Page 76 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 76

7 2                                   广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       Abstract: As an important ethnical medicinal plant in Chinaꎬ Gaultheria leucocarpa var. yunnanensis is a taxonomically
       difficult complex and widely distributed throughout south of the Yangtze River. In order to understand its intraspecific re ̄
       lationshipꎬ we sampled 241 individuals in 81 populations of G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis complex (i.e.ꎬ G. leucocarpa
       var. crenulataꎬ G. leucocarpa var. psilocarpa and G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis) representing all Chinese varieties and
       covering almost recorded distribution ranges in China. One population of G. leucocarpa var. psilocarpa from the Philip ̄
       pines and one population of G. leucocarpa var. leucocarpa from Malaysia were also included. Based on the data from two
       plastid DNA loci with variable sites in appropriate numberꎬ i.e.ꎬ rpl33 ̄psaJ and trnL ̄rpl32ꎬ we reconstructed phyloge ̄
       netic trees using both Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference methodsꎬ and phylogenetic network using Neighbor ̄
       Net method. The results were as follows: There was a distinct genetic differentiation in the G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis

       complexꎬ and this differentiation was more correlated with geographical distribution rather than morphology. This complex
       was mainly divided into three clades. One clade was composed of populations from Taiwan of China and the Davao del
       Sur of Philippines that were previously categorized as G. leucocarpa var. psilocarpaꎻ one clade included populations of the
       G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis and G. leucocarpa var. crenulata with a distribution in the Hengduan Mountains regionꎻ
       and the remaining clade included the populations mainly distributed in the southeastern range of Chinaꎬ which was com ̄
       posed of G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis and G. leucocarpa var. crenulata as well. Molecular evidence supported G. leuco ̄
       carpa var. psilocarpa was treated as a variety but did not support G. leucocarpa var. crenulata as a variety. Such genetic
       differentiation pattern may be caused by geographical isolation. This result lays a basic taxonomic framework for the
       evaluation and protection of germplasm resources for this ethnical medicinal plant. Howeverꎬ the relationships among
       populations of G. leucocarpa var. yunnanensis has not been well resolved in this study. In particularꎬ it is still unable to
       clarify genetic differentiation pattern among most populations in Southeast China. Thereforeꎬ it is necessary to further car ̄
       ry out phylogeographic study at population level using higher variable nuclear markers in future.
       Key words: Gaultheria leucocarpa var. yunnanensis complexꎬ cpDNAꎬ phylogenyꎬ intraspecific genetic differenceꎬ in ̄
       traspecific delimitationꎬ geographic isolation

       滇白珠(Gaultheria leucocarpa var. yunnanensis)   (G. hookeri)、尾叶白珠( G. griffithiana) 等ꎬ因其不
   是白果白珠( G. leucocarpa) 的变种ꎬ隶属于杜鹃花                  同程度地含有水杨酸甲酯而被混作滇白珠的基原
   科(Ericaceae) 越桔亚科( Vaccinioideae) 白珠树族            使用(乔文林ꎬ2013)ꎮ 但是ꎬ这些植物均不含重要
   (Gaultherieae) 白 珠 树 属 ( Gaultheria Kalm & L.)    抗炎活性成分—滇白 珠 树 苷 ( Gaultherin) ( Liu et
   (Kron et al.ꎬ 2002)ꎮ 在国内广泛分布于长江流域                 al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ 上述 4 种植物与滇白珠在形态上具有
   以南各省区ꎬ包括台湾岛和海南岛ꎬ生长在海拔                             明显差异ꎬ容易辨识ꎬ药源鉴定不会造成较大困
   3 500 m 以下的针阔混交林下ꎮ 滇白珠是我国重                        难ꎮ 然而ꎬ滇白珠基原本身的次生代谢产物种类
   要的民族药用植物ꎬ为很多地区( 特别是西南地                            及含量差异性较大ꎬ赵玉娟等(2002)、马小军等
   区)的白族、彝族、侗族、傈僳族、苗族、纳西族、水                          (2002)、乔文林(2013)、Liu et al.(2015)等对不同
   族、瑶族、壮族、布依族 10 个民族习用(马小军等ꎬ                        基原 / 产地的滇白珠开展了化学成分相关研究ꎬ发
   2001)ꎮ 滇白珠也是我国医药界的战略性资源ꎬ市                         现化合物及其含量具有显著地域性差异ꎬ为该植
   场需求广泛ꎬ该植物含多种化学成分ꎬ目前被开发                            物的资源开发利用提供了一定的理论参考ꎮ 但
   的相关药物有主治眩晕症的‘ 滇白珠糖浆’ ( 批准                         是ꎬ这些工作主要聚焦在药物化学成分含量的研
   文号:国药准字 Z20040088)、治疗风湿肿痛的‘ 金                     究上ꎬ却往往忽略了基原调查ꎬ以及生物学( 包括
   骨莲片’ ( 批准文号:国药准字 Z20080203)、具有                    遗传学)特性与地理分布关系的研究ꎮ
   活血祛瘀、消肿止痛功效的‘复方透骨香软膏’ ( 批                             就滇白珠本身而言ꎬ虽然该植物形态变异不
   准文号:国药准字 Z20026850) 等ꎻ其枝、叶富含芳                     大但是遗传分化显著(陆露ꎬ2009)ꎬ是一个分类困
   香油(水杨酸甲酯ꎬ为 0.5% ~ 0.8%)ꎬ是工业化提                     难的复合群ꎬ是水平和垂直空间分布最广的国产

   取精油的良好原料ꎮ                                         白珠树属植物ꎬ其余的种均集中分布于喜马拉雅-
       与滇白珠同属于白珠树属的芳香白珠( G. fra ̄                     横断山区( Fang & Stevensꎬ2005)ꎮ 除了滇白珠以
   grantissima)、五雄白珠( G. semi ̄infera)、红粉白珠           外ꎬ白果白珠还包括其他 5 个变种ꎬ我国境内有毛
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