Page 72 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 72
6 8 广 西 植 物 40 卷
番荔枝科在中国分布有 24 属ꎬ图中标出了 22 属的中文名ꎬ剩余的林冠木属(Cyathostemma)和娄林果属(Rollinia) 分别被并入紫
玉盘属(Uvaria)和番荔枝属(Annona)中(Li & Gilbertꎬ 2013)ꎮ 分类系统引用 Guo et al.(2017)ꎮ 由于 Melodorum(半闭合型传粉
室)、Brieya(半闭合型传粉室)和 Froesiodendron(闭合型传粉室)3 属缺乏样本ꎬ因此该系统没有这 3 属植物ꎮ
Annonaceae had 24 genera distributed in China. There noted Chinese names of 22 generaꎬ and Cyathostemma and Rollinia were correspondingly
transferred to Uvaria and Annona (Li & Gilbertꎬ 2013). Phylogeny adapted from Guo et al.(2017). Melodorum (Partially closed pollination
chamber)ꎬ Brieya (Partially closed pollination chamber) and Froesiodendron (Tightly closed pollination chamber) not yet sampled. Thereforeꎬ
these three genera were not included in the phylogeny.
图 1 番荔枝科各属的传粉室类型
Fig. 1 Different types of pollination chamber in different genra of Annonaceae