Page 107 - 《广西植物》2020年第4期
P. 107

4 期               张林甦等: 阴地蕨全转录组分析及植物激素信号转导相关基因筛选                                           5 4 5

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   THIEL Tꎬ MICHALEK Wꎬ VARSHNEY RKꎬ et al.ꎬ 2003. Ex ̄  ZHAO JHꎬ ZHAO NWꎬWANG PSꎬ et al.ꎬ 2008. Study on the
     ploiting EST databases for the development and characteriza ̄  species and distribution of Adiantum and Botrychiam
     tion of gene ̄derived SSR ̄markers in barley ( Hordeum  medicinal plants from Tujia medicine of Guizhou Province
     vulgare L.) [J]. Theor Appl Genetꎬ 106(3): 411-422.  origin [J]. J Med Pharm Chin Minorꎬ 5: 44-46. [赵俊华ꎬ
   YANG Mꎬ YOU Wꎬ WU Sꎬ et al.ꎬ 2017. Global transcriptome  赵能武ꎬ 王培善ꎬ 等ꎬ 2008. 土家药黔产铁线蕨、阴地蕨科
     analysis of Huperzia serrata and identification of critical genes  药用植物的种类和分布研究 [J]. 中国民族医药杂志ꎬ 5:
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   ZHANG KMꎬ SHEN Yꎬ LIU Yꎬ et al.ꎬ 2016. Research progress                        (责任编辑  何永艳)
     on development and physio ̄ecology of fern gametophytes
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