Page 74 - 《广西植物》2025年第1期
P. 74
7 0 广 西 植 物 45 卷
Abstract: Halophila beccarii is one of the sea grass species with a global risk of extinction and is listed as a vulnerable
(VL) species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). To provide scientific evidence for the
conservationꎬ managementꎬ and restoration of the threatening seagrass H. beccariiꎬ the temporal and spatial distribution
pattern and their relationship between the soil seed bank and the sexual reproduction (male and female flowers density)
of H. beccarii along the coasts of South China were studied. The results were as follows: (1) There were significant
differences in densities of the male flower and the female flower between the sampling sitesꎬ with notably higher densities
at Yifengxi and Zhao’an than other sites. And these monitored parameters exhibited marked seasonal fluctuationsꎬ with a
peak in spring or autumn. (2) The highest soil seed bank density was observed at Huachangwanꎬ followed by Yangpuꎬ
while relatively low densities were investigated at other sites. Moreoverꎬ soil seed bank densities exhibited considerable
heterogeneity and seasonal changes across all sites. (3) Linear regression analysis results revealed a significant negative
correlation between soil seed bank density and male flower density(P<0.05)ꎬ while the correlation with female flower
density was not significant(P>0.05). (4) Seasonal change was the primary factor influencing soil seed bank density in
H. beccarii based on the results of the structural equation modeling (SEM). The direct effect of seasonal changes on soil
seed bank density (0.16) was greater than the indirect effects (0.008). This research is of great significance for a deeper
understanding of the establishmentꎬ renewalꎬ and reproductive mechanisms of the H. beccarii population.
Key words: seagrassꎬ Halophila beccariiꎬ soil seed bank densityꎬ male flower densityꎬ female flower densityꎬ structural
equation modeling (SEM)
土壤种子库是植物种群更新、定居、存活、繁 长速度快、种群周转速率快、种群变化大、形态矮
衍和扩散的重要基础ꎬ它的存在为植物在将来的 小易受沉积物覆盖等原因ꎬ贝克喜盐草极其重要
演替或遭受干扰和破坏后的再恢复提供繁殖体 的生态功能并未引起重视( 邱广龙等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 贝
(Kebrom & Tesfayeꎬ 2000ꎻ Schwienbacher et al.ꎬ 克喜盐草与所有海草一样ꎬ既可以进行无性繁殖
2010ꎻ 何芳兰等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 土壤种子库中的种子作 也可进行有性繁殖对种群进行更新和延续ꎬ不同
为基因传播的载体ꎬ能促进种群间基因的传递与 生活型所采取的繁殖策略存在较大差异( Zakaria
交流ꎬ为整个种群提供优良性状( 于婷等ꎬ2023)ꎮ et al.ꎬ 2002)ꎮ 其中ꎬ一年生生活型贝克喜盐草种
同时ꎬ土壤种子库能够通过“ 储藏效应” 延长种群 群有性繁殖期主要集中在某几个月内完成ꎬ随后
的存活时间ꎬ在亲本植物死亡之后保障了物种、种 种群进入衰退阶段ꎬ次年待环境条件适宜时储存
群和基因型的延续ꎬ并且随着时间的推移在空间 于土壤中的种子开始萌发、长出新植株ꎬ随后进行
上分布了遗传多样性(Long et al.ꎬ 2015ꎻ Widdig et 种群建立和扩张(Zakaria et al.ꎬ 1999)ꎮ 而多年生
al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 种子库对维持植物群落多样性ꎬ降低 生活型种群其有性繁殖期比较分散ꎬ一年中均能
植物种群灭绝的风险和确保物种延续有着重要意 看到开花结果且种群的更新和延续主要依赖于无
义(Pereira ̄Diniz & Ranalꎬ 2006ꎻ Erfanzadeh et al.ꎬ 性繁 殖 即 根 状 茎 的 水 平 生 长 ( Zakaria et al.ꎬ
2013)ꎮ 1999)ꎮ 因此ꎬ研究贝克喜盐草有性繁殖对深入理
贝克喜盐草(Halophila beccarii) 是所有海草植 解其繁殖和更新机制具有重要意义ꎮ
物中形态最小的种类ꎬ也是所有海草植物中最古 受生活型、环境变化、气候变化等因素影响ꎬ
老的两个谱系之一ꎬ具有极高的保护价值( Short et 贝克喜盐草土壤种子库和繁殖特征在时间和空间
al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 但受全球气候变化和人为干扰等因 尺度上具有较高的异质性( Hosogi & Kameyamaꎬ
素影响ꎬ贝克喜盐草一直处于加速衰退的状态ꎬ已 2004)ꎮ 有研究认为ꎬ种子库的空间异质性主要由
被 世 界 自 然 保 护 联 盟 ( International Union for 种子的输入( 包括种子的散布和扩散) 和输出( 种
Conservation of Natureꎬ IUCN) 列为受威胁物种红 子萌发、腐烂及捕食等) 决定ꎬ而雌花和雄花数量
色名录中的易危物种ꎬ是当前全球面临灭绝风险 对将来种子的输入起决定性作用ꎬ是影响贝克喜
的 10 种海草之一( Short et al.ꎬ 2011)ꎮ 与其他种 盐草土壤种子库特征和分布的重要因素( 罗超ꎬ
类的海草相比ꎬ贝克喜盐草属于小型海草ꎬ由于生 2021)ꎮ 另外ꎬ种子在成熟后的一段时间内种子库