Page 39 - 《广西植物》2022年第12期
P. 39

12 期                      马宇辰等: 白菜 CesA 基因家族鉴定及表达模式分析                                     2 0 2 9

                                       表 4  白菜 CesA 亚细胞定位预测与二级结构分析
               Table 4  Prediction of subcellular location and secondary structure analysis of CesA in Brassica rapa var. glabra
                                     亚细胞结构定位预测                                        蛋白质二级结构分析
                                  Sbcellular localization prediction             Protein secondary structure analysis
             蛋白质 ID
              Protein ID  质膜            胞浆     线粒体                   Endoplasmic  α-螺旋  延伸链   β-转角   不规则卷曲
                               叶绿体                      液泡    细胞核     reticulum                       Random
                        Plas          Endochy ̄  Mitochon ̄                      α ̄helix  Extended  β ̄turn
                              Chloroplast              Vacuole  Nucleus                                 coil
                      malemma           lema    drion                          (%)   strand (%)  (%)
             Bra023952   11      —      —       —       —       —        2     31.86   15.51   4.89    47.74
             Bra011345   12      —      —       —       —        1      —      32.13   16.67   4.63    46.57
             Bra011865   12      —      —       —       —        1      —      33.71   15.74   5.59    44.97
             Bra010691   7       —       1       1       2       1       1     35.54   24.04   9.06    31.36
             Bra029874   9       —      —       —       —        2       2     32.70   14.63   4.49    48.18
             Bra005845   10      —      —        1      —        2      —      33.27   14.60   4.36    47.77
             Bra028768   11      —      —       —       —        2      —      33.49   14.45   4.69    47.37
             Bra033714   11      —      —       —       —        2      —      35.08   14.54   5.23    45.15
             Bra036008   —       1      —        4      —        8      —      28.04   17.46   8.47    46.03
             Bra006036   13      —      —       —       —       —       —      31.78   15.24   4.28    48.70
             Bra037793   13      —      —       —       —       —       —      31.95   15.14   4.89    48.01
             Bra024324   13      —      —       —       —       —       —      32.75   14.37   4.20    48.68
             Bra031904   13      —      —       —       —       —       —      32.25   14.02   3.73    50.00
             Bra004814   —       8       4      —       —        1      —      16.99   26.14   10.46   46.41
             Bra006407   11      1      —       —       —        1      —      34.53   14.81   3.59    47.06
             Bra012578   12      —      —       —       —        2      —      32.79   14.42   4.77    48.02
              注: 关于亚细胞定位数值根据分选信号、氨基酸组成和功能域数ꎬ经 KNN 算法而得到ꎻ数值表示所占比例ꎻ“—”表示无数值ꎮ
              Note: Values of subcellular localization is obtained according to sorting signalsꎬ amino acid composition and functional motifs from
            KNN. The numerical value represents the proportion columnꎻ — represents the absence of a value.

             横坐标为蛋白序列长度(氨基酸数量)ꎻ 纵坐标为概率ꎮ
             X ̄coordinate is the length of the protein sequence (the number of amino acids)ꎻ Y ̄coordinate is the probability.
                                             图 7  白菜 CesA 蛋白跨膜螺旋预测
                            Fig. 7  Prediction of CesA protein transmembrane helix of Brassica rapa var. glabra
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