Page 65 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 65

1 期                   成梅等: 番荔枝科(Annonaceae)传粉室类型及其演化意义                                      6 1

       whorlsꎬ the number of petals per whorl and the connecting pattern between petalsꎬ lead to annonaceous morphology of
       pollination chamber hightly diversity. The floral structures of 68 of total 107 genera in Annonaceae were reported to
       date. According to the closed degree of the pollination chamber during anthesisꎬ pollination chambers of the 68 genera
       were classified into three types: open typeꎬ partially closed type and tightly closed type to research the evolution of polli ̄
       nation chambers in Annonaceae. The results were as follows: (1) 24 genera existing the open type pollination chamberꎻ
       38 genera existing the partially closed type and 26 genera existing the tightly closed type. Approximately 17 genera con ̄
       tain two or three types of pollination chamber. (2) Different pollination chamber types had correspondent relationships
       with different pollinators. The bees and flies mainly pollinated for the species with open pollination chamberꎬ as well as
       for the species that had partially closed and tightly closed chambers with larger space of chamber. The thrips mainly pol ̄
       linated partially closed and tightly closed species. (3) Old ̄tropics and Neotropics were the distribution center of Anno ̄
       naceae. The species distributed in Old ̄tropics were very abundant but the types of chambers and pollinators were very
       unitary. The species distributed in Neotropics were fewerꎬ but the types of chambers and pollinators were various.
       Previous studies have suggested that Africa is the origin center of Annonaceae. Open pollination chamber mainly distribu ̄
       ted in African tropicsꎬ and commonly existed in earlier differentiate generaꎬ which pollinated by small beetles. It was
       considered that open pollination chamber was the ancestral trait in Annonaceaeꎻ partially closed type distributed in African
       tropicsꎬ Asian tropics and American tropicsꎻ and tightly closed type mainly distributed in Asian tropics. Pollinators of the
       both had diversities. Thereforeꎬ the chambers of partially closed and tightly closed are more derived in Annonaceae.
       Key words: Annonaceaeꎬ pollination chamberꎬ typeꎬ pollinationꎬ evolution

   1  番荔枝科概况                                         2  传粉室分类研究现状与意义

       番荔枝科(Annonaceae)是基部被子植物木兰目                        花瓣的大小、轮数及每轮花瓣数、花瓣间的连
   (Magnoliales) 中较进化且物种数最多的科ꎮ 根据                    合方式、花部运动等都决定传粉室的形态建成( Li
   Guo et al. (2017) 的系统发育分为 4 亚科ꎬ107 属ꎬ             et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎬ而这些性状在番荔枝科植物中高度
   2 400多 种ꎮ 4 个 亚 科 分 别 为 蒙 蒿 子 亚 科 ( Anax ̄         多样ꎬ这是该科植物传粉室形态多样化的主要原
   agoreoideae )、  Ambavioideae、  番 荔 枝 亚 科          因ꎮ 传粉室多样性反映了番荔枝科花部形态多样
   (Annonoideae)和 Malmeoideaeꎮ 番荔枝科泛热带分              性ꎬ而对复杂多样的形态结构进行归类是研究番

   布ꎬ是热带植物区系主要科之一(Kesslerꎬ 1993)ꎮ                    荔枝科传粉室演化的重要前提ꎮ 关于番荔枝科传
       番荔枝科植物为典型的两性花ꎬ雌雄异熟且                           粉室 分 类 的 研 究 非 常 少ꎬ 目 前 仅 有 的 报 道 是

   雌性先熟ꎻ萼片与花瓣分化明显ꎻ花被片多 2 轮ꎬ
                                                     Saunders (2010)根据形成传粉室的花瓣的形状、
   少数 1 轮ꎬ每轮 3ꎬ内轮与外轮分化明显ꎮ 该科植
   物的传粉室( pollination chamber) 使其花部结构显
                                                     室分为 0-Ⅶ种类型ꎬ0 型开花期花瓣完全伸展不
   著 区 别 于 其 他 科 植 物ꎮ 传 粉 室 是 Gottsberger
                                                     形成传粉室ꎻI 型由几乎直立的花瓣形成ꎬ花瓣边
                                                     形成ꎻⅢ型由顶端聚合的内轮花瓣组成ꎻIV 型由边
   构ꎮ 现存的被子植物中ꎬ肉豆蔻科( Myristicaceae)
                                                     缘聚合的船形内轮花瓣形成ꎻV 型由顶端开口的
   ( Armstrong & Drummondꎬ 1986 )、 龙 脑 香 科
                                                     碗状花冠形成ꎻVI 型由顶端覆瓦状的内轮花瓣形
   ( Dipterocarpaceae)(Momose et al.ꎬ 1998)和天南星
   科(Araceae) ( Youngꎬ 1986) 等均有类似传粉室的
   结构(Roubik et al.ꎬ 2005)ꎮ 与其他科植物相对保
                                                     的花冠筒组成ꎮ 此外ꎬ邵云云 (2017) 研究了番荔
                                                     枝科 10 属 12 种植物的花部结构特征及其传粉生
   样(Saundersꎬ 2010)ꎮ
                                                     物学ꎬ 认为番荔枝科传粉室与传粉者存在协同进
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