acrossꎻ filaments glabrous 55. D. nortonii
64. Flowers solitary and terminal
66. Staminode limbs 2 ̄cleftꎻ sepals 18-27 mm long.
67. Leaf blades abaxially puberulousꎻ sepals inside hairy 53. D. tangkulaense
68. Sepals blue ̄purple 53a. f. tangkulaense
68. Sepals yellow 53b. f. xanthanthum
67. Leaf blades abaxially glabrousꎻ sepals inside glabrous 55. D. nortonii
66. Staminode limbs undividedꎻ sepals 12-16 mm long 54. D. chungbaense
51. Sepals nearly as long as or shorter than sepals.
69. Seeds subtetrahedralꎬ along longitudinal edges winged or wingless.
70. Sepals nearly as long as spur.
71. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted.
72. Herbs 10-15 cm tallꎻ sepals 23-25 mm longꎬ spur 20-23 mm longꎻ seeds with inconspicuous
longitudinal edgesꎬ wingless 56. D. smithianim
72. Herbs 20-50 cm tallꎻ sepals 18-24 mm longꎬ spur 18-22 mm longꎻ seeds with longitudinal
edgesꎬ and along edges narrow ̄winged 57. D. pseudopulcherrimum
71. Leaf blades 3 ̄sect.
73. Herbs (10-)20-55 cm tallꎻ pedicels pubescent and yellow ̄glancular ̄pubescentꎻ sepals 16-
24 mm longꎬ spur 21-24 mm longꎻ carpels 5ꎻ seeds along longitudinal edges wingless
58. D. pylzowii
73. Herbs10 cm tallꎻ pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairsꎻ sepals 12-15 mm longꎬ spur 12-14
mm longꎻ carpels 3ꎻ seeds along longitudinal edges broad ̄winged 60. D. qinghaiense
70. Sepals shorter than spur.
74. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted.
75. Bracteoles contiguous with flower 61. D. batangense
75. Bracteoles remote from flower.
76. Sepals 20-22 mm longꎬ spur 35-38 mm long 62. D. malacophyllum
76. Sepals 13-19 mm longꎬ spur 16-22 mm long.