Page 53 - 《广西植物》2024年第11期
P. 53

11 期               万萍萍等: 江西省重点保护野生维管植物的比较研究和地理分布                                          2 0 3 7

             A. 江西省分布的国家重点保护植物(NKPWP)和省级重点保护植物(KPWP)种类组成差异ꎻ B-D. 重点保护植物中石松类和蕨
             类、裸子植物和被子植物的科属种组成和比例ꎻ E、F. 重点保护植物在植物园和自然保护区分布的种类数量和比例ꎻ G、H. 259
             种省级重点保护植物和其中 68 种中国特有种的红色名录评估等级组成ꎮ
             A. Differences in the species composition of the national key protected wild plants (NKPWP) found in Jiangxi Province and the provincial key
             protected wild plants (KPWP)ꎻ B-D. Taxonomic composition and proportions of lycopods and fernsꎬ gymnosperms and angiosperms for the key
             protected wild plants in Jiangxi Provinceꎻ Eꎬ F. Number of species and proportion of the key protected wild plants in Chinese botanic gardens
             and natural reservesꎻ Gꎬ H. Composition of IUCN red list categories for 259 species of the key protected wild plants in Jiangxi Provinceꎬ and 68
             of them endemic to China.
              图 1  江西省重点保护野生植物多样性、在植物园和自然保护区分布的物种数量和 IUCN 红色名录评估等级
                   Fig. 1  Diversity of the key protected wild plants in Jiangxi Provinceꎬ number of species found in Chinese
                                  botanic gardens and natural reservesꎬ and categories of IUCN red list
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