Page 12 - 《广西植物》2020年第10期
P. 12
10 期 洪欣等: 钟冠报春苣苔(Primulina swinglei)(苦苣苔科)的分类鉴定 1 3 9 5
2017ꎻ Turland et al.ꎬ 2018). During our research on type Ruyuan Countyꎬ Wuyang Townꎬ 18 October 1936ꎬ Y. Li
specimens of P. swingleiꎬ we found that two or more 2014 (IBSC)ꎻ no specific localityꎬ no exact collection
collections or two specimens were simultaneously timeꎬ X. R. Liang 69669 ( IBK). Guangxi Zhuang
designated as typesꎬ without indicating the holotype in the Autonomous Region: Qinzhou Cityꎬ 8 July 1912ꎬ
protologue. The lectotype for P. swinglei are also named K. K. Tsoong 1980 ( IBSC )ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ
here since this taxon was published based on syntypesꎬ Naliang Townꎬ 7 July 1917ꎬ K. K. Chung s. n. (IBSC)ꎻ
without mentioning the holotype. no specific localityꎬ 15 May 1924ꎬ Kwangsi Mus. 254
(IBSC)ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ Shiwandashan Mt.ꎬ 14
2 Materials and Methods July 1937ꎬ X. R. Liang 69669 ( IBSC )ꎻ Wuming
Countyꎬ Matou Townꎬ 1 September 1958ꎬ Y. C. Chen
2.1 Field investigation and specimen examination 785 (IBK)ꎻ Nanningꎬ Medicine Hort. Gardenꎬ 28 May
We have conducted fieldwork in Guangxi and 1964ꎬ X. C. Huang 00085 (GXMI)ꎻ Wuming Countyꎬ
Guangdong of China ( including the type localities of Matou Townꎬ 25 June 1965ꎬ X. C. Huangꎬ H. R. Zhuꎬ
Primulina laxiflora and P. swinglei) and North Vietnam C. Y. Xie 3814 (GXMIꎬ PE)ꎻ Nanning Cityꎬ Medicine
since 2012. During the floristic field surveysꎬ we Hort. Gardenꎬ 21 April 1975ꎬ G. Y. Yang 7007
observed living plants and collected specimens. (GXMG)ꎻ Lingshan Countyꎬ Taiping Townꎬ 11 July
Numerous new populations of P. swinglei were 1977ꎬ Lingshanzu 1 - 4041 ( GXMI )ꎻ no specific
discovered during these field trips. Plants from different localityꎬ 25 June 1978ꎬ Chengjunzu 00624 ( GXMI)ꎻ
populations have been regularly monitored in the field Shanglin Countyꎬ Dafeng Townꎬ 2 July 1978ꎬ
since their discovery. Furthermoreꎬ some plants were Shanglindui 2-725 (GXMI)ꎻ Nanning Cityꎬ Medicine
collected to carry out cultivation experiments (Groot et Hort. Gardenꎬ 4 July 1979ꎬ Z. Y. Niꎬ M. L. Chen 8028
al.ꎬ 2018) in the nursery of the Gesneriad Conservation (GXMG)ꎻ Nanning Cityꎬ Medicine Hort. Gardenꎬ 1
Center of China (GCCC) in Guangxi Institute of Botany September 1981ꎬ X. H. Lu 9032 ( GXMG)ꎻ Nanning
by the authors over the past six years. We also checked Cityꎬ Medicine Hort. Gardenꎬ 22 October 1981ꎬ Z.
specimens ( including type specimens ) from the Y. Ni 9035 ( GXMG)ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ Fulong
following herbaria: Aꎬ Eꎬ GHꎬ HNꎬ IBKꎬ IBSCꎬ Kꎬ Townꎬ 9 July 2010ꎬ Shiwandashancaijidui 2672 (IBK)ꎻ
MOꎬ PEꎬ UC and VMN ( abbreviations follow Thiers Fangchenggang Cityꎬ Fulong Townꎬ 10 July 2010ꎬ
2015). All morphological characters were studied using Shiwandashancaijidui 2723 (IBK)ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ
a dissecting microscope ( SZX16ꎬ Olympusꎬ Tokyoꎬ Fulong Townꎬ 11 July 2010ꎬ Shiwandashancaijidui 2791
Japan). Additionallyꎬ photos of the whole plants and (IBK)ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ Dongzhong Townꎬ 19 July
flowers were taken with a digital camera (X ̄H1ꎬ Fujiꎬ 2010ꎬ Shiwandashancaijidui 3191 ( IBK )ꎻ Wuming
Sendaiꎬ Japan). Characters were described using the Countyꎬ Daming Mountainꎬ 9 August 2010ꎬ L. Wuꎬ
terminology presented by Wang et al. (1998). R. H. Jiangꎬ et al. D0839 ( IBK)ꎻ Wuming Countyꎬ
2.2 Specimens examined Daming Mountainꎬ 10 August 2010ꎬ L. Wuꎬ R. H.
Primulina swinglei: CHINA. Guangdong Jiangꎬ et al. D0919 (IBK)ꎻ Wuming Countyꎬ Daming
Province: Huizhou Cityꎬ Boluo Countyꎬ Luofu Mountainꎬ 7 July 2011ꎬ L. Wuꎬ S. L. Jin D2566
Mountainꎬ 16 August 1917ꎬ C. O. Levine 1538 (IBSCꎻ (IBK)ꎻ Fangchenggang Cityꎬ Nasuo Townꎬ 1 August
GH)ꎻ Boluo Countyꎬ Luofu Mountainꎬ 28 July 1930ꎬ 2012ꎬ W. B. Xuꎬ Y. S. Huang 11713 ( IBK)ꎻ Rong
N. Q. Chen 41431 ( IBSC )ꎻ Boluo Countyꎬ Luofu Countyꎬ 24 March 2015ꎬ W. B. Xu 12124 ( IBK).
Mountainꎬ 13 Junuary 1935ꎬ L. Deng 331 ( IBSC)ꎻ VIETNAM. Ton Kinꎬ Mont. Baviꎬ près de Van ̄Maouꎬ