Page 28 - 《广西植物》2024年第5期
P. 28

8 1 6                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
              ( 1. College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture of South China Agricultural Universityꎬ Guangzhou 510642ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. CFERN Guangdong
                      Ehuangzhang National Field Observation and Research Stationꎬ Yangjiang 529631ꎬ Guangdongꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Guangdong
                         Academy of Forestryꎬ Guangzhou 510520ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4. Guangdong Yangchun Ehuangzhang Provincial Nature
                                      Reserve Management Officeꎬ Yangjiang 529631ꎬ Guangdongꎬ China )

                 Abstract: To analyze the community characteristics of tropical monsoon forests with different succession stagesꎬ four
                 different plant communities named Aꎬ Bꎬ Cꎬ and D were investigated in this studyꎬ respectivelyꎬ in a typical monsoon
                 forest of Ehuangzhang in Yangchunꎬ Guangdong Province. The species compositionꎬ biodiversity and spatial structure
                 were analyzedꎬ their maturity levels’ differences were deteminedꎬ succession direction was predictedꎬ and suggestions
                 for optimization were put forward. The results were as follows: (1) The forest layers of the four communities were
                 single. Small diameter at breast height (DBH) class trees and lower forest dominated these communitiesꎬ owning 1-3
                 obvious dominant species. (2) The Shannon ̄Wiener index ranged from 2.72 to 3.74ꎬ Simpson index from 0.90 to 0.97ꎬ
                 and Pielou evenness index from 0. 74 to 0. 89ꎬ suggesting that their diversity characteristics were significant
                 differences. (3) Their dominance ranged from 0.49 to 0.51ꎬ uniform angle from 0.56 to 0.61ꎬ mingling from 0.54 to
                 0.83ꎬ forest spatial structure index from 60.57 to 71.44ꎬ forest spatial structure distance from 53.15 to 68.53. (4) The
                 analysis of community basic characteristicsꎬ diversity characteristics and spatial structural characteristics indicated that
                 the maturity levels in all community ranked D > A > C > B. In conclusionꎬ four communities are currently in the pre ̄ or
                 mid ̄term succession stages and the development space of DBH and tree height is large. The four communities are in the
                 moderate growth state. All trees show a slight aggregated distributionꎬ and the tree species are moderatelyꎬ strongly or
                 very strongly mingling. Besidesꎬ there is a distance in spatial structure between four communities and ideal forest with
                 the development of maturity levels. The four communities continue to succession with intolerant tree species as the main
                 dominant tree speciesꎬ and gradually and preliminarily have the typical vegetation characteristics of the district forest
                 climax community. With the development of maturity levelsꎬ the four communities’ biodiversity and mingling will
                 increaseꎬ the spatial structure will be optimized and the stability will be enhanced. The results of this study provide
                 scientific basis for community construction mechanism and forest structure optimization. In the futureꎬ Ehuangzhang
                 tropical monsoon forests should be more regulated and protectedꎬ while the ecology of vegetation and biodiversity
                 conservation in the area should be widely monitored and studied in depth.
                 Key words: high rainfallꎬ successionꎬ importance valueꎬ community structureꎬ biodiversityꎬ spatial structure

                植物群落是环境长期变化下不同植物相互作                            用非 空 间 结 构 与 叶 级 谱 和 生 活 型 ( 易 慧 琳 等ꎬ

            用和 适 应 的 生 态 复 合 体 ( Jernvall & Forteliusꎬ         2017)等参数进行结合分析ꎬ然而在演替过程中空
            2004)ꎮ 群落结构决定其功能与稳定性ꎬ群落的物                          间结构起到了重要作用ꎮ 森林空间结构是指林木
            种组成、径级结构和多样性指数等组成非空间结                              的分布格局及其属性在空间上的排列方式ꎬ与非
            构ꎬ反映群落结构变化ꎬ是研究植被生态学的基础                             空间结构共同构成林分结构( 惠刚盈ꎬ2013)ꎬ依靠
            (刘静等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 对植物群落特征的深入分析和                          角尺度、混交度、大小比数和密集度等指标ꎬ量化
            研究ꎬ可以评价群落的发展现状及预测其演替进                              地反映林木的空间生态位、竞争势以及群落内各
            程ꎮ 目前ꎬ关于我国热带季雨林的群落特征已有                             物种的空间关系ꎮ 空间结构不仅很大程度上决定
            部分研究结果报道ꎮ 例如ꎬ杜家贤等(2020) 指出                         了森林生态系统的功能与稳定( 惠刚盈和 Gadowꎬ
            海南锥+黄牛木群落正处于演替初期阶段ꎬ并且在                             2003)ꎬ还能够揭示森林生态系统演替规律( 邵芳
            无人为破坏的情况下将演替为地带性山地雨林ꎻ                              丽等ꎬ2011)ꎬ为森林结构优化及可持续经营提供
            谭一波等(2015)研究发现红锥天然林处于稳定增                           科学依据(惠刚盈和 Gadowꎬ2003)ꎮ 例如ꎬ张亚昊
            长阶段ꎬ正向地带性顶极群落演替ꎬ进程接近于西                             等(2021)指出马尾松人工林群落内的物种隔离程
            双版纳热带山地雨林ꎮ                                         度(混交 度) 随 着 演 替 的 进 行 而 增 大ꎻ 袁 星 明 等
                 目前ꎬ对于群落演替进程的划分ꎬ相关研究常                          (2022)结合空间结构综合指数得出湿地松-樟树
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