Page 13 - 《广西植物》2023年第11期
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11 期                   李照阳等: 日周期光热干露胁迫对泰来草生理特性的影响                                         1 9 7 3

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                 综上所述ꎬ日周期光热干露胁迫对泰来草的                             reduce seagrass growth and induce mortality [J]. Mar Poll
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            胁迫效应起决定性作用ꎮ 日光温室条件下ꎬ连续 7                             Pinellia ternate photoreaction system to diurnal changes of light
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            (连续 7 d) 时ꎬ随干露胁迫时间的延长ꎬ泰来草叶                         DUARTE CMꎬ KRAUSE JDꎬ 2017. Export from seagrass
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            势ꎬ叶片淀粉、总酚、总黄酮含量呈先升高后降低                               tolerance in the intertidal seagrass Halophila beccarii Asch
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