Page 31 - 《广西植物》2025年第1期
P. 31
1 期 王其刚等: 中甸刺玫的叶绿体基因组特征及种内变异 2 7
以 NCBI 序列号 MG450565.1 的中甸刺玫叶绿体基因组参照ꎬ 用线连接的颜色相同的块表示局部共线块ꎮ
The chloroplast genome of R. praelucens with the NCBI accession No. MG450565.1 is used as the referenceꎬ the local collinear blocks are
represented by blocks of the same color connected by line.
图 3 中甸刺玫种内代表性植株的叶绿体基因组 Mauve 比对
Fig. 3 Mauve alignment of the chloroplast genomes of representative Rosa praelucens plants