Page 19 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 19

增刊                               王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二)                                          1 5

               77. Sepals on margin whiteꎬ 13-17 mm longꎬ spur 16-22 mm longꎻ staminode limbs 2 ̄cleftꎬ

                    yellow ̄barbate       63. D. chenii
               77. Sepals on margin not whiteꎬ 17-26 mm longꎻ staminode limbs white ̄barbate.
                 78. Bracteoles linearꎬ entire or 1 ̄lobulateꎻ sepal spur 17-21 mm longꎻ petal apex entireꎻ
                      staminode limbs entirely black   64. D. yangii

                 78. Bracteoles elliptic ̄ovateꎬ undivided or 3 ̄lobedꎻ sepal spur 25 mm longꎻ petal apex
                       emarginateꎻ staminode limbs at apex brownꎬ elsewhere black 
                              65. D. xuebaodingense

         74. Leaf blades 3 ̄sect.

           79. Bracteoles remote from flowerꎻ herbs 6-30 cm tall.
             80. Herbs 15-30 cm tallꎻ leaf blades 2.2-4 cm broad.
               81. Pedicels densely puberulous and glandular ̄puberulous   59. D. trigynum

               81. Pedicels lacking glandular hairs.

                 82. Herbs 15 cm tallꎻ corymbs 3 ̄floweredꎻ bracteoles foliaceousꎬ 10 mm longꎬ 3 ̄sectꎻ
                       sepals on margin not whiteꎬ 14-15 mm longꎬ spur 17 mm long 
                               66. D. calophyllum

                 82. Herbs 28-30 cm tallꎻ corymbs 4-5 ̄floweredꎻ bracteoles not foliaceousꎬ undividedꎬ

                       narrow ̄oblanceolate or linearꎻ sepals on margin whiteꎬ 11-12 mm longꎬ spur 20-24
                       mm long        67. D. yajiangense
             80. Herbs ca. 6 cm tallꎻ leaf blades 1-2 cm broad.
               83. Leaf ultimate lobes ovateꎻ flowers 1( -2 ) terminalꎻ sepals 18-25 mm longꎬ spur 22-30
                    mm longꎻ petal apex entire   68. D. monanthum

               83. Leaf ultimate lobes linear ̄lanceolateꎻ flowers 3-6 terminalꎻ sepals 15-18 mm longꎬ spur
                    20-21 mm longꎻ petal apex emarginate    69. D. candelabrum

           79. Bracteoles contiguous with flowerꎬ elliptic or lanceolateꎻ herbs 15-40( -70 ) cm tallꎻ sepals
                12-15 mm longꎬ spur 15-22 mm long       70. D. henryi

     69. Seeds densely squamulose.
       84. Leaf blades 3 ̄partedꎻ sepals nearly as long as spur.
         85. Pedicels 2-3.5 cm longꎻ bracteoles subulateꎬ 2- 3.5 mm longꎻ sepals 15- 22 mm longꎬ spur
             17-22 mm longꎻ carpels 4-5       71. D. lingbaoense

         85. Pedicels 3-12 cm longꎻ bracteoles spathulate ̄linearꎬ 6-14 mm longꎻ sepals 14-25( -30 ) mm
             longꎬ spur 17-25 ( -33 ) mm longꎻ carpels 3     72. D. albocoeruleum
            86. Pedicels puberulousꎬ laking yellow glandular hairs   72a. var. albocoeruleum

            86. Pedicels puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous    72b. var. przewalskii
       84. Leaf blades 3 ̄sectꎻ sepals shorter than spur   73. D. siwanense

         87. Pedicels puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous   73a. var. siwanense
         87. Pedicels densely puberulousꎬ lacking yellow glandular hairs   73b. var. albopuberulum
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