Page 34 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 34

1 2 0 2                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 Abstract: Plant endophytic fungus is an important biological resource and has shown significant applications in
                 medicine and in the biological control of agricultural pests and diseases. In order to study the diversity of endophytic
                 fungi of potato (Solanum tuberosum)ꎬ samples from three regions of Yunnan Provinceꎬ namelyꎬ Dehong Mangshiꎬ
                 Dali Xizhouꎬ and Lincang Shuangjiang. The endophytic fungi in potato rootsꎬ stems and tubers were isolated and
                 cultured using the method of tissue block isolation. Well ̄grown colonies were purified using the method of tip mycelium
                 selection. The endophytic fungi were identified by morphological methods and ITS sequence analysis. Thenꎬ the
                 colonization rateꎬ isolation rate and diversity index of the endophytic fungi were calculated and analyzed. The results
                 were as follows: (1) A total of 98 endophytic fungi were isolatedꎬ including 40 strains samples from Dehong Mangshiꎬ
                 27 strains from Dali Xizhou and 31 strains from Lincang Shuangjiang. (2) The endophytic fungi isolated from potato
                 were identified to include 10 ordersꎬ 10 families and 13 generaꎬ mostly of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycotaꎬ with
                 Fusarium and Penicillium as the dominant fungi. Five species of fungiꎬ Emericella rugulosaꎬ Fusarium sambucinumꎬ
                 Stereum hirsutumꎬ Psathyrella sulcatotuberculosa and Epicoccum catenisporum were first reported to be isolated from
                 potato plants. (3) Potato tuber had the highest colonization rate of endophytic fungi and root had the lowestꎻ while the
                 isolation rate of endophytic fungi was highest in potato root and lowest in stemꎻ trend of diversity index of endophytic
                 fungi in different tissues were H′ > H′  > H′  . In conclusionꎬ the endophytic fungi in Yunnan potato plants are
                                         root  tuber  stem
                 highly diverseꎬ with different endophytic fungal dominants in potato samples among the three localitiesꎬ potato root has
                 the richest endophytic fungal populations and the highest isolation rateꎬ and are therefore the most suitable material for
                 endophytic fungal isolation. The above results provide a reference for later investigation of the antagonistic effect of
                 endophytic fungi on pathogens in potato.
                 Key words: endophytic fungiꎬ analysis of ITS sequenceꎬ colonization rateꎬ isolation rateꎬ isolation frequencyꎬ
                 Shannon ̄Wiener index

                植物内生真菌是指在植物的整个或某一生长                            属(Phomopsis sp.)内生真菌ꎬ对白术根腐病病原菌
            阶段内ꎬ在健康植物组织或器官内寄居且进行繁                              (Fusarium oxysporum、 F. solani、 F. incarnatum) 有
            殖ꎬ同时不会引起寄主植物发生明显感染症状的                              较强拮抗作用ꎻ陆洁淼等(2022) 从西红花( Crocus
            真菌(Porras & Baymanꎬ 2011)ꎮ 此类真菌广泛存                 sativus) 中 筛 选 出 8 株 内 生 真 菌ꎬ 对 尖 孢 镰 刀 菌
            在于植物中ꎬ与寄主植物进化过程时建立协同进                              (Fusarium oxysporum)有显著的拮抗作用ꎬ其中抑

            化、互利共生的关系( 孙建慧ꎬ2018ꎻ任静ꎬ2020)ꎮ                      制效果最好的菌株经鉴定为栓菌属真菌变色栓菌
            隋丽等(2021)的研究发现ꎬ植物内生真菌能增强                           ( Trametes versicolor)ꎻ 黄 婷 等 ( 2019 ) 从 白 屈 菜
            植物光合特性ꎬ提高植物对营养元素的吸收率ꎬ并                             ( Chelidonium majus ) 中 分 离 出 刺 盘 孢 属
            能提高植物在逆境条件下的抗胁迫能力以及产生                              (Colletotrichum)和镰刀菌属( Fusarium) 内生真菌ꎬ
            植物激素来调节植物生长ꎮ 同种内生真菌在不同                             发现 其 代 谢 产 物 对 苹 果 炭 疽 菌 ( Colletotrichum
            宿主植物中所表现的作用和产生的次生代谢产物                              gloeosporioides)、玉米弯孢(Curvularia lunata)、水稻
            截然不同ꎮ                                              稻瘟菌( Pyricularia oryza)、烟草赤星菌( Alternaria
                 近年来ꎬ从植物内生真菌中分离出含有多种                           alternate)和白菜黑斑菌( A. brassicae) 均表现出抗
            生物活性的天然代谢产物ꎬ包括生物碱、黄酮、醌                             菌活性ꎻCao 等(2021) 的研究发现ꎬ植物内生真菌
            类、环肽、萜类、甾体等化合物ꎮ 这些化学成分可                            提取物 ZNC 对马铃薯晚疫病具有超高的促生长、
            以表现出抗菌、抗虫、抗病毒等多种生物活性( Li                           促产量和诱导的抗病活性ꎮ 由此可见ꎬ植物内生
            et al.ꎬ 2007ꎻ易晓华ꎬ2009ꎻ张亮等ꎬ2017ꎻ赵鑫等ꎬ                真菌是抗植物真菌病害的生物源农药资源库ꎮ 然
            2020ꎻ李慧媛等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 植物内生真菌及其代谢                        而ꎬ目前对植物内生真菌的研究大多集中在药用
            产物在医药领域和农业病虫害生物防治方面均显                              植物的内生真菌上ꎬ而对于农作物内生真菌的研
            示出重要的应用价值ꎮ 吴启婷等(2022) 从白术                          究却较少ꎮ
            (Atractylodes macrocephala)中分离出 1 株拟茎点霉                马铃薯( Solanum tuberosum) 是继玉米、水稻、
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