Page 153 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 153

1 期            宋静静等: 广西夹竹桃内生真菌的多样性和抑制几种水产病原菌活性筛选                                            1 4 9

                   ( 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Biodiversity Conservationꎬ College of Marine Sciencesꎬ Beibu Gulf Universityꎬ
                     Qinzhou 535011ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of Ceramies and Designꎬ Beibu Gulf Universityꎬ Qinzhou 535011ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Qinzhou
                                      Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicineꎬ Qinzhou 535099ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Nerium oleander is an important medicinal plant. In order to study the diversity of endophytic fungi from
                 N. oleander and evaluate the activity of its secondary metabolitesꎬ the endophytic fungi of N. oleander in Guangxi were
                 isolated and purifiedꎬ and identified by a combination of morphology and ITS sequence analysis. Then the antibacterial
                 activities of endophytic fungus extracts were screened with five indicator bacteria (including three Vibrio species). The
                 results were as follows: (1) A total of 19 endophytic fungi were obtained from Guangxi N. oleander. The ITS sequence
                 analysis showed that these 19 endophytic fungi all belonged to the Ascomycotaꎬ and covered five orders and seven
                 generaꎬ which including Colletotrichumꎬ Guignardiaꎬ Phyllostictaꎬ Neofusicoccumꎬ Aspergillusꎬ Nothophoma and
                 Diaporthe. Among themꎬ the dominant genera were Colletotrichum (the separation rate was 36.85%) and Guignardia
                 (the isolation rate was 21.05%). Colletotrichum was mainly distributed on stemsꎬ and Guignardia all originated from
                 leaves. (2) Antibacterial experiments showed that jing ̄117 (Neofusicoccum sp.) and ye ̄130 (Guignardia sp.) had
                 specific antibacterial effects on Vibrio campbelliiꎬ ye ̄136 (Aspergillus sp.) could simultaneously inhibit Bacillus cereus
                 and Vibrio campbellii. ye ̄135 (Aspergillus sp.) and jing ̄116 (Colletotrichum sp.) could only inhibit B. cereusꎬ and ye ̄
                 134 (Guignardia sp.) had an inhibitory activity to Vibrio alginolyticus. The study revealed for the first time that
                 endophytic fungi of N. oleander in Guangxi has a relatively rich diversity based on the ITS sequence. Some antibacterial
                 active strains could be screenedꎬ and their extracts could inhibit the growth of aquatic pathogen Vibrioꎬ which will has
                 good development value in the future.
                 Key words: Nerium oleanderꎬ endophytic fungiꎬ analysis of ITS sequenceꎬ Vibrioꎬ antibacterial activities

                  夹 竹 桃 ( Nerium oleande ) 是 夹 竹 桃 科           al.ꎬ 2020)ꎬ并发现内生真菌可能在药用植物活性
            (Apocynaceae)夹竹桃属(Nerium)中的一种传统药                   物质的合成中有重要作用ꎮ 国内外研究表明ꎬ目
            用植物ꎬ含有非常丰富的活性化合物ꎬ在世界各地                             前有少量从夹竹桃中得到内生菌及其活性物质的
            (特别是印度和中国) 被广泛应用ꎮ 在传统中医                            报道 ( Vallabhbhaiꎬ 2008ꎻ Ramesha et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻ
            中ꎬ被用于治疗心脏疾病、糖尿病、哮喘、癌症和癫                            Ren et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻ Ma et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ 郑浩等ꎬ 2020ꎻ
            痫等疾病( Elliottꎬ 2002)ꎮ 近代药理活性研究表                    朱美林等ꎬ 2020)ꎬ但是ꎬ其对真菌的鉴定主要基
            明ꎬ夹竹桃含有抗细菌( Hussain & Gorsiꎬ 2004)、                于形态学特征ꎮ 植物内生真菌很多不产孢ꎬ仅依
            抗真菌(Hadizadeh et al.ꎬ 2009)、抗病毒( Singh et          靠形态学数据不能准确反应夹竹桃内生真菌种
            al.ꎬ 2013)、 抗 氧 化 ( Dey et al.ꎬ 2012)、 抗 疟 疾       类ꎬ而采用分子系统的方法对夹竹桃内生真菌多
            (Sharma et al.ꎬ 2005)等多种活性成分ꎮ                      样性进行研究还未有报道ꎮ 此外ꎬ目前研究发现
                 内生真菌是植物微生态 系 统 的 重 要 组 成 部                    的夹竹桃内生真菌及其活性物质的类型主要包括
            分ꎬ广泛存在于植物的健康组织中ꎮ 内生真菌及                             抗肿瘤、抗氧化、杀虫、抗植物病原真菌、抗人体的
            其次 生 代 谢 产 物 在 药 理 学 和 农 业 中 应 用 广 泛               病原菌等ꎬ而在抗水产病菌方面鲜有报道ꎮ
            (Alurappa et al.ꎬ 2014)ꎮ 从 在 紫 杉 的 内 生 真 菌             广西地处亚热带地区ꎬ良好的环境孕育了很多
            Taxomyces andreanae 中发现了抗癌化合物紫杉醇                   药用价值高的道地药材ꎬ该区域药用植物内生菌多
            (Stierle et al.ꎬ 1995)开始ꎬ目前已从植物内生真菌                样性的研究可以为将来系统评估和确定药材药效
            分离出多个抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗微生物活性化合                              的地域差异提供参考ꎮ 目前ꎬ水产养殖中抗生素的
            物ꎬ 仅 就 抗 微 生 物 活 性 而 言ꎬ 就 已 发 现 了                  使用受到了严格限制ꎬ导致新的水产病原菌及抗生
            Altersolanol  A、 Enfumafungin、 Colletotric  acid、  素多耐药菌不断出现ꎮ 夹竹桃内生真菌作为发掘
            Jesterone、  Hydroxy ̄jesterone、  Guignardic  acid、  天然活性化合物的重要资源ꎬ有希望从中获得抑制
            Pestacin、Isopestacin 等几十种活性化合物( Gupta et           水产病原菌的新型抗菌活性菌株和化合物ꎮ 本研
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