Page 107 - 《广西植物》2022年第3期
P. 107

3 期        苏军德等: 甘肃祁连山国家自然保护区植物群落分布格局及其与环境因子的关系                                            4 5 1

       Abstract: The distribution pattern of plant community is the result of the interaction of environmental factors and human
       activitiesꎬ especially the elevation gradient is considered as the decisive factor of the distribution pattern of plant
       community. In order to explore the relationship between plant community distribution pattern and environmental factors
       and its driving mechanism in Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve of Gansu Provinceꎬ the characteristics of plant
       community and its relationship with environmental factors in the study area were disucssedꎬ using quantitative
       classification and DCCA sequencing methods on the basis of field investigation. The results were as follows:(1) There
       were 85 species of seed plants belonging to 30 families and 56 genera in 88 sampling plots of Qilian Mountains National
       Nature Reserve of Gansu Provinceꎬ including twelve species of Gramineaeꎬ nine species of Compositaeꎬ eight species of
       Fabaceaeꎬ six species of Rosaceae and five species of Chenopodiaceaeꎬ accounting for 14.11%ꎬ 10.59%ꎬ 9.41%ꎬ 7.06%
       and 5. 88% of total speciesꎬ respectively. These plants could be classified into nine plant communities throught
       TWINSPAN. (2) Nine plant communities were clustered and distributed on the DCCA sequencing diagramꎬ showing a
       good environmental gradient. Altitude had a great influence on the distribution pattern of plant communitiesꎬ followed by
       precipitationꎬ temperatureꎬ slopeꎬ slope direction and soil humus. (3) Among the variables influencing plant community
       spatial distribution patternꎬ environmental factors accounted for 25.24%ꎬ spatial factors accounted for 13.21%ꎬ space
       factor and environment factor interactions accounted for 9.03%ꎬ 52.52% of the community distribution pattern was not
       accounted by spatial factor and environmental factor sectionꎬ and this part mainly reflected the human activity influence
       on plant community distribution pattern in the study area. The results of this paper are of great significance to the
       ecological restoration of vegetation and the stable maintenance of biodiversity in the region.
       Key words: plant communityꎬ Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve of Gansu Provinceꎬ distribution patternꎬ
       DCCAꎬ altitude

       植被空间分布作为衡量森林生态系统结构和                           种资源库和野生动物迁徙的重要廊道( 丁文广ꎬ

   功能的重要指标(唐志红等ꎬ2020)ꎬ受海拔、温度、                        2019)ꎬ在维护我国西北生态安全和促进区域社会
   降水等众多环境因子的影响( 王金兰等ꎬ2019)ꎬ能                        经济发展方面具有十分重要的作用ꎮ 近年来ꎬ众
   够很好地反映物种组成和群落的结构特征( 张建                            多学 者 对 区 域 内 生 物 多 样 性 ( 温 娅 丽 和 张 虎ꎬ
   贵等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 但近年来ꎬ随着全球气候变暖和人                         2002)、植被 NDVI( 苏军德和李国霞ꎬ2019)、森林
   类活动的加剧ꎬ植被群落面临了诸如生长不良、功                            生态效益(汪有奎等ꎬ2013)等方面进行了研究ꎬ但
   能衰退、稳定性变差等问题ꎬ严重影响了森林生态                            都基于遥感数据ꎬ关于甘肃祁连山自然保护区植
   系统的生态效益及区域经济的协调发展ꎬ同时也                             物群落分布及其与环境因子关系的研究还鲜有报
   受到了 全 社 会 和 科 学 界 的 高 度 关 注ꎮ 李 金 等                道ꎮ 本研究以甘肃祁连山国家自然保护区北坡上
   (2020)运用植物多样性指数及冗余分析ꎬ深入分                          的植物群落为研究对象ꎬ通过实地样方调查并结
   析了阿勒泰小克兰河上游植物的垂直分布格局ꎻ                             合双向指示种分析法ꎬ深入分析区域内植被群落
   单元琪等(2020)通过实地植物样方调查ꎬ发现海                          空间分布格局与其环境因子的关系ꎬ并探索区域
   拔是影响三江平原七星河流域湿地植物多样性的                             内植被群落空间分布的驱动机制ꎬ以期为区域内
   重要因素ꎻ刘梦婷等(2019)研究表明ꎬ森林采伐对                         植被的生态恢复和生物多样性的稳定维持奠定一
   新疆天山云杉林群落分布格局具有十分重要的影                             定的理论基础ꎮ
   响ꎮ 由此可见ꎬ研究植物群落的分布格局及其与
   环境因子的关系ꎬ对深入了解物种的演化趋势、生                            1  材料与方法

   十分重要的意义ꎮ                                          1.1 研究区概况
       甘肃祁连山国家自然保护区地理位置特殊ꎬ                               研究区位于甘肃省祁连山国家自然保护区境
   具有独特而典型的自然生态系统和生物区系ꎬ因                             内ꎬ地处 99°30′ E、38°15′ N(图 1)ꎬ由于远离海洋ꎬ
   其物种丰富(李艳龙等ꎬ2020)ꎬ成为我国生物多样                         长期受西风影响ꎬ具有大陆性高寒半湿润山地气候
   性保护的优先区域ꎬ也是西北地区重要的生物物                             特征(陈童尧等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 年均气温为 6 ℃ꎬ年均降
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