Page 78 - 《广西植物》2025年第1期
P. 78

7 4                                    广  西  植  物                                         45 卷

             不同小写字母表示不同采样点之间贝克喜盐草有性繁殖器官密度存在显著差异 (P<0.05)ꎮ 下同ꎮ
             Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in densities of sexual reproductive organs of Halophila beccarii among different
             sampling sites (P<0.05). The same below.

                           图 2  不同采样点贝克喜盐草有性繁殖器官比较(A、C)及随季节的变化(B、D)
                            Fig. 2  Comparison of sexual reproductive organs of Halophila beccarii at different
                                       sampling sites (Aꎬ C) and seasonal changes (Bꎬ D)

                           图 3  不同采样点贝克喜盐草土壤种子库密度比较(A)及随季节的变化(B)

                               Fig. 3  Comparison of soil seed bank densities of Halophila beccarii among
                                       different sampling sites (A) and seasonal changes (B)
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