Page 70 - 《广西植物》2024年第7期
P. 70

1 2 7 0                                广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 Abstract: Camellia chekiangoleosa has high oil concentration and oleic acid contentꎬ while C. semiserrata has strong growth
                 vigor and resistance. In order to make the utmost of the advantages of C. chekiangoleosa and C. semiserrata and cultivate
                 excellent germplasm materialsꎬ the phenotypic traits of 45 F hybrid progenies of C. chekiangoleosa and C. semiserrata were
                 analyzed to grasp the phenotypic traits of the hybrid progenies. In additionꎬ SSR markers were used to identify hybridsꎬ and
                 SSR markers that could be used to identify the hybrid progenies of oil tea were screened. The results were as follows:(1)
                 The F hybrids of C. chekiangoleosa × C. semiserrata showed tall tree and rapid growthꎬ and their leaf veinsꎬ sepals and
                 stigmas were all tended to the traits of the male parent C. semiserrataꎬ while flower and leaf morphologies and other traits
                 were similar to the female parent C. chekiangoleosaꎬ and the characteristics of leaf color and size were between those of the
                 parents. (2) From the 32 SSR markersꎬ eight fully complementary markers that could distinguish parents and determine the
                 origin of offspring were screened out for identification of hybrid progeniesꎬ among which the hybrid identification rates of
                 seven markers were as high as 100%ꎬ and the hybrid identification rate of one marker was 55.56%. And 45 hybrid progenies
                 were all true hybrids identified by the complementarity of eight markers. (3) The eight SSR markers were used to verify the
                 ability to identify the hybrid progeniesꎬ indicating that it is feasible to use these SSR markers to identify the authenticity of
                 the hybrid progenies of oil tea. This study results provide a reference for interspecies cross breeding of oil teaꎬ and also
                 provide a reference for the SSR marker identification of hybrids of oil tea.
                 Key words: Camellia chekiangoleosaꎬ hybrid progeny identificationꎬ SSR markersꎬ phenotypic traitsꎬ cross breeding

                油茶泛指山茶科山茶属植物中具有较高油用                            子代ꎮ 周盛等(2001)研究表明油茶物种间的杂交
            价值的木本油料作物ꎬ其茶油中含有大量对人体有                             子代性状多表现为双亲性状中间型ꎬ但有倾向于
            益的油酸、亚油酸以及生育酚、角鲨烯等活性物质ꎬ                            某一亲本的趋势ꎮ 杨志玲等(2004) 以浙江红花油
            是一种优质的功能性食用油 ( 罗晓岚和朱文鑫ꎬ                            茶为母本与其他红山茶组物种进行杂交发现ꎬ浙
            2010ꎻ秦声远等ꎬ2018ꎻ田仟仟等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 浙江红花                    江红花油茶与广宁红花油茶的杂交组合获得的杂
            油 茶 ( Camellia chekiangoleosa) 和 广 宁 红 花 油 茶       交结实率最高ꎮ 目前ꎬ浙江红花油茶与广宁红花
            (C. semiserrata) 是油茶中的主栽品种( 孙佩光等ꎬ                  油茶的杂交子代性状情况相关研究未见报道ꎮ
            2012)ꎮ 浙江红花油茶又名浙江红山茶ꎬ喜夏凉、冬                             油茶属虫媒异花授粉植物ꎬ其遗传杂合度高ꎬ
            寒、不耐热ꎬ主要分布于江西、浙江、湖南、湖北、皖                           存在杂交育种周期长以及杂交过程中易发生混杂
            南等山区海拔 600 ~ 1 400 m 的山地ꎮ 广宁红花油                    致使 F 子代出现假子代等问题ꎮ SSR 标记是共显
            茶ꎬ即南山茶ꎬ喜温暖湿润ꎬ耐半阴ꎬ具有较强的生                            性标记ꎬ对二倍体材料扩增后ꎬ可根据 F 子代基因
            长势ꎬ主要分布于广东和广西ꎮ 与其他油茶物种相                            型来鉴定真假子代ꎮ 表现具有双亲特征条带或具
            比ꎬ无论是种仁脂肪酸含量ꎬ还是种仁营养成分价                             父本特征条带的子代样本为真杂种ꎬ而只表现为
            值ꎬ红花油茶都有着较大的优势ꎬ尤其是浙江红花                             母本特征条带无父本特征条带的为假杂种( 胡文
            油茶ꎬ其油酸含量平均在 80%以上ꎬ种仁含油率在                           舜等ꎬ2015)ꎮ 有学者认为浙江红花油茶是宛田红
            60%以上ꎬ显著高于普通油茶(含量 40%左右) (吴                        花油茶或广宁红花油茶演化到山茶品种群的过渡
            雪辉等ꎬ2016ꎻ周文才等ꎬ2019ꎻ贺义昌等ꎬ2020)ꎬ而                    物种ꎬ 又 或 是 广 宁 红 花 油 茶 到 香 港 红 山 茶 ( C.
            种仁含油率和油酸含量是产量和品质的重要指标ꎮ                             hongkongensis) 演化过程中一个至 关 重 要 的 物 种
            此外ꎬ其相对含量高低不受果实采收时期的影响ꎬ                             (Yusukeꎬ1988)ꎬ这就不难解释自然条件下浙江红
            具有高产稳产的特性ꎬ为高种仁含油率、高品质的                             花油茶与广宁红花油茶等近缘种间的生殖隔离不
            油茶优良材料(田潇潇等ꎬ2018ꎻ周文才等ꎬ2019)ꎮ                       明显ꎬ会产生杂交子代的现象( 顾志建和孙先凤ꎬ
                 杂交育种试验成本低、后代性状分离广且杂                           1997)ꎮ 另外ꎬ在实施人工杂交育种的过程中也存
            交子代兼具双亲优良性状ꎬ是培育油茶新品种的                              在外来花粉污染造成子代混杂的可能ꎬ而明确 F
            重要途径(李凌ꎬ2016)ꎮ 因此ꎬ利用油用性状优良                         子代的真实性是构建遗传图谱、开展子代测定等
            的浙江红花油茶与生长势和抗性强的广宁红花油                              的前提(周文才等ꎬ2015)ꎮ 因此ꎬ有必要对杂交子
            茶进行杂交ꎬ有望培育性状更加优良的高产杂交                              代进行早期鉴定ꎬ以提高育种效率ꎬ节约成本ꎮ
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