Page 6 - 《广西植物》2024年第2期
P. 6
2 0 8 广 西 植 物 44 卷
in the first generation of slash pine seed orchard were used as materials to determine their resin yieldꎬ resin mass flow
rate and DBH growthꎬ and to analyze their resin composition by GC ̄MS. Based on the above indicatorsꎬ correlation
analysis and cluster analysis was used to comprehensively evaluate the production and quality of resin among 36
clones. The results were as follows: (1) There were a total of 21 pine resin componentsꎬ including 8 monoterpenes and
13 diterpenes. (2) Correlation analysis showed that the resin mass flow rate ( RMR) had significant and positive
correlation with the total content of monoterpeneꎬ weakly negatively correlates to abietic ̄type resin acidꎬ and not
significantly correlated to pimaric ̄type resin acid. (3) Based on the cluster analysis results integrating four types of
indicators as the total monoterpene contentꎬ resin mass flow rateꎬ abietic ̄type resin acid and pimaric ̄type resin acidꎬ 36
clones could be divided into three categories and the difference between each type was significant. The performance of
Class 1 was much better than that of the other two categories. (4) There were 17 high ̄resin yield pine clones (ERM≥
15.15) among 36 clonesꎬ and on the basis of thisꎬ four clones (6 ̄44ꎬ 4 ̄11 ̄1ꎬ 1 ̄38ꎬ 3 ̄64) display higher monoterpenes
contentꎬ while four clones (4 ̄11 ̄1ꎬ 3 ̄64ꎬ 2 ̄0420ꎬ 3 ̄468) showed higher contents of pimaric ̄type resin acid. And the
content of abietic ̄type resin acid of clone 2 ̄173 was the highest. In summaryꎬ a total of 21 pine resin components of
P. elliottii were identifiedꎬ and 36 clones were evaluated based on four indicators: the total monoterpene contentꎬ resin
mass flow rateꎬ abietic ̄type resin acid and pimaric ̄type resin acid. We not only analyzed qualitatively the resin
composition but also evaluated quantitatively the resin ̄producing capacity of 36 clones in slash pine seed orchard. Our
findings provide the scientific references for the targeted breeding of pine resin components and lay a foundation for
subsequent heredity breeding and gene improvement of P. elliottii.
Key words: Pinus elliottiiꎬ pine resin componentsꎬ correlationꎬ cluster analysisꎬ resin ̄producing capacity
松脂是松树的副产物ꎬ主要加工成松香和松 收集个体的产脂量或产脂力数据ꎬ但这种方式可
节油等经济产品ꎬ用途广泛ꎬ是化工、电子、航天、 能会 影 响 树 木 的 生 长ꎬ 并 且 耗 时 费 力ꎮ Neis 等
食品、医疗等行业的重要原料ꎬ在国民经济中占据 (2019)建立了一种使用树脂质量流速( resin mass
重要地位(Neis et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 我国是松脂生产及 flow rateꎬ RMR)分析快速识别高产脂个体的方法ꎬ
出口大国ꎬ湿地松( Pinus elliottii) 作为我国重要的 并验证了这一方法的可靠性ꎻYi 等(2020) 也证明
采脂树种之一ꎬ针对其松脂成分的研究及改良自 了其可靠性ꎬ这种方法主要是测量树干上的小面
20 世纪 80 年代就已开始( 雷蕾等ꎬ2015a)ꎮ 湿地 积伤口在短时间(4 h)内流出的松脂质量( RMR)ꎻ
松松脂的主要成分为非挥发性松香和挥发性松节 Yi 等(2020) 研究表明ꎬ高产脂无性系的 RMR 要
油ꎬ松香中的海松酸具有杀菌作用ꎬ可用于制备抗 显著高于低产脂无性系ꎮ 以上研究虽然探讨了
癌药品( Lai et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 松节油的含量常常作 RMR 与松脂产量之间的相关性ꎬ但未讨论其与松
为判断松脂质量的标准之一ꎬ其含量越高代表松 脂组分之间的关系ꎬ并且在以往湿地松高产脂良
脂品质越好ꎮ 松节油中的一些成分ꎬ如 β 蒎烯ꎬ不 种选育研究中ꎬ大多注重产脂力或产脂量数据ꎬ很
仅在生物燃料方面有潜在价值还可以合成香料ꎬ 少关注松脂组分ꎬ尤其是在以针对不同松脂组分
是重点研究的成分之一( 雷蕾等ꎬ2015b)ꎮ 同时ꎬ 为目标的良种选育研究方面关注更少ꎮ
多项研究表明ꎬ湿地松单萜及双萜类的主要成分 江西省作为全国湿地松种植面积最大的省份ꎬ
受到 中 等 或 较 强 的 遗 传 因 素 控 制 ( 李 彦 杰 等ꎬ 现有良种多以速生、材用等为主ꎬ高产脂湿地松良
2012aꎻ Lai et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 因此ꎬ针对松脂成分的 种缺乏ꎮ 因此ꎬ为了开发现有速生材用良种的脂用
选择性育种是可行的ꎮ 价值ꎬ本研究以江西省峡江县林木良种场第一代湿
湿地松松脂产量高低常用产脂力来衡量ꎬ产 地松种子园中 36 个无性系为材料ꎬ测定其树脂质量
脂力受到较强的遗传因素控制( 吴东山等ꎬ2019ꎻ 流速、松脂组分与胸径生长量ꎬ通过相关性分析、聚
张建忠等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 因此ꎬ高产脂良种的选育十分 类分析的方法ꎬ拟探讨:(1) 湿地松松脂的组成成
重要ꎮ 高产脂优树的鉴别是湿地松产脂性状改良 分ꎻ(2)树脂质量流速与松脂组分之间的关系ꎻ(3)
的关键一环ꎬ传统的方法是通过下降式割脂法来 产脂性状在湿地松无性系间是否存在差异ꎮ