Page 122 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 122
2 2 8 0 广 西 植 物 44 卷
(1. Key Laboratory of Genetics and Germplasm Innovation of Tropical Special Forest Trees and Ornamental Plantꎬ Ministry of Educationꎬ College of
Tropical Agriculture and Forestryꎬ Hainan Universityꎬ Haikou 570228ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research and Development of
Li Folk Medicine of Hainan Province & Key Laboratory for Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops of Hainan Provinceꎬ Institute of
Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnologyꎬ Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Haikou 571101ꎬ China )
Abstract: In order to explore the chemical constituents and their biological activities of Ludisia discolorꎬ gas
chromatography ̄mass spectrometry (GC ̄MS) was carried out to analyze the chemical constituents of petroleum ether
fraction of ethanol extracts. Meanwhileꎬ the compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction by using various
column chromatography including silica gelꎬ Sephadex LH ̄20ꎬ and semi ̄preparative HPLC. MS and nuclear mgnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopic analysis were used to identify the structure of the compounds. And then the isolated
compounds were tested for anti ̄inflammatory with RAW 264.7 cellsꎬ and antioxidant activities were carried out with
DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging ability. The results showed as follows: (1) A total of 17 compounds were
identified from the petroleum ether fraction of L. discolorꎬ in whichꎬ methyl palmitateꎬ methyl linoleateꎬ methyl linolenic
acidꎬ and 2 ̄monopalmitin had a relatively high content. (2) A total of 15 compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate
fractionꎬ their structures were identified as matairesinol (1)ꎬ (+) ̄pinoresinol (2)ꎬ callyspongidipeptide A (3)ꎬ cyclo ̄
[(S) ̄Pro ̄(R) ̄Leu] (4)ꎬ epi ̄boscialin (5)ꎬ dibutyl terephthalate (6)ꎬ methyl 4 ̄hydroxycinnamate (7)ꎬ 1 ̄(4 ̄
hydroxyphenyl) ethanone ( 8)ꎬ 4 ̄hydroxybenzyl alcohol ( 9)ꎬ p ̄hydroxy ̄benzaldehyde ( 10)ꎬ vanillin ( 11)ꎬ 4 ̄
(methoxym ̄ethyl ) phenol ( 12 )ꎬ β ̄sitosterol ( 13 )ꎬ tetradecanoic acid ( 14 )ꎬ and palmitic acid ( 15 )ꎬ
respectively. Compounds 1-15 were isolated from L. discolor for the first time. (3) Phenylpropanoid compounds 1 and 2
showed moderate inhibition on NO production from RAW 264.7 cells induced by LPSꎬ with IC values of (37.76 ±
 ̄1  ̄1
2.68) μmolL and (53.14 ± 1.63) μmolL [(quercetin as the positive controlꎬ with IC value of (9.32 ± 0.36)
μmol L ]ꎬ respectively. Antioxidant results showed that compounds 1 and 2 had moderate DPPH free radical
 ̄1  ̄1
scavenging abilityꎬ with IC values of (51.22 ± 1.07) μgmL and (79.22 ± 7.44) μgmL [vitamin C as the
 ̄1 +
positive controlꎬ with IC value of (6.01±0.17) μgmL ]ꎬ respectively. Meanwhileꎬ they had stronger ABTS free
radical scavenging ability than the positive control trolox [IC = (34.65 ± 0.53) μgmL ]ꎬ with IC values of
50 50
 ̄1  ̄1
(2.21 ± 0.01) μgmL and (3.58 ± 0.17) μgmL ꎬ respectively. Overallꎬ this study enriched the chemical
constituents of L. discolorꎬ and it was further clarified that phenolic compounds are the active antioxidant constituents in
L. Discolorꎬ and phenylpropanoid compounds have certain anti ̄inflammatory activitiesꎬ which provides a chemical
structure basis for subsequent in ̄depth pharmacological research.
Key words: Ludisiaꎬ Ludisia discolorꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ anti ̄inflammatory activityꎬ antioxidant activity
血 叶 兰 ( Ludisia discolor ) 是 兰 科 服或捣汁服( 戴好富和梅文莉ꎬ 2010) ꎮ 前期仅
( Orchidaceae) 血叶兰属多年生草本植物ꎬ因其根 采用高效液相色谱法对血叶兰及其近缘种金线
状茎匍匐ꎬ茎节明显ꎬ好似蚕卧于石上ꎬ因此又名 莲( Anoectochilus roxburghii) 进 行 指 纹 图 谱 对 比ꎬ
“ 石蚕” “ 石上藕” ( 林振兴ꎬ 2012) ꎮ 血叶兰为常 发现血叶兰中含有芦丁、水仙苷、槲皮素、异槲皮
绿植物ꎬ既可赏花又可观叶ꎬ国内主要分布于海 苷等黄酮及其苷类化合物( 杨漪等ꎬ 2021ꎻ 王沙
南、广东、广西、福建等地ꎬ喜生于山坡或沟谷常 等ꎬ 2023) ꎬ至今尚未有对血叶兰中具体化学成
绿阔叶林阴湿处( 中国科学院中国植物志编辑委 分以及药理活性的相关报道ꎮ 因此ꎬ为深入了解
员会ꎬ 1999) ꎮ 血叶兰全草入药ꎬ为药食同源植 血叶兰中的化学成分ꎬ探究其活性物质ꎬ本研究
物ꎬ其味甘微涩、性凉( 黄泽豪和沈贤娟ꎬ 2013) ꎬ 对血叶兰乙醇提取物石油醚萃 取 相 进 行 了 GC ̄
« 中华本草» 记载 其 功 效:“ 润 肺、健 脾、安 神ꎬ主 MS 检测分析ꎬ同时对乙酸乙酯萃取相进行分离
治肺结核咯血、神经衰弱、食欲不振等” ( 国家中 纯化ꎬ并对分离得到的单体化合物进行抗炎和抗
医药管理局« 中华本草» 编委会ꎬ 1999) ꎬ海南黎 氧化活性测试ꎬ为血叶兰资源的开发利用提供一
族同胞常将适量血叶兰用水煎服或洗净后生咀 定依据ꎮ