引用本文: | 朱凯立, 叶 康, 宋希强, 秦 俊, 邵 文, 胡永红.基于解剖学的花叶类玉兰光合特性研究[J].广西植物,2024,44(9):1785-1794.[点击复制] |
ZHU Kaili, YE Kang, SONG Xiqiang, QIN Jun, SHAO Wen, HU Yonghong.Photosynthetic characteristics of Yulania denudata with variegated leaf based on anatomy[J].Guihaia,2024,44(9):1785-1794.[点击复制] |
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基于解剖学的花叶类玉兰光合特性研究 |
朱凯立1,2, 叶 康2, 宋希强1, 秦 俊2, 邵 文2, 胡永红1,2*
1. 海南大学 热带农林学院, 海口 570228;2. 上海辰山植物园城市园艺技术研发与推广中心, 上海 201602
摘要: |
为揭示花叶类玉兰光合特性成因,该研究以花叶类玉兰的全绿叶、花叶和全黄叶为试验材料,从叶片光合色素含量、叶片解剖结构、光响应曲线等方面探讨3种类型叶片的解剖结构与光合特性的关系。结果表明:(1)花叶类玉兰的黄色叶斑是由叶绿体结构异常导致叶绿素含量降低而形成的叶绿素型叶斑。(2)花叶类玉兰黄色区域类囊体结构异常,ATP合成受阻,阻碍了光合作用的正常进行。(3)解剖结构显示,全绿叶栅栏组织发达,叶绿体完整性和色素含量均高于花叶和全黄叶,净光合速率较高。(4)全绿叶和花叶的最大净光合速率和光饱和点存在显著性差异,全绿叶较花叶能够耐受更大范围的强光。该研究结果进一步阐明了花叶类玉兰的叶绿体结构影响其光合特性,为花叶类玉兰的优良种质选育提供了参考。 |
关键词: 光合色素, 解剖结构, 叶绿体结构, 光合特性, 相关性分析 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202312053 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)09-1785-10 |
基金项目:上海市农委科技兴农项目 [沪农科推字(2019)第 1-8 号]; 国家林业和草原局野生动植物保护司野生植物保护管理项目( 2019073041); 上海市科委科技创新行动计划项目(19DZ1203500); 上海市绿化和市容管理局科技项目(G212409)。 |
Photosynthetic characteristics of Yulania denudata with variegated leaf based on anatomy |
ZHU Kaili1,2, YE Kang2, SONG Xiqiang1, QIN Jun2, SHAO Wen2, HU Yonghong1,2*
1. School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;2. Urban Horticulture
Research and Extension Center, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China
1. School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China; 2. Urban Horticulture
Research and Extension Center, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China
Abstract: |
To reveal the causes of photosynthetic characteristics of Yulania denudata with variegated leaf, the green leaves, variegated leaves and yellow leaves of Y. denudata with variegated leaf were used as experimental materials. The anatomical structure and photosynthetic characteristics in three types of leaves were compared from the aspects of photosynthetic pigment content, leaf anatomical structure and light response curve. The results were as follows:(1)The yellow leaf spots of Y. denudata with variegated leaf were chlorophyll-type leaf spots formed by the decrease of chlorophyll content due to the abnormal structure of chloroplasts.(2)The structure of thylakoids in the yellow region of Y. denudata with variegated leaf was abnormal, and ATP synthesis was blocked, which hindered the progress of photosynthesis.(3)The anatomical structure showed that the palisade tissue of the green leaf was developed, the chloroplast integrity and pigment content were higher than those of the variegated leaf and the yellow leaf, and the net photosynthetic rate was higher.(4)There were significant differences in the maximum net photosynthetic rate and light saturation point between the green leaf and the variegated leaf, and the green leaf could withstand a wider range of bright light than the variegated leaf. This study further elucidates that the chloroplast structure of Y. denudata with variegated leaf affects its photosynthetic characteristics, and provides a reference for the breeding of excellent germplasm of Y. denudata with variegated leaf. |
Key words: photosynthetic pigment, anatomical structure, chloroplast structure, photosynthetic characteristics, correlation analysis |