Page 4 - 《广西植物》2024年第10期
P. 4
GUIHAIA Oct. 2024 Vol 44 No 10
Special Subject: Research on Plant ̄Microorganism (Endophyte) Interactions
Isolation and screening of IAA ̄producing bacteria from glutinous sorghum leaves and its plant growth ̄promoting function
WANG Xinyeꎬ ZHANG Minꎬ TIAN Xiaolongꎬ YUAN Pingꎬ LI Hongxiaꎬ LUO Zhenbiaoꎬ YUE Qianqianꎬ ZHAO Liang(1807)
Isolation and identification of symbiotic fungi in roots of young Quercus mongolica on Liupan Mountain
DENG Xiaojuanꎬ LI Minqiꎬ LIU Jianliꎬ REN Yufengꎬ ZHOU Libiaoꎬ YAN Xingfu(1817)
Correlation between abnormal leaf color phenomenon and endophytic bacteria of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum
HUO Wenwenꎬ HOU Jiayiꎬ GAO Minꎬ XIA Weiꎬ LI Yanlinꎬ YU Xiaoyingꎬ XU Lu(1827)
Study on adsorption of chromium (Cr ) by endophytic bacteria Bacillus cereus J01 isolated from Leersia hexandra Swartz
ZHANG Zeyuꎬ LI Ziyuanꎬ WANG Shaoyangꎬ CHEN Xinyiꎬ WANG Liqiꎬ LI Haiyun(1839)
Variations of microbial communities and enzyme activities in rhizosphere and non ̄rhizosphere soils of aged Loropetalum
chinense forests in karst rocky mountains during dry and rainy seasons
WANG Yananꎬ MA Jiangmingꎬ LIANG Yuemingꎬ YANG Hao(1848)
Effects of continuous cropping on fungal community structure succession in rhizosphere and non ̄rhizosphere soils of cassava
HUANG Yanyingꎬ PENG Xiaohuiꎬ
OU Guiningꎬ PENG Xiaoxueꎬ GAN Liꎬ HUANG Yuanhangꎬ YANG Taiyiꎬ QIN Fengyanꎬ SHEN Zhangyouꎬ WEI Maogui(1864)
Effects of cadmium accumulation on the structure and co ̄occurrence network of endophytic bacterial community in Blumea
balsamifera CHEN Jiaojiaoꎬ REN Jianguoꎬ WANG Junli(1878)
Microbial community structure and diversity of leaf phyllosphere in tobacco plants infected with wildfire disease
GUO Taoꎬ WANG Hanchengꎬ YU Zhiheꎬ CAI Liutiꎬ WANG Fengꎬ CHEN Xingjiang(1894)
Ecology and Biogeography
Variation patterns of different vegetation types and soil nutrients in water ̄land ecotone of the Li River
WANG Jingꎬ PAN Fujingꎬ LU Qianqianꎬ WANG Bin(1905)
Dynamic of community structure in middle mountain evergreen and deciduous broad ̄leaved mixed forest in Cenwanglaoshan
CHEN Taoꎬ LIANG Huolianꎬ HUO Chunlinꎬ LUO Yinghua(1917)
β ̄diversity of the herbaceous layer plant communities in natural forests and its influencing factors in Henan Province
MENG Weiꎬ DU Xiaojunꎬ JIAO Zhihuaꎬ GAO Xianmingꎬ LIU Longchang ꎬ WANG Yu(1931)
Three new records of lycopsids and ferns from Vietnam
LU Yuꎬ WANG Boꎬ LIN Guoliangꎬ JIANG Rihongꎬ WANG Zhenxing(1943)
Floristic geography of woody plants in the big plot of Gulinqing karst forest in Yunnan Province
LIU Qunꎬ CHEN Wenhongꎬ HUANG Hongꎬ YANG Chongꎬ FAN Changliꎬ ZHANG Jinguoꎬ SHUI Yumin(1947)
Research on Ethnobotany
Ethnobotanical survey and research on bsang plants in Xizang Autonomous Region
ZHANG Xiongꎬ FENG Haowenꎬ WANG Jinꎬ LIN Leiꎬ WANG Yuhua(1961)
A survey of useful wild plants of the Tibetan in Zanda Countyꎬ Xizangꎬ China
LIN Leiꎬ DING Xiaoyongꎬ HU Huabinꎬ ZHANG Dezhengꎬ WU Guomaoꎬ MEI Renqiangꎬ WANG Yuhua(1976)
Cover images: Flower and fruit morphological diversity of woody plants in the plot of Gulinqing karst forest in
Yunnan Province. 1. Sterculia lanceolataꎻ 2. Syzygium formosanumꎻ 3. Lysidice rhodostegiaꎻ 4. Ridsdalea 1 2 3 4
daweishanensisꎻ 5. Paraboea sinensisꎻ 6. Casearia tardieuae. Cover images are provided by SHUI Yuming and
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CHEN Wenhong. For detailsꎬ please see the text by LIU Qun et al. on pages 1947-1960.