Page 40 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 40
1 2 0 8 广 西 植 物 43 卷
续表 4
分离菌株 主要菌落形态特征 种属
Main morphological
Isolated strain Main morphological characteristics of colony Species
characteristics of mycelium
M5 菌落圆形ꎬ菌丝为白色絮状ꎬ质地较紧密ꎬ 菌丝分支多且细长ꎬ小的分生孢子 子囊菌门ꎬ 粪壳菌纲ꎬ 肉座菌
尖孢镰刀菌 生长快 速ꎬ 整 体 菌 落 颜 色 为 淡 红 色 或 者 呈现卵圆形 目ꎬ丛赤壳科ꎬ镰刀菌属
Fusarium oxysporum 紫色 Mycelium has many branchesꎬ Ascomycotaꎬ Sordariomycetesꎬ
Round coloniesꎬ white flocculent myceliumꎬ slenderꎬmall conidia are ovoid Hypocrealesꎬ Nectriaceaeꎬ
dense textureꎬ fast growthꎬ overall colony Fusarium
color is light red or purple
M6 菌落圆形ꎬ菌丝生长迅速ꎬ颜色为淡粉红 菌丝具有分支ꎬ 分生孢子形状多 子囊菌门ꎬ 粪壳菌纲ꎬ 肉座菌
接骨木镰刀菌 色ꎬ气生菌丝丛呈现卷毛状 样ꎬ有纺锤形、披针形等 目ꎬ丛赤壳科ꎬ镰刀菌属
F. sambucinum Round coloniesꎬ the mycelium grows rapidlyꎬ Mycelium has branchingꎬ the conidia Ascomycotaꎬ Sordariomycetesꎬ
the color is light pinkꎬ the aerial mycelium have various shapesꎬ such as Hypocrealesꎬ Nectriaceaeꎬ
tufts show curly hair fusiformꎬ lanceolateꎬ etc. Fusarium
M7 菌落圆形ꎬ菌丝初期为白色ꎬ后期为灰色ꎬ 菌丝细长ꎬ有大量分生孢子ꎬ分生 子囊菌门ꎬ 粪壳菌纲纲ꎬ 肉座
哈茨木霉 向培养皿四周扩散生长ꎬ待孢子生长后菌 孢子单生 菌目ꎬ肉座菌科ꎬ木霉属
Trichoderma harzianum 落变为绿色ꎬ菌落边缘有白色条带 Mycelium is slenderꎬ with a large Ascomycotaꎬ Sordariomycetesꎬ
Round coloniesꎬ the mycelium is white at the number of conidiaꎬ conidia solitary Hypocrealesꎬ Hypocreaceaeꎬ
beginningꎬ gray at the later stageꎬ spread and Trichoderma
grow around the petri dishꎬ the colony
becomes green after the spores growꎬ there are
white stripes at the edge of the colony
M8 菌落不规则圆形ꎬ质地紧密ꎬ没有外渗液ꎬ 菌丝具有较多分支ꎬ菌丝体上有明 子囊菌门ꎬ 座囊菌纲ꎬ 格孢菌
Pseudopyrenochaeta terrestris 菌丝暗灰色ꎬ菌落边缘白色ꎬ菌丝体为绒 显疣突 目ꎬ格孢菌科ꎬ须壳孢属
毡状 Mycelium has more branchesꎬ with Ascomycotaꎬ Dothideomycetesꎬ
Irregularly round coloniesꎬ compact textureꎬ obvious warts on mycelium Plesporalesꎬ Pleosporineaeꎬ
no extravasationꎬ dark gray hyphaeꎬ white Pseudopyrenochaeta
colony edgesꎬ tapetum ̄like mycelium
M9 菌落圆形ꎬ生长较慢ꎬ菌丝乳白色ꎬ为绒毡 菌丝有分支ꎬ分生孢子较多ꎬ簇生 子囊菌门ꎬ 粪壳菌纲ꎬ 小丛壳
Plectosphaerella 状ꎬ培养基上有外渗液ꎬ培养基无可溶性 或者单生 目ꎬ小不整球壳科ꎬ 小不整球
plurivora 色素 Mycelium has branchesꎬ with many 壳属
Round coloniesꎬ growing slowlyꎬ mycelium conidiaꎬ clustered or solitary Ascomycotaꎬ Sordariomycetesꎬ
creamy whiteꎬ feltedꎬ extravasation on the Glomerellalesꎬ Plectosphaerellaceaeꎬ
mediumꎬ medium without soluble pigment Plectosphaerella
M10 菌落圆形ꎬ菌丝白色至淡黄色ꎬ生长较快ꎬ 菌丝细长ꎬ分支较多ꎬ担孢子为圆 担子菌门ꎬ伞菌纲ꎬ红菇目ꎬ韧
毛韧革菌 气生菌丝绒毛状ꎬ质地疏松 柱形 革菌科ꎬ韧革菌属
Stereum hirsutum Round coloniesꎬ mycelium white to yellowishꎬ Mycelium is slenderꎬ has more Basidiomycotaꎬ Agaricomycetesꎬ
fast growthꎬ aerial mycelium fluffyꎬ lax texture branchesꎬ the stamens are cylindrical Russulalesꎬ Stereaceaeꎬ Stereum
M11 菌落圆形ꎬ菌丝绒毡或絮状ꎬ菌落生长较 菌丝分支多ꎬ有隔ꎬ分生孢子排列 子囊菌门ꎬ 粪壳菌纲ꎬ 小丛壳
Colletotrichum boninense 慢ꎬ质地较密ꎬ无外渗液ꎬ菌落白色 较疏松ꎬ无色 目ꎬ小丛壳科ꎬ刺盘孢属
Round coloniesꎬ mycelium felted or Mycelium has many branchesꎬ Ascomycotaꎬ Sordariomycetesꎬ
flocculentꎬ colony growth is slowꎬ dense septatedꎬ and the conidia are loosely Glomerellalesꎬ Glomerellaceaeꎬ
textureꎬ no exudateꎬ colony white arranged and colorless Colletotrichum
M12 菌落圆形ꎬ生长较慢ꎬ菌丝短而密集ꎬ带有 菌丝分支多ꎬ有隔ꎬ在菌丝上有明 担子菌门ꎬ伞菌纲ꎬ伞菌目ꎬ鬼
Psathyrella 浅黄色ꎬ无外渗液ꎬ质地较密ꎬ菌丝绒毛状 显凸起ꎬ菌丝体顶端钝圆 伞科ꎬ脆柄菇属
sulcatotuberculosa Colony roundꎬ slow growthꎬ short and dense Mycelium has many branchesꎬ Basidiomycotaꎬ Agaricomycetesꎬ
myceliumꎬ with light yellowꎬ no exudateꎬ septatedꎬ with obvious projections on Agaricalesꎬ Psathyrellaceaeꎬ
dense textureꎬ mycelium fluffy the mycelium and bluntly rounded Psathyrella
tips of mycelium
M13 菌落圆形ꎬ丝绒垫状ꎬ菌丝生长旺盛ꎬ菌丝 菌丝呈线形ꎬ有隔ꎬ菌丝上着生垫 子囊菌门ꎬ 座囊菌纲ꎬ 格孢菌
Epicoccum catenisporum 初期为白色ꎬ后期变为浅红至黄色ꎬ培养基 状孢子座 目ꎬ亚隔孢壳科ꎬ附球菌属
颜色变黄ꎬ无外渗液出现 Mycelium is linearꎬ septateꎬ with Ascomycotaꎬ Dothideomycetesꎬ
Colony roundꎬ velvet matꎬ mycelium growth is cushion ̄like sporangia on mycelium Plesporalesꎬ Didymellaceaeꎬ
vigorousꎬ the mycelium is white at the Epicoccum
beginningꎬ later become light red to yellowꎬ
the color of the medium becomes yellowꎬ no
exudate appears
M14 菌落圆形ꎬ有裂痕ꎬ生长缓慢ꎬ质地较密ꎬ无 菌丝密集ꎬ有隔ꎬ分生孢子圆柱形 子囊菌门、 座囊菌纲、 球腔菌
Cercospora musigena 外渗液ꎬ菌丝为白色ꎬ培养基无色 Mycelium denseꎬ septatedꎬ 目、球腔菌科、尾孢菌属
Colonies roundꎬ with cracksꎬ slow growthꎬ conidia cylindrical Ascomycotaꎬ Dothideomycetesꎬ
dense textureꎬ no exudateꎬ mycelium is Mycosphaerellalesꎬ
whiteꎬ the medium is colorless Mycosphaerellaceaeꎬ Cercospora